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November Service

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Hope all of you are having a blessed week.


Our monthly service was yesterday, and was very



This month's sermon dealt with the current case

between Jerry Friedman and Southern California

Permanente. Following this message is a letter I

furnished Mr. Friedman's attorney in assisting them

with their Supreme Court appeal.


Also discussed in the service was our Christmas Toy

Drive for low income children, and our Christmas

Benefit dinner.


The service concluded with a Vegan dinner of Vegetable

Pasta Soup and Fried Potatoes.


Our next service will be held Saturday, December 28th.


Feel free to forward this message and the following

letter to others.


Have a great December!


Jack Truman


The Universal Equalitarian Church

" Where All Species Are Created Equal "



417-398-0210 Fax




Honorable Ronald M. George, Chief Justice and the

Associate Justices

Supreme Court of California

350 McAllister Street

San Francisco, CA 94102 – 4783


November 26, 2002



Dear Chief Justice:


Supreme Court Case S110916

Court of Appeal Case: Second Appellate District,

Division Five, No. B150017






It is my understanding, that according to the case

above, there was a ruling that veganism is not a

religion. This letter is provided to the court to

prove and establish that there is a church in America

that actively promotes Veganism as one of its primary

purposes. This is the Universal Equalitarian



When the Earth was Created, God created the Earth for

all species: Man, Woman, and Animal. Equalitarianism

believes that all of us are created equally,

regardless of skin, culture, intelligence, or



The Universal Equalitarian Church is a Church which

covers all species, without limit or exception.


Headquartered in Southwest Missouri, we are in the

heart of the Ozarks. We promote Equalitarian religion



Our goal is Worldwide peace; a World free of murder,

violence, and cannabalism; a World full of love and



The principles of Equalitarian religion cannot exist

without the element of Veganism being one of the basic

ideas for our church.


The United States of America guarantees each citizen

freedom of religion.


The government does not define religion.


Judge Turner, in his recent ruling, noted that the

Fair Employment and Housing Commission has defined

‘religious creed’ to include ‘any

traditionally recognized religion as well as beliefs,

observations, or practices which an individual

sincerely holds and which occupy in his or her life a

place of importance parallel to that of traditionally

recognized religions.’ Based on this notation, there

is obviously similarities between Christianity and

Veganism with Equalitarian religion.


Judge Turner also made reference to several cases by

Judge Arlin M. Adams.


Judge Adams defined religion. This is his own personal

definition, which he has a right to express. Every

citizen of America has this right. The United

States Constitution does not define religion. Rather,

it guarantees each citizen the freedom of religion.


When government officials attempt to define religion,

this is a violation of the separation of Church and



Justice Turner is incorrect in stating that Veganism

has no apparent spiritual or other worldly component

to plantiff’s beliefs. The Equalitarian Church, which

holds Veganism as one of its Basic Principles, is

quite spiritual; in that, we consider an animal who

possesses a Soul just as significant as a human being,

with all the feelings a human being has. The fact that

Judge Turner stated that Veganism ‘compels the

plantiff to live in accord with strict dictates of

behavior, it reflects a moral and secular,

rather than religious, philosophy’, displays the fact

that he does not fully understand the concept which

Veganism truly represents. The Equalitarian Church

reflects not only moral values to the highest extreme

by advocating non-violence which is based on Veganism,

but contrary to Judge Turner’s statement, does

practice a religious philosophy which certainly is

comparable to traditional recognized religions.


It is incorrect that Veganism is merely a lifestyle.


Belief in the religion of Veganism causes a lifestyle

of non-violence as comparable to other religions such

as Christianity, Muslim, and Jewish which causes

certain lifestyles. Lifestyles are created and

effected based off religion.


The Christian Church could not exist without the idea

of God. The Equalitarian Church could not exist

without the idea of Veganism. Belief of God promotes

Christianity. Belief of Veganism promotes non-violence

and the sanctity of Life.


Our church makes reference quite often to several

passages in the first book of Genesis. Most often

referred to is the following passage:


“And God said, ‘I have given you every herb-bearing

seed which is upon the face of the earth, and every

tree in which is the fruit of a tree yielding

seed: to you it shall be as meat.”

--Genesis 1:29


And following is a Commandment we refer to constantly:


‘Thou shalt not kill.’

Exodus 20:13


Equalitarian religion does not practice membership.

Interest is worldwide. This is comparable to the basic

teachings of Jesus, who did not practice membership;

instead, He had followers, resulting in worldwide



If needed, I am available if you have any questions

regarding Equalitarian religion or our practices.


Feel free to contact me directly at (417) 398-2800.


As well, feel free to visit our Church’s website at



I pray for the day all creatures are treated equally.


God Bless,



Jack Truman


The Universal Equalitarian Church

" Where All Species Are Created Equal "



417-398-0210 Fax






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