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HAPPY NEW YEARS! 2 Free Recipes...

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From my new book RAW IN TEN MINUTES!




Enjoy and let me know how you like it!:) Happy New Years!








This version has no transfat or artificial anything. We are all

natural organic beings and it makes no sense to be putting things in

or on our bodies that are not all natural and organic! More people

are waking up to this fact and I am more than pleased and honored to

help make it a truly enjoyable gourmet sweet experience. I know you

will love this easy delectable childhood favorite treat! People tell

me they can't get enough of Raweos and love it a lot. Kids really go

all out for this recipe, the love to make and eat them. Parents like

it because they know it is low glycemic and sugar so is very well

balanced. This RAWeo is actually a living food because the nuts are

soaked so you are getting even more nutritious goodness in each bite!

A dessert that is actually good for you on many levels. This one also

travels well.


8 Servings


2 Cups soaked Almonds, you can also use and substitute 2 Cups soaked

Sunflower Seeds if you cannot find or have access to Raw Organic



2 Cups Water


5 Tablespoons Carob Powder


5 Tablespoons Agave


Nutiva Raw Extra Virgin Coconut Oil






Small Cookie Cutters




Put the Almonds and Water into the Blend-Tec Blender and blend

until the almonds become very small crumb like in size. Pour into

Cheesecloth over a large mixing bowl. Squeeze all the almond milk you

can out of the almond pulp and save the pulp. Later you can

experiment and make them as moist or dry as you like. Save the almond

milk to drink straight, you can add some agave to sweeten or use it

in the Oatmeal Cereal Recipe or smoothie recipes. Remember to

refrigerate leftovers.




In a medium bowl mix the almond pulp with the carob powder with

a fork then add the agave and mix with the fork again until evenly

mixed. Then using your hands you can roll small balls then flatten

into cookie 2 shapes make sure they are well compacted, spoon desired

amount of " creamy filling " which is the coconut oil, in between 2 of

the " cookies " and enjoy. If you live where it is very hot and the

coconut oil is liquid then you will need to cool it to a solid state.

You could also blend the coconut oil with some coconut meat to make a

creamy filling too. What I like to use are cute cookie cutters and

molds in the shape of hearts and stars. It is easy to press the

almond carob mix down, add the coconut oil gently press down then add

more carob almond pulp mix and press down firmly, then gently ease it

out of the mold or cookie cutter.




This is such a all natural super food and super nutritious

dessert/snack because the almonds are alive and living with fully

activated enzymes, nutrients and vitamins while the coconut oil has

anti-aging properties and is an all natural high quality oil with so

many benefits. The super energy really comes through in the super

taste of this recipe. Can you imagine a sweet decadent snack/treat

that is actually good for you, helps anti-age and beautify you from

the inside!? Well now you get to enjoy it and it is real. Kids really

love it and you are providing them with the best food on the planet.

Adults totally love these too so make some for your friends and teach

them all the benefits, they will thank you for it. There is a photo

on the cover. An innovative organic living super food dessert! This

is my most popular and requested dessert recipe.


Macaroni & Cheese






As far as I know this is the ONLY RAW Vegan Organic Macaroni & Cheese

Recipe in existence! I had to come up with a fun Raw Organic version

out of necessity because the cooked version used to be my favorite as

a kid until I found out about all the artificial colors, chemicals

and preservatives that went into it! Someday things like that will be

a distant memory, that is what is so exciting about the RAW Organic

Cuisine, it is so pure, healthy and decadently all natural. I brought

this one to a Thanksgiving potluck and it disappeared in an instant!

It is a great Holiday dish, the presentation and colors are so

inviting. I hope you enjoy this special creation of mine as it is a

very popular comfort food, I also wanted to bring out more new

innovative never before seen Raw Organic Recipes and foods. My

version looks and tastes cooked and is the creamiest.




5 Servings




2 Large Peeled Yams




" Nacho Cheese " Pine Nut Sauce:




1 ½ Cup Pine Nuts


2 Tablespoons Turmeric


¼ Cup Olive Oil


1/3 Cup Water


½ Teaspoon Sea Salt


2 Tablespoons Hawaiian Mellow White Miso for less salty flavor, 3 to

4 Tablespoons of Miso for stronger Flavor




Using a Mandolin slicer carefully make as many length wise thin

slices of Yams after peeling them first. Then stack the slices of

Yams on top of each other and make a sort of roll so you can

carefully slice them into small thin macaroni shapes with a knife and

make them curly. Do this with both Yams then put into a bowl or Pyrex

glass pan. Drizzle olive oil and squeeze some lemon juice on top.

Sprinkle some sea salt on top of the yams then mix the yams and make

sure all the pieces are covered in olive oil then set aside to allow

it to marinate.




Make the " Nacho Cheese " Sauce in a blender then pour on top of

the Yams and mix again until all the pieces are covered in the " Nacho

Cheese " Pine Nut Sauce. Let sit for 10 minutes so that it can absorb

the sauce and soften then enjoy! The longer you let it sit the softer

it gets. I am planning on packaging the " Nacho Cheese " Pine Nut Sauce

to sell in all the grocery and health food stores so more people can

have access to RAW Organic goodness! There is a glowing yellow

photograph of this innovative new recipe in glass Pyrex ware on the

cover with a pineapple, apple and some melons in the background.

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