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FW: McDonalds and Teachers/Privatization & Poisoning Of Education

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This was forwarded to me by meat-eating friend of mine, I thought it would

interest people on the list.



Teacher McPuppets




By: John Borowski - 12/01/02


Imagine those pillars of society, teachers, validating to children the value

of high fat, ultra sugar diets while being manipulated by fast food giant

McDonalds. In my local town last week, " McTeachers Night " featured local

school teachers working the grill and busing tables for a measly 20% of the

sales they pushed on their charges: their own students. McDonalds who spends

an estimated $900 million to $1.5 billion yearly on advertisement must find

teachers more convenient to manipulate than minimum wage workers and much

more powerful than any commercial they could conjure up.


My own two daughters held their elementary school teachers in lofty esteem

often telling me, " my teacher said " and placing near religious allegiance

to their every word and act. Did those McTeachers explain to their young

consumers that each Big Mac has 50% of the daily value of fat and

unsaturated fat? Did they mention that if that burger came with fries that

the children's other two meals of the day would need to be fat free since

the combo dish offers 100% of the daily fat intake? Did they discuss the

terms: obesity and osteoporosis? Probably not.


Marketers know that brand loyalty can be imprinted in children as early as

age two and 25 years ago McDonalds began the battle to win consumers from

" cradle to grave " . One might wonder why McDonalds would enlist teachers

considering every month about 90% of American children between the ages of

three and nine visit the holy land of fat. Public schools are hurting for

money and McDonalds knows it. The strategy is simple and grotesque: attract

kiddies with slides and toys on site, invade the public schools with

exclusive contracts, produce bogus teacher's educational materials and

dangle teachers in front of their students as pseudo Mc-employees for good

PR and sales.


A McDonald's executive told the N.Y. Times, " We at McDonald's are thankful

that people like drinks with their sandwiches " . More Coca-Cola is sold at

McDonald's than anywhere else in the world! With boys consuming 9% of the

caloric intake from pop, McDonald's has found " sugar nirvana " . This " liquid

candy " is leading to the convenience age gift of Diabetes and weakened

bones. 14% of America's children are considered obese and obesity related

hospitalizations for children are soaring as diabetes' diagnosis for kids

has doubled in the last twenty years. The marketing of fast food is so

successful that some of the inroads into the global society are frightening:


* McDonalds is iconic with Chinese children, with Coca-cola the number one

beverage in China and Ronald McDonald having name recognition as great as

Chairman Mao;


* McDonalds has 17,000 restaurants in 120 foreign nations;


*In May 1996 McDonalds signed a ten- year marketing agreement with Disney.

Now slave laborers in Vietnam and other under-developed nations can slave

away for this tandem partnership, which thrives on abusing workers;


*Teenagers often open and close McDonalds sacrificing hours of study or rest

for a minimum wage benefactor, who strongly opposes unions and a steady,

well paid work force.


*According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 20% of

public schools sell McDonald's burgers or other name brand fast foods.


*The Warwick Center for Education and Industry (CEI) in the United Kingdom

has received McDonalds materials asking children to compose a song called,

'Old McDonald had a Store'. McDonalds has argued in court that the sale of

Coke can be considered 'nutritious' because it " provides water, which is

part of any balanced diet. " And according to the Warwick Boar, McDonalds has

admitted in court that children are " virgin ground as far as marketing is

concerned. "


Critics will scream that I am summoning up the " fat police " and that

individuals must take responsibility for their own actions in connection

with diet. Patsy Barich who works for a Berkeley California PR firm that

represents McDonalds stated, " Kids like to go to McDonalds, that's the

bottom line. " I say, " Kiss my McNuggets. " Children depend on teachers and

parents to treat them as invaluable treasures not pawns for profit. Young

children are so impressionable that teachers need to teach critical

thinking, healthful diets and making wise decisions for a long and

prosperous life. To bring McDonalds or any corporation into that learning

equation is a farce.


Maybe McDonalds should use ask teachers to dress as the character from their

own " educational propaganda: " Willie Munchright. Using rhymes like " So why

be shy? Give new foods a try and " Cut the Sweets 'til After You Eat. " Does

McDonalds believe that this mundane exercise in eating fruits and vegetables

could overshadow Ronald McDonald peddling fat-burgers?


Why isn't this character a main feature at the McDonald's restaurants?


Teachers should say no to McPandering. Those who have raised cash from this

McTravesty should send it back: immediately. Teach children about the health

risks of a fast food based diet: study that and discuss alternatives. A good

lesson for the students might be the positive social ramifications of eating

at home, enjoying a complete meal prepared by the entire family. Imagine

children working with local dieticians to prepare school meals: minus the

fast food buffet.


A society that cannot find the cash to fund their public schools is no

better than corporations who sell Diabetes and slow death to innocent



John F. Borowski, a contributing writer for Liberal Slant, has been a

teacher of environmental and marine science for 23 years. He sits on the

advisory board of the Native Forest Council, and has testified in Congress

on behalf of forest protection. His pieces have also appeared in PR Watch,

UTNE Reader, Forest Voice, Commondreams, N.Y. Times, Z Magazine and numerous

other sites. He can be reached at jenjill









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