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Sign up for February's Vegetarian Cooking Class

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Hi everyone, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! As you know, The Compassionate Cooks took

January off, but we're looking forward to seeing you in February for our " Meals

in 30 Minutes " class. As usual, we plan to demonstrate some delicious dishes, to

debunk myths regarding plant-based eating, and to have loads of fun!


We already have several people signed up for February's class, and I think it

will be a popular one. We all want to make delicious, healthful meals for

ourselves and families -- but we don't want to spend all night in the kitchen!

Especially after a long day working to being home the fakin' bacon! :) Join us

on February 16th as we whip up:

a.. Fast and Fabulous Fajitas

b.. Spectacular Stir-fry with Maple/Mustard Sauce

c.. Perfect Pasta with Peanut Sauce and Green Beans

d.. Super Sloppy Joes

e.. Outstanding Orzo with Roasted Red Peppers and Peas

In addition to what we're actually cooking, we will provide you with a bevy of

resources, suggestions, and ideas for quick and easy cooking. There are so many

" vegan " products in the markets today that make dinner as preparation as simple

as opening a box.


WHEN: Sunday, February 16th -- 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.

WHERE: First Unitarian Church of Oakland, 685 14th St. at Castro. Directions:


COST: $25

HOW TO SIGN UP: You may sign up by contacting me directly at 510-914-7131 or at

colleen. Once you let me know that you would like to attend, simply

write a check, make it out to Colleen A. Patrick, and put 'cooking class' in the

memo field. Mail it to Colleen A. Patrick 230 Santa Rosa Ave. #3 Oakland, CA


PREVIOUS CLASS RECIPES: http://www.generationv.org/compassionatecooks.htm


PLEASE NOTE: Because of the logistics involved, you are considered a TENTATIVE

sign-up until I receive your check. When I receive it, I will send you a

confirmation via email. Also, please try to sign up sooner rather than later.

Last-minute sign-ups (though sometimes inevitable) are discouraged. :)


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1) The original Compassionate Cooks (Alka Chandna and

Colleen Patrick) wll be doing a cooking demo at the upcoming VegFair

http://www.vegfair.org/index2.html, which promises to be an awesome event,

including such speakers as Howard Lyman, Dr. John McDougall, and Gene Bauston.

2) February's cooking class will be videotaped.



As usual, we'd like to share some comments from our class participants. Here is

some more feedback from December's class:


" As for class last night, it was delicious! And fun. Those soups and sauces

and pastries were divine! I hadn't thought about the animal rights aspect much

before, but last night's information made me realize (obvious, I know) that

being an animal lover and a meat-eater is not really compatible these days. Most

of all, your class has reinforced the idea that a vegan diet is feasible and not

unbearably limited. Now I'm looking more into what I can feed my kids, and am

leaning ever more strongly toward vegan. "


" The class the excellent & was really impressed with the food that you made. I

have to admit that cooking has always been a bit intimidating to me, but I feel

that the class really helped me. "


" All the food was spectacular. No other word for it! Thanks so much! "


" Please sign me up for your mailing list of classes -- this was just fantastic!

I'm learning so much from you and the other participants. "


" The cooking class was awesome! It was very informative, and I loved the

recipes! "


See you in February!


For the sake of peace,



" Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do Something. Anything. "



" As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no

peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell

together. " ~Isaac Bashevis Singer


" The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for

humans anymore than black people were made for whites or women for men. " ~Alice



" Nonviolence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution.

Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. " ~Thomas



Recipes & Cooking Classes: http://www.generationv.org/compassionatecooks.htm






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