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Cattle Producers Target Teen Vegetarians

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Cattle Producers Target Teen Vegetarians





WASHINGTON --Teenagers are cutting the meat from their diets, and that

trend alarms the nation's beef producers, who recently targeted an

education campaign at teen girls.


" I just didn't think that eating meat could be that healthy for you, "

said Jennifer Mora, a Des Moines, Iowa, high school senior who quit

eating meat and fish when she was 13. " I think we can get all the

nutrients we need from other sources, like eggs, nuts, other foods. "


It's 'cool'


One in four teenagers now considers vegetarianism " cool, " according to

Teenage Research Unlimited, a market research group.


Two percent of teens ate no meat, poultry or fish in 2000, and 6

percent of teen girls ate no beef or pork, according to a poll

sponsored by the Baltimore-based Vegetarian Resource Group.


That's bad news for states such as Iowa, a major pork and beef producer.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, which targets children all

the way down to elementary school with its anti-meat campaigns, claims

that 20 percent of college students are vegetarians.


Sixty percent of the nation's schools offered vegetarian alternatives

in 2001, up from 40 percent in 1999, according to the American School

Food Service Association.


" Vegetarianism is on the rise, especially among teens and college-age

students, " said Patricia Trostle, education coordinator for PETA.

" They're forming these ideas and habits that they are going to have for

the rest of their lives. "


Many do it wrong


Nutritionists say vegetarianism can be perfectly healthy, so long as

teens do it the right way. Many don't.


A University of Minnesota study of more than 4,700 adolescents in the

Minneapolis-St. Paul area found that teen vegetarians were less

health-conscious than meat-eaters. The vegetarians also were more

likely to be considering suicide or taking extreme measures to lose

weight, including vomiting and using diet pills and laxatives.


The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has picked up on these

concerns and others in its effort to win teens back to meat.


The group has launched an education campaign that equates beef-eating

with good self-esteem, called " Cool to be Real. " The subtle message:

Real girls eat beef.


" If there is a whole section of young women and to a lesser extent men

who are reducing their consumption of any particular food, the industry

that provides that food would be keen to reclaim them, " said Steve Kay,

an editor of Cattle Buyers Weekly, a trade publication.


Cattlemen officials enlisted a child psychologist, Sylvia Rimm, author

of " See Jane Win, " to convey their pro-beef message to editors of

magazines and Web sites that reach teen girls. The editors were

skeptical, the beef group found.


Missing nutrients


Besides protein, beef also is a good source of iron and zinc. Sixty

percent of adolescent girls don't get enough iron, and 47 percent don't

get enough zinc, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show. But those

aren't the only nutrients that teen girls often lack -- even larger

percentages don't get enough calcium and folate.


There are other sources for protein, iron and zinc besides meat. Beans

provide iron and protein. Dairy products and eggs are good sources of

protein. Green leafy vegetables and fortified cereals supply a wide

range of nutrients.


" Anytime you eliminate one food or group of foods from your diet, you

run the risk of not meeting your nutrient needs, " said Keith-Thomas

Ayoob, a pediatric nutritionist at New York's Albert Einstein College

of Medicine. " You can have a (vegetarian) diet that is extremely

healthy, but you can also have one that is inadequate nutritionally. "


©2003 The Olympian



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Here is the link for the America's Beef Producers teen girl website:




It is a fascinating and scary site. It seems like it must be a hoax

site, but unfortunately, it is 'real'. The Beef industry is

associating the word 'real' with eating meat and insinuating that

being a vegetarian is 'fake' - maybe because vegetarians eat 'fake'

meat. Here is a 'real' quote from the site:


" Real " girls have " real " friends.... Friends who understand, friends

who care, and friends who keep you real. (emphasis original)


-Gabe Quash

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The site Gabe posted below (cool-wb-real.com) is amazing. The beef

industry has some great spin doctors on their payroll!


What's interesting is the site encourages teens to take pride in their

nutritional choices. Vegetarian teens should do the same, of course. Do

teens who choose to go vegetarian look for nutrition information to keep

them on a healthy vegetarian track (as opposed to drinking Coke and

eating chips every day)? Do they have access to information at school?

Somehow I doubt it.


Has anyone handed out nutrition information at school events? Or asked

school counselors to hand out information to students they find are



If teens get educated about their diets, a shift could happen around





" gabequash " wrote:


> Here is the link for the America's Beef Producers teen girl website:


> www.cool-2b-real.com


> It is a fascinating and scary site. It seems like it must be a hoax

> site, but unfortunately, it is 'real'. The Beef industry is

> associating the word 'real' with eating meat and insinuating that

> being a vegetarian is 'fake' - maybe because vegetarians eat 'fake'

> meat. Here is a 'real' quote from the site:


> ?Real? girls have ?real? friends.... Friends who understand, friends

> who care, and friends who keep you real. (emphasis original)


> -Gabe Quash




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The National Cattlemen¹s Beef Association goes to great lengths to

disseminate their propaganda. Another one of their websites is

burgertown.com which includes a Sasha Cohen website. You can see for

yourself at http://burgertown.kidscom.com/main/sasha/sashacorner.html


Sasha Cohen is a skater on the U.S. Olympic team and poster girl for the

NCBA. You¹ll see that the website is nothing more than beef propaganda

dressed up in kid friendly colors and images. The target market of the NCBA

is 8-12 year old girls and LOTS of money is spent to get the message to this

audience. Like the tobacco companies, they know it¹s all about getting them

hooked while they¹re young.


If you saw the opening ceremonies of the most recent winter Olympics, you

may have seen Sasha Cohen seated next to Rancher in Chief, George W. Bush. A

day earlier, Bush spoke at the annual NCBA meeting in Denver and declared

that China needs to import more U.S. Beef. They¹re all one big happy family.


I can¹t wait to see the day when Earthsave, PCRM, CIFC, Vegan Outreach and

other organizations like these have the budget and clout currently enjoyed

by the NCBA.






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