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Digest Number 231

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Thanks for that posting, amy.


I used to work in marketing for the Hain Celestial Group and I can tell you

that I, and the assistant I hired, were the ONLY VEGETARIANS in the

company - from what I could tell. And now that we're not there anymore,

not sure that there's anyone left there to promote the wants and needs of



H-C is a big, corporate, money-making machine. They view vegans as too

small a population to warrant marketing to them.


I'm not writing this to discourage you from activism. Just had to chime in

with my 2-cents as I was on the inside and can speak firsthand on the issue.



email hain celestial group to veganize their vegetarian foods and remove

ingredients such as sodium caseinate from their seasoned grain products

(casbah), etc..











Sunday, June 09, 2002 1:04 PM

[sFBAVeg] Digest Number 231



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There are 10 messages in this issue.


Topics in this digest:


1. How in the HECK did I become a vegie?

Thomas Robertson <tjjuggle

2. SF Alemany Farmer's Market

" Tammy " <tammy

3. Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

4. Continued: Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

5. email hain celestial group to veganize their vegetarian foods

" amy lynn (veggie grrrl) " <amy

6. Vandals leave deer carcasses at Pleasanton High School

" Christine Morrissey " <empress_bean

7. Is rodeo a tribute to the Wild West or cruel exploitation?

" Christine Morrissey " <empress_bean

8. Re: Animal Experimentation (I need ammo)

Janice Rothstein <gata

9. last call, Bargains for June 9 Silent Auction Bids

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

10. RE: Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30

" Tammy " <govegan






Message: 1

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 12:30:35 -0700 (PDT)

Thomas Robertson <tjjuggle

How in the HECK did I become a vegie?


Been reading these posts for months now and thought

you might like to hear where I come from.


Do any of you guys stand outside of circuses and

protest? You may be wondering if your actions do

much... I used to work for a circus as a clown and

physical laborer (now I'm a software engineer, go

figure). My first (failed) attempt at going

vegetarian was a direct result of seeing the treatment

of the animals on a daily basis, and from my

interaction with people like you, the protestors who

stood outside and made a fuss over an industry which

is cruely exploting animals.


I think the first seed was planted when I saw the

elephant trainer watching the elephant eat potatoes.

He had a whip in one hand and his other hand didn't

leave the butt of his gun. I understood why he did

that when one of the other clowns told me about the

track record of circus elephants. He informed me of

the deaths which the elephants cause, even gave me a

graphic description of how he saved a midget (sorry,

don't know of an alternate word if that offends

anyone) by pulling him out from under an elephant who

was about to do a hand stand on him after it knocked

him over (one of the major ways which circus elephants

kill people). And this one was not an elephant to be

trusted, acording to the other workers at the

circus... Did I mention that this elephant was not

used in the show? No, this elephant was the one which

little children could pay money to pet and ride on.


Well, I've turned vegie once again (it was hard being

raised in the south and being used to my three

portions of meat a day). It's been 2.5 or so months

and I haven't looked back. I've discovered the joys

of exciting types of beans, the delisious taste of

falafel, and that I actually DO like vegetables like

lettuce and tomatoe and such. Oh yes, and after

tasting Silk, I can't imagine going back to the boring

old flavor of milk ever again. Maybe next year going

vegan will be on the agenda.


Thank you S.F. bay area, for being so vegie friendly

and helping me to achieve my dream which started 4

years ago with an elephant and gun.




T.J. Robertson

VI Technology




- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup








Message: 2

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 14:45:23 -0700

" Tammy " <tammy

SF Alemany Farmer's Market


Hi all,


In SF on Alemany @ the junction of Highways 101 & 280 is Saturday's a big

area used as a Farmer's Market & Sunday is a flea market. The Farmer's

Market has actually been in operation since 1947, but today was the first

time I've ever gone to it. (More info: http://www.ci.sf.ca.us/alemany/)


There were a LOT of produce vendors (I'd have to guess at least 40-50!) and

the entire area was filled with shoppers. I like to buy organic, especially

for fresh fruits & veggies. I saw only 3-4 organic vendors today, and they

only had fruit. The organic fruit was well-priced, nectarines/white peaches

$1 lb (fruit was smallish), other vendors had it for $1.50-$2/lb.. cherries

were $1.50+/lb


Does anyone shop here on a regular basis? Is this typical? I used to

frequent the Thursday/Daly City Farmer's Market last Fall and while its a

much smaller market, they had a better organic selection.





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Message: 3

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 15:28:58 -0700 (PDT)

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30


SF, CA restaurant on Clement and 10th Ave


(now there's no mix up with the " other " veggie

restaurant that's 9 blocks away)


they sold their business to a regular Vietnamese



They are currently looking for a new location, maybe

in the Chinatown area.


This is a surprise since I was dining there only 2

weeks ago. I guess until the sale is finalized, they

can't inform their customers any news.


Thanks to this great list, folks are able to find out

" surprises " like this before they happen. It's a

bummer to see ANOTHER veggie restaurant CLOSING.


This is a good example to folks who are interested in

doing web sites or even PAPER media on vegetarian






- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup







Message: 4

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 15:33:10 -0700 (PDT)

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

Continued: Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30


oops, it was sent too early


SF, CA restaurant on Clement and 10th Ave


(now there's no mix up with the " other " veggie

restaurant that's 9 blocks away)


they sold their business to a regular Vietnamese



They are currently looking for a new location, maybe

in the Chinatown area.


This is a surprise since I was dining there only 2

weeks ago. I guess until the sale is finalized, they

can't inform their customers any news.


Thanks to this great list, folks are able to find out

" surprises " like this before they happen. It's a

bummer to see ANOTHER veggie restaurant CLOSING.


This is a good example to folks who are interested in

doing web sites or even PAPER media on vegetarian

restaurants is that you must update this type of

information every 2 months.


The BEST and most reliable dining web site is



It's also a fast web site. Please contribute whatever

you can to make this the best site by submitting your

restaurant feedback or purchasing a VegDining

Membership Card.


The site has won a few awards.





- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup







Message: 5

Sat, 8 Jun 2002 15:55:58 -0700

" amy lynn (veggie grrrl) " <amy

email hain celestial group to veganize their vegetarian foods


email hain celestial group to veganize their vegetarian foods and remove

ingredients such as sodium caseinate from their seasoned grain products

(casbah), etc..













Message: 6

Sat, 08 Jun 2002 20:11:08 -0700

" Christine Morrissey " <empress_bean

Vandals leave deer carcasses at Pleasanton High School


Vandals leave deer carcasses at Amador

Toilet paper, splattered eggs found throughout school

By Rebecca Emmerich


and Kim Santos



PLEASANTON -- Vandals left decomposed deer floating in the swimming pool and

lying in two other spots on the Amador Valley High School campus early



Also, toilet paper and splattered eggs were found throughout the school,

lunch tables were discovered on the roof and there were other signs of



Kathleen Ruegsegger, spokeswoman for the Pleasanton Unified School District,

said police and school officials had not determined who was responsible for

the acts, although one student had come forward regarding a mattress thrown

in the pool.


" They're finding that it was probably small pockets of students, independent

of each other, responsible for the different pieces, " she said, noting that

there may have been four groups.


Pleasanton police officers found two deer in the quad area shortly after the

school alarm went off at 2:30 a.m.


The deer in the pool was found later in the morning. It actually was unclear

whether it was one or two deer because the carcass was so badly decomposed.


" All have been confirmed by animal control as probable victims of roadkill, "

Ruegsegger said. " They were probably brought to campus after they were

already dead. "


Pleasanton Police Lt. Greg Wixom said he believed the deer did not die at

the hands of students.


" These are not Bambi killers, " he said.


Pleasanton police said they suspect the deer were picked up in the Sunol



School officials moved quickly, calling in custodians to clean up as much of

the mess as possible before students arrived for classes.


The school has closed access to the pool and will heavily chlorinate it for

several days, officials said. After repeated testing for contamination, they

will determine whether it can be reopened next week.


Deer can carry a bacteria called leptospirosis, which is contained in their

urine. The bacteria can cause fever,


headache and severe muscle pain, and in some cases, meningitis, liver and

kidney dysfunction and eye inflammation, according to the Web site for the

Medical College of Wisconsin Physicians and Clinics.


Swimmers can become infected with it through open cuts, mucous membranes or

ingestion. The disease is treatable with antibiotics.


Pleasanton police said they were unsure whether the pool would have to be



Principal Bill Coupe canceled a senior assembly scheduled for the morning,

but an end-of-the-year dance and a girls " powder puff " football game were

allowed to go on Friday night.


Ruegsegger said some students are trying to assist school and police

officials with finding those responsible.


" The students are trying to cooperate, " she said. " The students who may

remotely know something are trying to help. "


School officials announced to the student body that a $1,000 reward could be

given to anyone with credible information, a student said.


The repercussions for the people involved in transporting and dumping the

deer could be severe. The acts may be considered felonies, Ruegsegger said.


Moreover, it just was not funny, Wixom said.


" That's somewhat of a departure from humor, " he said. " Kids nowadays have a

strange sense of humor. "






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Message: 7

Sat, 08 Jun 2002 20:14:25 -0700

" Christine Morrissey " <empress_bean

Is rodeo a tribute to the Wild West or cruel exploitation?


Is rodeo a tribute to the Wild West or cruel exploitation?

By Brooke Bryant

Staff Writer


LIVERMORE -- On the hard-packed dirt of the Robertson Park arena, cowboys

wrestled, roped and rode their way through Friday morning's slack

competition at the Livermore Rodeo.

To the men in the arena and the handful of spectators in the sun-baked

stands, it was sport, a noble contest of strength and guile, a tribute to a

vanishing lifestyle and the heritage of the Old West.


But to some, it's simply cruel.


" Sport to me implies willing participants equally matched, " said Eric Mills,

a longtime rodeo critic. " That is not rodeo. ... The animals do not choose

to be there. "


Animal welfare organizations, from the Humane Society of the United States

to the more militant People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, agree.

Though they have issues with all rodeo events from bronc' busting to bull

riding, the activists particularly oppose events like calf roping and steer



But rodeo enthusiasts bristle at the notion that what they do in the ring is



" The animals in rodeo have the life of a star, " said Linda Burdick,

executive director of Friends of Rodeo, an advocacy and educational group

that supports rodeo. " They don't need to be saved. "


Burdick and other rodeo fans say that the sport is just an extension of

natural animal behavior and common ranching chores. Horses and cows buck on

the open range, just as in the arena, and calves need to be caught and roped

for branding.


" Everyone has to work for a living, " Burdick said. " These animals get top

feed, regular veterinary care, they are respected and well cared for. When

they're in the arena, they work a maximum of eight seconds. "


The rules that govern rodeos -- set by the state, the county and the

sanctioning organization -- are designed to keep both the animals and the

cowboys safe, according to proponents. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys

Association, the sport's sanctioning body, has about 60 rules and

regulations pertaining to the training, handling and treatment of the



Spurs must be dull, and roll freely so they don't rake the flanks of the

animals; animals must be inspected before events, and cannot be confined to

vehicles for longer than 24 hours without being fed, watered and unloaded;

incidents of abuse can be punished by disqualification and fines starting at



But differing definitions of abuse are part of the rodeo debate.


Rodeo opponents say that the equipment that is intrinsic to rodeo activities

-- electric prods and flank straps -- are equivalent to tools of torture.


But participants maintain that they are merely tools of the trade. They say

the prods produce mild shocks and are used sparingly, and the

much-misunderstood flank straps -- which do not touch the animals genitals

-- don't cause serious pain, just encourage an animal's tendency to buck.


The PRCA also requires a veterinarian to be on-site for every rodeo event it

sanctions -- a condition that already is law in Alameda County, and is being

considered at the state level. Current California law stipulates that a vet

must be on-call and able to respond within an hour.


" We always look at California to start some of the more progressive ideas, "

said Ellen Buck, a veterinarian and the Humane Society's director of equine

protection. " There are some laws that are certainly a step in the right

direction. "


Some cities have started to drop events like calf roping, Buck said, but

predicted that getting others to follow suit would be a long, uphill battle,

particularly in the central states and some of the western states.


" It's really firmly entrenched in some of the communities, " she said.


Mills, who runs the Oakland-based Action for Animals, has been lobbying hard

for the passage of the California bill, sponsored by Sen. Don Perata,



" Every rodeo has ambulances for cowboys, " he said. " If you can do this for

the cowboys, who are there by choice, why in God's name do you not provide

the same service for the animals who are not there by choice? "


Rodeo proponents say that the law is unnecessary, because of the low injury

rate, redundant, since most big rodeos already require that -- and if

lawmakers keep piling new rules on the rodeos, they could be legislated

right out of existence.


They also chafe at the requirement that rodeo organizers notify animal

control agencies two weeks prior to an event, asserting that will only give

the animal activists more time to prepare.


In a 2000 survey, the PRCA said that of 57 rodeos surveyed, only 38 animal

injuries were reported. That means that only .00052 percent of the 71,743

" animal exposures " resulted in injury.


Another way to look at it is that there was an average of about one injury

for every two rodeos, Mills countered.


" That is an appalling statistic, " he claimed.


One entry in the long list of rodeo-related animal injuries and deaths that

activists cite -- ranging from fractured skulls to broken necks -- comes

from the Livermore Rodeo itself. In 2000, a bucking horse died after

breaking its neck in the arena.


But Burdick said that growing up on a cattle ranch, she saw more accidents

in everyday life than in the rodeo. Injured animals get immediate treatment

from on-site vets, as well as animal handlers who move quickly to keep an

animal from further injuring itself.


" An animal that's in the rodeo that incurs an accidental injury is probably

one of the luckiest animals in the world, that he is in the rodeo, " she






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Message: 8

Sat, 08 Jun 2002 23:32:38 -0700

Janice Rothstein <gata

Re: Animal Experimentation (I need ammo)


The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine addresses this

at the following link on their website:




They also have an excellent video, which has aired on For the Animals, it

was excellent. I think it is the same Henry Heimlich video listed at this

link (scroll down more than halfway):




She may not want to sink $ into a video at this point, but there is a

totally free reading offered at this same link (click on Research Issues

Compendium a couple of items above the video listing):


I wish I had a copy of pcrm's magazine with me on the bus last week; I

struck up a conversation with a research scientist, who removes eyeballs

from fish to find out about corneal structure and defects! The best I

could do, since I'm a mere research assistant in a human study (hiv), and

he had a bit of attitude, though tried to be polite, was to tell him that

there are indeed other scientists at his level of expertise, and to urge

him to check out their website. Thankfully, pcrm.org is easy to remember.


Good luck, Tony!





on 6/8/02 9:49 AM, Kim Flournoy at kim_flournoy wrote:


> There was an article in the Washington Post recently that touched upon

> this subject. There weren't any scientists quoted, but lawyers:


> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60634-2002Jun4.html




> Tony Martin wrote:


>> I went on a date with a very nice girl, but for our second date, I need


>> ammo as she is all for animal experimentation. She has agreed to debate

me on

>> the subject. She has field advantage because she is a scientist. However,


>> is open minded, as she is also an ethical vegetarian and buddhist.


>> So, does anyone out there know of prominent scientists who have spoken up

>> against animal experimentation? I know there are a few, because I have


>> about them in the past, but I did not keep a record of who they are or


>> they said.


>> tonyy







Message: 9

Sun, 9 Jun 2002 08:59:07 -0700 (PDT)

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

last call, Bargains for June 9 Silent Auction Bids


VERY CHEAP cause there will be VERY Little bidders for

this auction


Silent Auction Items for June 9,

Draft copy as of June 9,

Please attend the dinner to see the complete auction




Millennium Restaurant $100*

UnTurkey $25 value donated/by Now And Zen

TeaseCake (vegan Cheese cake) $30 donated/by Now and


Feng Shui Electric fountain $30 donated by JC

" Mad Cowboy " book signed/donated by $30 Howard Lyman


" Just One " Vitamins $27 donated by Sharon L

5 professional hair cut by Mary Tran, certified Hair

dresser in SF, $30-$50 each*

coupons for organic soy milk and organic tofu

(flavored and plain) donated by Vitasoy $2 each*

1 hour financial consultation over the phone donated

by David Zebker, CPA $100*

Crystal Earrings and Necklace donated by Dixie Mahy


2 ORGANIC, vegan, fair trade chocolate-Raspberry

Chocolate Mousse by Bereket Vegan Ventures

Lydia's Livin Foods, $30*

Bay Leaf Café $20

Food & Social Justice Cooking class $20*


Organic Soy DREAM vegan ice cream (not Soy DELICIOUS)

donated/by Imagine foods.

4 Quarts-Vanilla, Vanilla Fudge Swirl, Mocha Fudge

Swirl, Chocolate $16*

Table Top books, notebooks $5,


Middle Eastern Dance Classes $65*

offered by Lorna Zilba

Artistic Director Life Dance Theatre and

Performer of our June 9 dinner.



5 day PENTHOUSE stay in Kingsbury, NV

up in the Mountains-Kingsbury Grade, 7000 feet, 10 min

from Casino and near State line


3 bedrooms and 3 bath, sleeps 6-8 people (OK to get

a group of friends together to chip in)


exercise room and game room with pool table nearby


dates: Oct 28-Nov 1, 2002




Studio Condo in South Lake Tahoe


Access to private beach (no beach view in condo),

swimming pool and tennis courts

One mile from State line


One bed sleeps 2 people


Labor day weekend 8/31-9/7 $500*

Donated by Stan and Dixie Mahy


*Absentee bids taken by 415 751-6443, before June 8,

3pm, no emails for now. Please be prepared to mail

your checks within 2 days.





- Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup







Message: 10

Sun, 9 Jun 2002 09:23:37 -0700

" Tammy " <govegan

RE: Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30



> Bamboo Garden Restaurant closed on June 30


This is too bad :-( I seem to go through " phases " and for awhile, Bamboo

Garden was one of my favorite places to go! They have this claypot dish

that I really liked - it was a curry noodle dish. I will have to try and go

there before they close.


It's great to be part of a veg *community* like this to share all the news!


Thanks for the inside scoop.













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