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Hi all!

Ok, so little did I know that in posting about a yummy chocolate

almond milk, that it would snowball into a scientific investigation

involving animal experimentation! Yikes. Although, I must say, I did

not know of any harmful effects of carageenan. It's an extract of

seaweed, personally I'd think if anything, it would be beneficial,

with some kind of minerals to it. Guess that's wrong...I've done a

little homework as a result of all these postings this morn. You can

check out this site if you're curious about it. This is one viewpoint

of it, I wonder if there is any other studies done on it.


I'm disturbed, as my sister and I go through about 3 cartons of silk

every week! Between the two of us, we use it for coffee, lattes,

granola, smoothies, pancakes, it's indespensible around here!! So to

find out it has this deadly cancer causing additive, how gross!

Normally i'd say, well.. everything in moderation, but soy milk is

something I really don't have in moderation. I'm trying to use it

less, and use nut milks more (carageenan free!) My god, I'm crushed.

It just sucks that our country is so backwards and out to get us!

Whatever can be done for a buck? Is that all that's left? Ok, now I'm

in a mood. Hope this isn't off topic, but I thought i'd add what I

found. maybe that could be a new poll, how much soymilk and what

kinds do we drink? I'd love to make my own, that would be ideal. I

know westsoy makes a great soymilk- just soybeans and water. Which is

all you need? I guess SILK made it a pretty refridgerated package to

appeal to the masses, so more people would drink soy versus cow? It

sucks to think that that's the masses options, hormone stricken milk

wreaking hell and havoc on billions of cows, or soymilk containing

additives that will give you gut cancer in the long run? i think we

all need to get back to our roots, I feel so removed from it all

right now. Why the hell can't I just cook some beans and blend it

with water and voila-have soymilk! L-A-Z-Y I guess. Does anyone make

their own out there, I'd be interested to know the process. I make

almond milk, and it's so good, i bet homemade soy would be great too.

Ok, I better end this, I'm getting carried away...

have a good day all


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