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vegan feather boa?

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Does anyone know of a good vegan alternative to that fashion staple--

the feather boa? I'd really like some kind of glam boa-like

accessory, but i'm not interested in feathers.


Thanks much, abbi

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About 5 months ago I bought the most fabulous boa-like fabric at Joanne's Fabric

and Crafts and by sewing a simple seam, made myself a vegan boa which I strut

around in (as Alka can attest to). Also try Mendels, 1556 Haight and Discount

Fabrics, 1432 Haight in SF, they both have great fabrics for this type of thing.


aiping22 wrote:Does anyone know of a good vegan alternative to that fashion


the feather boa? I'd really like some kind of glam boa-like

accessory, but i'm not interested in feathers.


Thanks much, abbi





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Yes, it's true. Kelle struts very well in her hot pink boa. Walking to our

V.V.B. last Friday, I passed a place on Powell Street (between Market &

O'Farrell) that had polyester-looking wild-colored boas on display (and I

thought of Kelle!). They are glam and I sometimes covet them myself, but then I

remember that I'm not glam and I couldn't accessorize to save my life. *sigh*



- A



Kelle [kkacmarcik]

Tuesday, September 10, 2002 11:57 AM


Re: [sFBAVeg] vegan feather boa?




About 5 months ago I bought the most fabulous boa-like fabric at Joanne's Fabric

and Crafts and by sewing a simple seam, made myself a vegan boa which I strut

around in (as Alka can attest to). Also try Mendels, 1556 Haight and Discount

Fabrics, 1432 Haight in SF, they both have great fabrics for this type of thing.


aiping22 wrote:Does anyone know of a good vegan alternative to that fashion


the feather boa? I'd really like some kind of glam boa-like

accessory, but i'm not interested in feathers.


Thanks much, abbi





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