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hey jack,

i just checked out the kqed thing...you have to go

thru all these pages where if you say " Yes we should

be vegetarians " it takes you thru 5 pages of

ridiculous agruments against vegetarianism...worth

checking out just to laugh at! but when i checked we

vegies were at 51 %!


--- jacknorris wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone knows, but KQED has a

> question " Should we all be

> vegetarians? "


> Go there and vote!



http://bbs.kqed.org/WebX?230 (AT) 238 (DOT) nmxfaKcsgWm.2@.ee7df1f#


> Jack








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One word of warning - this is an experimental poll.

If you answer 'YES', they will try and convince you

'NO'. And if you answer 'NO', they will try and

convince you 'YES'.


BTW, they have no security on their poll so the more

times you vote, the more times your vote is counted.


--- jacknorris wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone knows, but KQED has a

> question " Should we all be

> vegetarians? "


> Go there and vote!



http://bbs.kqed.org/WebX?230 (AT) 238 (DOT) nmxfaKcsgWm.2@.ee7df1f#


> Jack





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The results are now 80% in favor of being vegetarian. <smirk>




SFBAVeg , Randy Belknap <rbelknap> wrote:


> BTW, they have no security on their poll so the more

> times you vote, the more times your vote is counted.


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The whole point is for people to vote both ways to see the arguments

from both side.


So if everyone followed their instructions the poll should come out to

roughly 50/50 :)



Randy Belknap [rbelknap]

Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:28 AM


Re: [sFBAVeg] KQED



One word of warning - this is an experimental poll.

If you answer 'YES', they will try and convince you

'NO'. And if you answer 'NO', they will try and

convince you 'YES'.


BTW, they have no security on their poll so the more

times you vote, the more times your vote is counted.


--- jacknorris wrote:

> I'm not sure if anyone knows, but KQED has a

> question " Should we all be

> vegetarians? "


> Go there and vote!



http://bbs.kqed.org/WebX?230 (AT) 238 (DOT) nmxfaKcsgWm.2@.ee7df1f#


> Jack

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On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 09:28 AM, Randy Belknap wrote:


> BTW, they have no security on their poll so the more

> times you vote, the more times your vote is counted.



Exactly. After voting YES, just hit Command-Left Arrow (Alt-Left Arrow

on a PC) and you go back to the prior page to vote all over again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I went back to the KQED website to check and see how their " should we

all be vegetarians poll? " was going and I was slightly shocked to see

that the number is back down to 62% in favor of vegetarian. However, I

was really shocked to see that the total numbers of pro-veg votes was

a much smaller number than I remembered. Could it be that KQED deleted

a bunch of pro-veg votes to make their poll look more balanced? So

much for journalistic ethics...

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> I went back to the KQED website to check and see how their " should we

> all be vegetarians poll? " was going and I was slightly shocked to see

> that the number is back down to 62% in favor of vegetarian. However, I

> was really shocked to see that the total numbers of pro-veg votes was

> a much smaller number than I remembered. Could it be that KQED deleted

> a bunch of pro-veg votes to make their poll look more balanced? So

> much for journalistic ethics...


I'm not Internet-savy enough to know if they can figure this out, but maybe

they cut out all votes that came from the same person (after their first




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On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 jacknorris wrote:



> > I went back to the KQED website to check and see how their " should we

> > all be vegetarians poll? " was going and I was slightly shocked to see

> > that the number is back down to 62% in favor of vegetarian. However, I

> > was really shocked to see that the total numbers of pro-veg votes was

> > a much smaller number than I remembered. Could it be that KQED deleted

> > a bunch of pro-veg votes to make their poll look more balanced? So

> > much for journalistic ethics...


> I'm not Internet-savy enough to know if they can figure this out, but maybe

> they cut out all votes that came from the same person (after their first

> one).


> Jack



For all we know, there are anti-vegetarian groups out there pushing their

members to go vote the other way...

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I think people are taking this poll too seriously. It's not some huge

Harris Survey on the state of vegetarianism in North America and I doubt

very much it will be used or reported in any form.


It's a simply a tool to educate people on the issues of eating meat or

going vegetarian.


For those of you who missed the original discussion on this, when you

take the poll/survey KQED presents a series of statements for or against

vegetarianism depending on what viewpoint you start out with. As the

survey progresses (one question at a time), they try and argue the

opposite to what your view is based on how you reply to the last

question (Devils advocate style.)


And at the end they encourage you to take the poll again and ask you to

take the opposite view to see all the 'facts'. So no wonder the poll is

close to 50-50.


I also wouldn't be surprised if they've reset the poll more than once to

keep things in balance to encourage people to take the poll again.


So having said all that can we drop the topic ;)


Take care



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It doesn't look like KQED has reset the numbers since we ran

the 'YES' side up. The number of votes 'YES' votes is about the

same. However, I just watched the " NO " vote go up by 40 in the last

10 minutes. I guess we've got a cattleman on the other side running

up the 'NO's.

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Well, it looks like some slimy carnivore has done what I thought of

doing and written an automatic voting script. When I checked on the

tally just a minute ago, the no votes were up to 11974, throwing the

percentages to 90% in favor of no.


And the yes numbers were reduced. They were up over 2000 at one point,

but now they're down in the 1200 range.


I think that KQED should take down this poll since it's so obviously



SFBAVeg , " nun_such " <rbelknap> wrote:

> It doesn't look like KQED has reset the numbers since we ran

> the 'YES' side up. The number of votes 'YES' votes is about the

> same. However, I just watched the " NO " vote go up by 40 in the last

> 10 minutes. I guess we've got a cattleman on the other side running

> up the 'NO's.

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On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 11:26 AM, Rob wrote:



> Well, it looks like some slimy carnivore has done what I thought of

> doing and written an automatic voting script. When I checked on the

> tally just a minute ago, the no votes were up to 11974, throwing the

> percentages to 90% in favor of no.





Well, if someone could repost the URL, maybe some of us could do

something about it.

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My thoughts on this -- if you *really* want to make a difference for the

animals, write your legislators on some of the bills before our state

legislators! They do not know we want them to vote FOR the animals unless

we tell them. As a reminder, our Bay Area Letter Writing parties are

happening 3/22 in SF, Pacifica & Oakland (see



State Legislation:

- ACR 16 (veggie food in CA school lunch program)

- Senate Bill 233 which would repeal the current penal code that prohibits

the sale of kangaroo, crocodile & alligator skins/body parts in California

(currently, the sale of these skins is a violation of California State Law)

- many other bills! http://fund.org/uploads/california.htm To receive

timely e-mail action alerts, send a message to: <vhandley with

subject: alert. Include your full name, snail mail address, phone,

and the animal organization you represent, if any. Alerts are usually

e?mailed weekly while the Legislature is in session.


Federal Legislation:

U.S. Representatives John Sweeney and John Spratt, Jr. have introduced H.R.

857, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, to ban the slaughter of

horses for human consumption and prohibit live horses from being exported

for slaughter.


Send an electronic letter here (sample text provided -- can it get any

easier!?) courtesy of the Fund for Animals

http://action.fund.org/action/index.asp?step=2 & item=1522




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