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Wall Street Journal Features vivisector Stephen Lisberger

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Tuesday October 29's Wall Street Journal featured an article with the headline,

" Neuroscientists recognize brain's role in baseball, " highlighting the work of

UCSF vivisector Stephen Lisberger. Lisberger subjects nonhuman primates to

unimaginable suffering, and In Defense of Animals' efforts to stop his cruel

research recently resulted in hearings before the San Francisco Board of

Supervisors. The article divulges neuroscientists' groundbreaking finding that,

while " muscle is part of your genetic endowment.it's your brain that helps you

use it. " The article explains that " recent studies have focused on the brain's

role in athletic prowess. " Toward the end of the piece we are told, " Dr.

Lisberger says he would love to test [san Francisco Giants' outfielder Barry]

Bonds's brain reflexes in the lab. He acknowledges there's little chance his

famously aloof idol would 'sit still for this.' " No mention is made of how

Lisberger convinces the nonhuman primates in his lab to do so.




Dr. Lisberger's research involves slicing rhesus macaques' eyes open to place

wire coils inside, drilling screws into their skulls, screwing their heads into

restraining chairs, driving electrodes through cylinders inserted into their

brains, and removing part of their brains with suction. He then straps the

primates into restraining chairs, heads bolted into place so they are unable to

move, and places them inside a plastic box that rotates periodically. The

monkeys are forced to sit in these chairs for up to 8 hours a day while

electrodes implanted in their brain record neurological activity as they move

their eyes in a certain pattern for juice rewards. If a monkey doesn't

" perform, " he or she is denied fluids entirely until the next day when the

animal is placed on the experiment again.




Please write to the Wall Street Journal to let the editor know that you do not

believe such suffering is justified in order to confirm the blatantly obvious

fact that our brains influence our ability to hit and catch a baseball.




Letters to the editor of the Wall Street Journal can be submitted to:




415.765.6125 Phone


415.956.0797 Fax


It is the policy of In Defense of Animals to no longer use language that accepts

the current concept of animals as property, commodities and/or things. Rather

than referring to ourselves and others as " owners " of animals we share our lives

with, we now refer to ourselves and others as " guardians " of our animal friends

and to animals as " he " or " she " rather than " it. " Guardians do not buy or sell

animals; instead they rescue and adopt. We urge you to do the same.





" As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no

peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell

together. " ~Isaac Bashevis Singer


" The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for

humans anymore than black people were made for whites or women for men. " ~Alice



" Nonviolence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.

Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. " ~Thomas



Colleen Patrick Goudreau

Senior Content & Creative Director


2787 California St., 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94115

Phone: 415-202-9732

Fax: 415-202-9744



" Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do Something. Anything. "





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