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I've been there many times and it is usually full







Macrobiotic meals unite one big

'family' in Palo Alto


Amber Thompson



Friday, June 14, 2002





Each Monday night at the First

Baptist Church in

Palo Alto, 100 people or more gather

for the Gourmet

Vegetarian Dinners sponsored by the


Macrobiotic Community. Started 15

years ago by a

group of people who shared a vision

of food, lifestyle

and health, the dinners are one of

the longest,

continually running programs of

their kind in the



Chuck Collison, who moved from Los

Angeles to San

Rafael and has been sous chef at the

dinners for four

years, said, " I heard about this

(the Monday night

dinners) even before I moved into

the area. "


Chef Gary Alinder has been preparing

the Monday

night dinners since they began in

May 1987. Each

week, Alinder cooks a different

vegan menu using

organic produce, whole grains and


sweeteners. One week, he serves

Indian dishes such

as chana dal and pappadams. Later in

the month, he

tempts diners with Middle Eastern

favorites such as

baba ghanoush and tabbouleh.


On Monday, Alinder will dish up

lentil-barley soup,

seitan and sweet pepper goulash,

noodles with basil

and parsley, braised carrots,

sunburst squash and

Blue Lake green beans, mixed green

salad, trail mix

cookies and tea.


" We make it interesting with lots of

variety, " Alinder

said of his ever- changing menus.

" It's what most

people call good cooking -- just

vegetarian. "


Though the food initially draws

people to the event,

the sense of community keeps them

coming back.

The mailing list for the dinners now

contains more

than 400 people.


Ken Becker, president and one of the


founders, said, " It's like getting

together with family

for dinner each week. "


That sentiment is clear from the

moment diners walk

in the room. Ilona Pollak, the

dinner manager, greets

everyone by his or her first name.

It's as if she has

invited each person into her home

for supper.


" Ilona has done a wonderful job

making it a warm,

cozy place to be, " Becker said.


Prior to Monday evening, Pollak

takes reservations

via answering machine for the $13

dinner. On

average, they serve 60 sit-down

meals and box up 40



" I love the people. We have a core

group who come

every week. It's a nice community

atmosphere, "

Pollak said.


As a nonprofit organization,

volunteers are vital to the

success of the Monday night dinners.

Jane Kos has

been arriving early each Monday to

help the chefs in

the kitchen for more years than she

can remember.

" The dinners are getting bigger and

better, " Kos said.


Other volunteers include Colleen and

Sandra Corey,

sisters who clean the hall and wash

the dishes each



The dedication of the volunteers

reflects the " spirit of

how people feel about the

organization, " Becker said.


In addition to the regular

volunteers, different folks

offer their assistance each week as

servers, dishing

up generous helpings of cuminy sweet

potato soup,

brown rice pilaf, curried

cauliflower, carrots and peas

and coconut cake.


One of the original goals of the

dinners was to serve

as " a clearinghouse of information, "

Becker said. The

founders envisioned people coming to

dinner and

sharing their knowledge and interest

in macrobiotics

and similar health and

lifestyle-related topics.


To help accomplish this, the

Peninsula Macrobiotic

Community invites speakers to dinner

once a month.

The next after-dinner event is

scheduled for July 1,

when Mo-Mei Chen, who is affiliated

with the

Department of Plant Pathology at UC

Berkeley, will

speak on " Edible and Medicinal

Mushrooms. "


During dinner, there is also a great

exchange of

information and camaraderie among

the crowd. While

they are eating, diners have the

opportunity to stand

and make announcements, and even

promote their



For example, one woman sells loaves

of macrobiotic

bread, freshly baked by her daughter

from sourdough

starter instead of yeast. And Harold


announces the next Sunday potluck

dinner, which is

an offshoot of the Monday dinners.


" We don't designate you bring this

and you bring

that. We play for luck, " said Chuck

Olson, a potluck

regular. To which Debbie Ferrara,

another regular,

added, " Every time, it comes out

perfect. "


The weekly newsletter published by

the Peninsula

Macrobiotic Community offers space

for cooking

instructors and personal chefs to

advertise their

classes and meal services.


Anne Mark, who teaches a monthly

cooking class in

Palo Alto with Bill Neall,


uses the newsletter to announce

upcoming classes.


For Mark, macrobiotics is " an

approach to living that

emphasizes a way of eating. " She

sees " food as a

means to help us understand our

relationship to the

world. "


Because she and Neall believe

macrobiotics is about

more than just food, they devote

30-45 minutes of

each two- to three-hour class to

theory. The cooking

is critical though, as Neall

explained, " In order to

learn it (macrobiotics), you need to

cook for yourself

because you're the only one who

knows what you

need. "


Mark teaches her students how to

prepare food

based on how they're feeling as well

as the season.

She shows her students how to

incorporate whole

grains, root and ground vegetables,

green leafy

vegetables, beans, seeds and

fermented foods into

their daily meals, and she

emphasizes the use of

locally grown, organic produce.


Mark is particularly fond of sea

vegetables, such as

nori, wakame, kombu, hiziki and

arame, all edible

seaweeds. " They're not known to

Americans, " she

said, because you can't find them in


supermarkets, but they're beneficial

to the diet

because " they give a large amount of


They're something that could be

incorporated by

anyone. "


Mark likes to use kombu when cooking

beans and

tosses wakame into soups. For

summer, she enjoys

arame with onions and corn, and for

winter, she

enjoys hiziki with shiitake

mushrooms and carrots.


Because a macrobiotic diet calls for

50 percent of

daily consumption in weight from

whole cereal grains,

grains such as brown rice, barley,

corn, buckwheat

and quinoa are workhorses in the



However, James Holloway, a personal

chef and

frequent guest chef at the Monday

night dinners, said

he almost never sees whole grains

when he goes out

to eat.


Millet is one of Holloway's

favorites. " It's tricky, but

not that hard " to prepare, he said.

After cooking,

" You let it sit and then fluff it

with a fork,


like couscous. "


Even if you're not interested in a

macrobiotic diet,

Alinder and Collison recommend two


ingredients that any cook can enjoy:

umeboshi plum

vinegar and mirin. Alinder finds

umeboshi vinegar,

which is a byproduct of the salt

fermentation of

umeboshi plums, a necessity for

seasoning bean

dishes. He also likes to use it in

salad dressings and

as a seasoning for grains.


" It's a nice dynamic for bringing

out flavor. It's

considered a healthy way to go for

salt and vinegar, "

Collison said.


And mirin, which is a sweet, golden

wine made from

glutinous rice, is great for soups

and caramelizing

onions, Collison said. " It's a nice

way to add

sweetness without adding sugar. "


Dish appears the last Friday of each

month and

occasionally on other weeks,

alternating with local

restaurant reviews. Write Dish c/o

Peninsula Friday,

The Chronicle, 2425 Leghorn St.,

Mountain View, CA

94043. Or fax (650) 961-5023.




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