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Farm Santuary, 24 carrot award

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In each issue Vegetarians in Paradise presents the 24

Carrot Award to an outstanding person or organization

that endeavors to practice or promote education,

natural health, wholesome nutrition, and ecology

techniques for the mutual benefit of humans, animals,

and the earth.



Vegetarians in Paradise proudly presents its 24 Carrot

Award to Lorri and Gene Bauston for their work in

establishing and operating Farm Sanctuary, the largest

farm animal rescue organization in the United States.

Through their efforts they have made the public aware

of the mistreatment of farm animals and have been

instrumental in the passage of legislation in this



What follows are the questions asked by Vegetarians in

Paradise (VIP) and the answers of Lorri Bauston (LB).


VIP: What events led you to vegetarianism?


LB: A natural love of animals, and when I was 16 and

old enough to put the connection together, I woke up

one day thinking about the contradiction between

loving some animals so much, while chomping mindlessly

on another, and went vegetarian that day.


VIP: What pushed you toward a vegan path?


LB: With the change to vegetarianism, it was an

awakening on my own--with veganism. It took learning

about the horrific cruelty that 'laying' hens and

'dairy' cattle endure. Until I had the information, it

never occurred to me that these animals suffer and

died to produce eggs, milk and cheese. That's why I

think it's so important to keep doing all we can to

get this information out to people. I know my own

ignorance led to the torture and death of animals. If

I had known, I would have become a vegan the same day

I became a vegetarian.


VIP: Did animal activism play a role in your meeting

and marriage?


LB: Gene and I met while I was working at Greenpeace,

so that pretty much says it all!


VIP: We understand that Farm Sanctuary began in your

backyard. How did it wind up in Watkins Glen?


LB: Farm Sanctuary started when we found Hilda, a

downed sheep, who had been thrown alive on a pile of

dead animals at a stockyard. We didn't have a farm

then, but we couldn't leave Hilda there, so we brought

her home with us--and then realized we needed to start

a shelter for farm animals.


VIP: How were you able to raise the funds to purchase

and operate Farm Sanctuary?


LB: We saved every dollar we could--selling vegetarian

hotdogs, organizing walkathons, and we lived on about

$50 a week. After 3 years, Farm Sanctuary was able to

buy the farm in Watkins Glen in 1989.


VIP: How did the Orland, California location come into



LB: A Farm Sanctuary member who liked the work we were

doing donated a farm property to us, and we opened our

California shelter in 1993.


VIP: We have heard reports that you are scouting for

another location. Are you able to tell us about your

future plans?


LB: Farm Sanctuary received a donation of 160 acres in

Los Angeles County, and we are now obtaining the

necessary permits and raising funding to open Farm

Sanctuary Los Angeles.


VIP: Can you both tell us about your education.


LB: I have a masters degree in social work and public

administration. Gene has a master's degree in

agricultural economics. Our educational background has

helped us be good barn muckers!


VIP: How have you used your education in your current



LB: Yes, seriously, I'm sure it has helped, but I'm

more of a 'hands-on' learning person and believe this

is the best way to learn to do anything.


VIP: How many animals are currently housed at both of

your locations?


LB: We have approximately 1500 animals now, but the

numbers do fluctuate depending on cruelty cases.


VIP: Will you need to expand the housing at either of

these facilities?


LB: We are always expanding all of our programs. Our

rescue and shelter work is one of our programs

growing, but we are also expanding our investigations

and legal actions, education and outreach projects and

campaigns to end 'food animal' production abuses.


VIP: How does one become a member of Farm Sanctuary?

How many members does the organization have? What

roles do the members play?


LB: Members are Farm Sanctuary--over 90 percent of our

annual operating budget comes from membership

donations. As you can imagine, there aren't many

corporations or agencies knocking on our door to save

the chickens and cows. Farm sanctuary members make our

work possible. Anyone can sign up to join with us--we

have a variety of programs like our adopt-a-farm

animal sponsorship project which provides regular

on-going support for our rescue work. We currently

have over 100,000 members who contribute to us



VIP: We understand you have filmed farm animals being

abused. What changes have these films brought about?


LB: Farm Sanctuary documentation led to the passing of

the first state law to ban livestock marketing

cruelties such as dragging or abandoning 'downed'

animals. Farm Sanctuary investigative campaigns have

also led to the first cruelty convictions of

stockyards, factory farms and slaughterhouses.


VIP: We are aware you have a number of web sites in

addition to the Farm Sanctuary site. What have been

the accomplishments of some of these?


LB: The websites are being used by legislators,

activists, news reporters--it's a great tool for



VIP: We know you were involved in the campaign to

persuade Burger King to offer a vegetarian sandwich in

the early 90's. What happened to that effort?


LB: Burger King first introduced a veggie burger in

1993 in Watkins Glen, New York, at our request--we

have thousands of vegetarians and new vegetarians

visit our New York shelter every year--and we simply

asked our local BK to carry vegetarian food. Though

our local BK wanted to continue offering it, BK

national stopped it, and it took another 8 years of

campaigning, and many people working on it, to finally

get BK to offer a veggie burger nationwide. Today, the

BK Veggie Burger is selling throughout the country.


VIP: What is your reaction to Burger King's current BK

Veggie Burger?


LB: I believe it's one of the most positive

developments for farm animals. Millions of people go

to Burger Kings everyday--these people will now be

educated about vegetarian alternatives and have a

choice. When Burger King first introduced a veggie

burger in Watkins Glen, they couldn't keep enough in

stock. The veggie burger was selling incredibly

well--when people had a choice, they were choosing



VIP: You both have been involved in a number of

campaigns on behalf of animals. Would you cite a few

you consider the most successful and tell us about

your role in them?


LB: We feel very good about our role in the BK Veggie

Burger, and in promoting a vegetarianism in general.

Our annual adopt-a-turkey project, for example, has

received extensive news coverage, including

prime-time-live, CNN, CBS This Morning, National

Public Radio to name a few. Millions of people have

seen turkeys as living, sentient beings, and I know

this project has provided much food for thought.


One of our most successful campaigns has been our " no

downers " campaign. When Gene and I first started

investigating " downed " animals -- animals too sick or

injured to even stand -- no one knew about this

cruelty. Today, we have won precedent-setting cruelty

convictions of stockyards that abused downed animals,

passed a state law, and brought national attention to

this issue as we continue to work for a ban on the

sale of downed animals.


VIP: Can you tell our readers about your unique

Thanksgiving celebration where live turkeys are the

guests of honor? What tasty morsels grace your

Thanksgiving table?


LB: Our Adopt-a-Turkey Project encourages people to

feed a turkey, rather than eat a turkey for

Thanksgiving by adopting one! Most people adopt by

sponsoring a turkey who resides at one of our

shelters, but we also rescue and place turkeys into

loving vegetarian homes. The turkeys enjoy a

Thanksgiving feast of cranberries, salad, pumpkin pie,

and, of course, stuffed squash.




VIP: What leisure time activities, sports, or hobbies

do you enjoy?


I'm afraid we're like your typical animal activists,

who don't take much time for these kinds of things, so

we don't really have any hobbies. We do try to take

vacations now once a year, and when we can, we enjoy

hiking,biking, canoeing, swimming and skiing.


VIP: Other than the Sanctuary animals, do you have any

personal animal companions?


LB: Yes, we have companion dogs and cats--all are



VIP: Do you have a master plan for future Farm

Sanctuary activities you could share with our readers?



LB: Thanks to people who care enough to do their part

for farm animals, Farm Sanctuary is continuing to

expand all of our programs. In the future, I know

we'll be working to pass more humane protection laws

for animals and gaining more recognition of farm

animals as sentient beings.


VIP: Of all of your accomplishments on behalf of

animals, which have given you the greatest personal



LB: Looking into the eyes of an animal you have saved

and knowing this animal will save many more farm

animals by encouraging people to go vegan.


VIP: If we have omitted areas that are important to

you, please feel free to add anything you would like

to share with our readers.


LB: Farm Sanctuary is a sanctuary for people

too--there's nothing like kissing a cow to make your

day a happier one. Animal activists can often feel

hopeless since we're fighting some pretty tough

battles. We need to recognize how much we are doing to

stop farm animal suffering by being vegans and

vegetarians--and looking into a cow's eyes can remind

you of this.


Photos in this article are by Frank Noelker.


Lorri and Gene Bauston can be reached at:


Farm Sanctuary

P.O. Box 150 Watkins Glen, NY 14891

Phone: 607-583-2225

Fax: 607-583-2041


Farm Sanctuary maintains the following websites:












Those who are interested in the organization's e-mail

action alerts, may sign up at:










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