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Vegan Pregnancies

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Hi Rhonda,


Unfortunately I wasn't vegan or even vegetarian when I became pregnant,

much to my and my vegan daughter's regret.


However, with regard to the soy, I know you'll want to research it, but be

aware that soy formulas have saved babies' lives for a long, long time.

Many babies are fed soy formulas who are allergic to cow's milk. These

babies have done just fine, millions of them, and have grown up to be

healthy adults.


If you're worried about soy formulas, it's not an issue at all if you

breastfeed. I breastfed my daughter for a year, and after that she didn't

need formula.


A word on breastfeeding: Yes, we all know that it's far and away the best

nourishment we can give to our babies, both for nutrition and also for

immunities, etc. But few of us realize until we experience it just how

much easier breastfeeding is compared with bottle feeding. Nothing to

heat, nothing to sterilize, nothing to prepare! You're always ready to go

with a continual supply. My husband and I took turns feeding our daughter

at night (think of preparing those 3 am bottles!) but when it was his turn,

he just " plugged " her in, made sure I didn't roll on top of her in my

sleep, then, when she was done, he'd burp her and diaper her. Sometimes I

never even woke up! Such a deal <g>


My feeling is, babies are a huge amount of work anyway -- why not make

things a little easier if you're able?




Sherry (whose daughter is a brainy college senior)


At 01:26 PM 5/13/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>Hi Sara,


>I have some questions about vegan pregnancy for those of you who have gone

through one....My husband and I will probably start a family in the next

couple of years and I am trying to eat a vegan diet starting already. Has

anyone consumed soy products during their pregnancy and also during

breastfeeding? When you wean your baby, what do you give them if not cow's

milk--do you give

>them soy? I'm just a little concerned about the recent bad reputation

that soy is getting, especially for children eating soy formulas, products

etc. Thanks in advance for sharing any experiences with vegan pregnancies

and soy consumption.




>> I had a totally vegan pregnancy, I did take a vegetarian prenatal but I


>> like my diet was healthy enough that I didn't have to make any changes

>> (except for my love for dark chocolate, too much caffeine). I have an

>> extremely healthy 17 month old who is bigger and healthier than his

peers, he

>> is in the 95th percentile for growth (probably from all of that yummy

>> breastmilk, which has some b12 in it!). I am lactating also, I still take

>> the prenatals and we are both fine.


>> Sara

>> Colin's Ap Mama

>> A baby will only spoil if you leave it on the shelf.

>> Come see us at <A

HREF= " http://www.sos.state.mi.us/election/elecadmin/2000web/index.html " >


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In a message dated 5/15/01 1:22:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, rr-jr writes:



Thanks for sharing this information. Have you noticed any effects on your kids from eating soy? Are they healthy and normal size and weight?




Oh yes, my 3 month old is VERY healthy and a big baby. =)

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> I had a vegan pregnancy with my 3 month old and am still vegan eating LOTS of

> soy while brerastfeeding. My other daughter is on rice milk (she is almost

> 2).


Thanks for sharing this information. Have you noticed any effects on your kids

from eating soy? Are they healthy and normal size and weight?




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I'm collecting the written stories of vegan women who are pregnant or

who have been pregnant.


The collection will be published as a supportive reference for vegan

women who are or are planning to be pregnant. As a currently pregnant

vegan, I'm looking forward to the stories - addressing the challenges

and unique experiences vegan women have facing pregnancy.


I'm looking for 750+-word stories:


- A particular event that occurred during the pregnancy or

- An overview of the experience of the pregnancy


Do you know anyone who is vegan and pregnant (or has ever been)? I'd

love to hear from them as soon as possible!







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