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    " DawnWatch " <KarenDawn

To:      howarddy2

DawnWatch: National Review Online has two great pieces on animal


Date:    Fri, 6 Dec 2002 18:34:11 -0800




National Review Online is the e-companion of the conservative magazine,


Review. It gets one million distinctive visitors per month.


Currently, at the top of the front page of the NRO website, visitors see a


with the picture of a bound lamb - the picture is from the cover of Matthew

Scully's book, " Dominion. " The box points to two terrific articles. One is an

interview with Scully about the book and our society's treatment of animals.


other is an article, by Rod Dreher, posted December 6, entitled " To Hunt or


to Hunt. "


Dreher begins his piece,

" I was a successful deer hunter exactly once. And it was the last day I ever

hunted deer. Killing that big, beautiful animal for no good reason left me

disgusted with myself. Shortly after that, I quit hunting game for good, and

hadn't thought about it for over 20 years, until I started reading Matthew

Scully's remarkable book Dominion, which makes an impassioned conservative


for reconsidering the often-brutal way we humans exercise our God-given


over the natural world. "


The piece is gorgeous. He discusses his feelings of regret upon killing the

buck, and then later, after killing two squirrels.


The article is not very long, and well worth reading. One of my favorite

segments follows:


" My father didn't understand, and rebuked me harshly for my unmanliness. I

didn't care what he said, that was the end of me and hunting. Looking back on

it, I think that miserable morning when I chose to obey my conscience rather

than what my father and my culture demanded of me taught me more about


manhood than anything I learned on the hunt. "


You'll find the Dreher article on line at:



Here's a link for AOLers:

<<A HREF= " http://www.nationalreview.com/dreher/dreher120602.asp " >To Hunt or Not

to Hunt</A>


The interview with Scully is also a nice read. I was very gratified to find

links throughout the article to photo gallery pages about chickens, pigs and

veal calves from the http://www.factoryfarming.com website. Seeing them on


website of this conservative magazine made me realize how far (with Matthew

Scully's help) we have come.


You'll find the interview with Matthew Scully at:



Here's a link for AOLers:

HREF= " http://www.nationalreview.com/interrogatory/interrogatory120602.asp " >


ring Dominion


The National Review Online has a discussion page of sorts called " The Corner "

and a link on it from which you can email comments, at:



The email address for comments is: thecorner

Link: thecorner


Yours and the animals',

Karen Dawn



(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in


media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. You


learn more about it at www.DawnWatch.com. To to DawnWatch, email

KarenDawn and tell me you'd like to receive alerts.  If at any

time you find DawnWatch is not for you, just let me know via email and I'll


you off the r list immediately. If you forward or reprint DawnWatch

alerts, please do so unedited and include this tag line.)








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