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time sensitive email: Bay Area Veg Restaurant Trek-RSVP by Tues

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So far 33 people signed up. If you can't make it to

Sat's dinner, there's another HULU dinner with

www.sfvs.org (not updated) on Sat, 11/16.




THIS IS BAVRT's 100th restaurant outing!!!


October 26, 2002 (Last Saturday of every


Time: 6:00 p.m.


Host: Winnie


Site: Hulu House Vegetarian Restaurant

754 Kirkham St (@ 12th Ave)

San Francisco, CA

(415) 682-0826


Type: Vegan restaurant (except for optional milk in


Singapore, Malaysian, and Chinese food

Cost: Vegan family style dinner ($17 per person

includes tax+tip)


RSVP to [ *82 (925) 944-4743 ] by

Tuesday, Oct 22.

BAVRT is NOT a drop-in dinner event. If you have

problems emailing

me, please use http://veginfo.com/contact/general


As always, you come under your own liability for all

events. Pass

the word to your friends. This is not an exclusive

net-folks only

event. This is not an activist group or singles

event. Note that

if you plan to attend this dinner, you can order only


dishes, even if the restaurant serves other stuff.


If you have suggestions for future sites, please

e-mail them to

. If you want to volunteer host a

BAVRT dinner,

please let me know!!




#1) World Vegetarian Day

#2) This month's trek

#3) Last month's trek

#4) News Section

#5) NON-BAVRT related stuff (feel free to skip)



#1) World Vegetarian Day


The bay area celebration of World Vegetarian Day is

going to held

at Fort Mason in San Francisco on Oct 13 from 10 A.M.

to 4:30 P.M.

Winnie, this month's host, will be there playing an

important part!



#2) This month's trek


This month's restaurant outing is a historic one for


Without repeating a single restaurant, BAVRT outings


reached the 100 mark!


Winnie, who is quite active in the veg movement, is

hosting this

month's restaurant outing. Hulu is a new veg

restaurant in SF

(the only non-vegan thing I have heard about is that


provide milk for tea, if patrons ask for it).


The preset vegan family style menu that our host


(no fake meats!) is



- Spring roll - not fried

- Sweet Rice wrapped in seaweed (sushi) (*S)

- preserved vegetables (*S)



- Laksa, Malaysian med spicy noodle soup



- Curry, medium spicy, with gravy, Singapore style

- stir fry mixed veg (with special white sauce)

- Fried Taro root (*S)



- Brown Rice

- Mixed Veg Fried Rice Chinese style



- Chrysanthemum Flower tea, decaf (very pretty)

- Green tea

- purified water


(*S) - Special items not on the menu


The cost per person is $17 (includes tax + tip). Make

sure to

RSVP early. You don't to miss this dinner! The

restaurant has

only a limited number of seats. If you plan to go to a


party afterwards, feel free to come in your costume!



#3) Last month's trek



Diane hosted last month's dinner at Madras Cuisine. We


a vegan buffet (that was served directly at the


Ten people showed up and there were two cancellations.


The food was quite good and plentiful. Those of you

who did not come missed a wonderful dinner. It was a


dinner. We stayed around till 9 PM talking after




#4) News Section

( If you come across news items, veg or otherwise,

in the

mainstream media that may be of potential interest


BAVRT members, please forward me the URL. )


a) Berkeley Restaurants


[ sent to me by a BAVRT member ]


b) Mad Cow Epidemic Infected 2M Cows


http://story.news./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=518 & e=16 & u=/ap/20021009/ap_on_r\


" The mad cow disease epidemic of the 1990s infected

about a

million more cows than scientists previously


according to a study published Wednesday. "


c) More Than 11,000 Plants, Animals Face Extinction


http://dailynews./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=570 & ncid=753 & e=9 & u=/nm/20021008/\



d) Curry Spice May Inhibit Tumor Growth


http://story.news./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=571 & e=6 & u=/nm/20021008/hl_nm/cu\



e) U.S. Consumers Challenge Spread of Biotech Food


http://story.news./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=570 & ncid=753 & e=10 & u=/nm/2002100\



f) Federal Commission Describes Troubled Oceans


" Ocean pollution is a growing problem, much of it

caused by

nonpoint sources, such as farming practices, urban


and air pollution deposition, " the report states.


g) Tea May Reduce Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease



http://dailynews./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=570 & ncid=753 & e=3 & u=/nm/20020924/\


" Solid evidence is mounting that drinking tea can


cell damage that leads to cancer, heart disease

and perhaps

other ills, scientists said on Tuesday. "


h) Low-Calorie Diets May Help Dogs Live Longer


http://story.news./news?tmpl=story2 & cid=571 & e=1 & u=/nm/20020918/hl_nm/fo\


" Adding to the growing evidence that

calorie-counting might make

for a longer, healthier life, a study of dogs

suggests that

cutting down on Fido's treats could tack up to 2

years onto

his life. "


i) 'Economic disaster' warning over GM crops


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2002/09/18/ngm18.xml & sSheet\


" Genetically modified crops have been an " economic

disaster " in

America, costing £8 billion in lost profits and

higher subsidies

since 1999, according to a report published




#5) NON-BAVRT related stuff (feel free to skip)


a) Emails to Veginfo

Some folks find that emails to veginfo bounces. If

that happens

to you, read the bounce message first! It is

normally quite

descriptive (more so, if you are a techie). If it

does not

make sense, feel free to call me over the phone or


the link http://veginfo.com/contact/general to

email me.

[ In most cases, the bounces are because some


standard [RFC] or other was not followed. ]


b) The car that runs on air



c) Some TV stations worth watching?





Das Devaraj

email - -- Phone *82 (925) 944-4743


Are you on BAVRT (Bay Area Vegetarian Restaurant Trek)

mailing list?

To , send any email to


To , send any email to


home page http://www.VegInfo.com (reconstruction

in progress!)






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