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interview of a Tornoto vegetarian, Mr. Choo

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Read the interview near the middle of this post from International

Vegetarian Union


At the end, it tells you how to join this free email list.


Get active with your community !




george [george]

Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:33 AM

Sunny Outdoors







the illustrated web version of this newsletter is at



Table of Contents




Dresden 2008 IVU World Vegetarian Congress Update

More Videos from the 2006 IVU World Vegetarian Congress in Goa, India

Meatout 2007

International Meatless Day

Bristol Vegan Fayre

Livestock’s Impact on the Environment

Organizing Potlucks: An Interview with Garry Choo of the Toronto Vegetarian


Sitio Vegetariano (Brazil) Celebrates 8th Anniversary

VegDining.com Increasing Support for Vegetarian Groups Worldwide

New Book on the Emotions of Our Fellow Animals





Printed invitation brochures for the 2008 IVU World Vegetarian Congress in

Dresden, Germany are available now. If you’d like an invitation mailed to

anyone, please contact Hildegund Scholvien (Hildi) at hscholvien


Recently there have been a few changes, above all for the hotel

reservations. They are worth a look at the internet page:



And a reminder: the first deadline for early and cheaper booking is 30th

July 2007.





The folks at Veg TV have recently uploaded more videos from the 2006 IVU

World Vegetarian Congress in Goa, India, including an interview with the

former IVU Regional Coordinator for Asia, Jashu Shah:






Meatout is an annual event held to encourage meat eaters to give

vegetarianism a try for a day or more. On (or around) March 20 — the first

day of spring in the northern hemisphere — thousands of people in all 50 US

states and around the world will hold informative and educational Meatout

events. To find out more:






Another annual event celebrated in countries around the world is

International Meatless Day, which is held every 25th of November. In 2006,

millions of people signed a pledge to go meatless that day. Among the

signers was Megawati Sukarnoputri, the immediate past president of

Indonesia. To find out more:






June 9-10, 2007 are the dates of the Bristol Vegan Fayre to be held in

Bristol, England. Among the speakers is Dr Stephen Walsh, author of Plant

Based Nutrition and Health. For more information:






An important document for promoting vegetarianism was published by the

United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization. It describes the many

ways that meat production is doing increasingly serious harm to the

environment: http://www.fao.org/ag/magazine/0612sp1.htm






Potlucks are one way for vegetarians to get together, enjoy each other’s

company, show off their culinary skills and try new dishes. In the interview

below, Garry Choo (garrychoo), of the Toronto Vegetarian

Association (http://www.veg.ca), shares his experiences organizing potlucks.


Q: Let’s start with a little biographical info. What is your occupation?

Have long have you been veg? Why did you go veg?


A: I was born and raised in Toronto, ON Canada. I am a manager in the IT

department for a Canadian retailer. My primary job function is long term



I’ve been veg since 2001. I became veg as a result of reading Fast Food

Nation by Eric Schlosser. Three things about the book stuck in my mind:


1. The wastefulness of raising animals for food. Especially the

clearing of the Amazon rainforest to grow soybeans for feed;

2. That animals were treated in such a manner and also that they did

not come from ‘farms’, but from factories; and

3. The treatment of people in the related slaughter and fast food



After reading FFN, I began reading other publications to ensure the facts

were, well, factual. I read Beyond Beef by Jeremy Rifkin, Diet for a Small

Planet by Frances Moore Lappe, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson and many

others. These books cemented my resolve to stay vegetarian.


Q: How long have you been organizing potlucks?


A: I’ve been organizing monthly potlucks since January 2005. It started as a

vegan and raw-food potluck. It is now only a raw-food potluck.


Q: What led you to start organizing potlucks?


A: I became vegan and then a raw foodist because of potlucks. I became

vegetarian on my own, but I do not think I could have become vegan or raw on

my own. There was a great sense of community at the potlucks, and the people

in attendance also were a great support network.


In the fall of 2004, Anson DePezia, a raw foodist in Toronto who organized

monthly potlucks in his home, was discontinuing them because he was moving

away from the city for several months. I became a raw foodist as a result of

Anson’s potlucks.


With him gone, there was a void that needed to be filled. The first potluck

I organized was in January 2005, one month after Anson’s final potluck.


Q: How do you publicize the potlucks?


A: Anson provided me with his mailing list of raw-foodists. I used that as a

start. I also had a large list of emails of vegetarians that I knew. The

potlucks were also promoted on the website, meetup.com, where there were

several vegetarian groups (vegetarian, vegan, raw). It was also posted on

the Toronto Vegetarian Association’s website, http://www.veg.ca


At the point when meetup.com started charging for their services, people

migrated to . Several groups were formed including:


Toronto Vegetarians; http://ca.torontovegetarians

TVA Singles: tva_singles


I also discovered the Raw Food Toronto group, which I now moderate:



Also, in the fall of 2006, Sandra McKeown, another Toronto raw foodist,

revived the raw food meetup group and that brought some new people to the



Q: How did you begin? What was the first potluck like?


A: The first potluck was great. There was about 30 or 40 people in

attendance. We get from 20-60 people at the potlucks.


Q: What venues do you use? What are some other possibilities?


A: I use the party room in my condo building. It is about 3000 square feet

in size so it can hold over 100 people. In the summertime, we can expand it

into a courtyard off of the party room. I’ve held it in my apartment (once),

but it isn’t that big and can only accommodate about 20 people comfortably.


Q: How do you deal with plates, forks, spoons, etc.?


A: We have a collection of reuseable plates (donated by the TVA), cups and

utensils. People are encouraged to bring their own reuseable plates, cups

and utensils. We also request that people bring their own napkins.


Q: Do people have to sign up ahead of time?


A: I don’t have people sign up. I don’t find it useful. I only let people

know when the event is and they can show up if they like.


Q: Do you ask people to list the ingredients in their dishes? For example,

what if some people don’t take garlic or onion, or some are allergic to a

particular food?


A: Yes, ingredients are always listed in case of allergies and for general



Q: How long do the events usually last?


A: People start showing up at 6pm, eating starts at 7pm and it’s gone as

late as 11pm.


Q: Other than eating, do you have any scheduled activities, such as ice

breakers or screening a video?


A: In the past, we have had food preparation demonstrations, singers and



Q: Do you ever have special themes for the potlucks, such as Asian food?


A: We had a dessert theme once. It was very popular and the food didn’t last

very long from what I remember! Regardless, the ‘theme’ is always raw food



Q: Do you ever have a problem with not having enough food?


A: Maybe during the dessert themed potluck! There always seems to be just

the right amount of food. More often than not, we have food left over at the

end of the evening.


Q: Can someone show up without food and offer to clean-up or do some other



A: I don’t really care if people show up without food. It’s more about

learning about raw food. Some people are nervous or do not know what raw

food is. I always encourage people to show up, even if they are not bringing

anything with them.


Q: Are there any legal issues involved, such as what happens if someone

suffers food poisoning?


A: I’ve never really thought about it because it’s an informal event. I’ve

never known of anyone getting sick from one of the events. I’m not worried

about any legal aspects. Vegetarians (Canadian’s, at least) aren’t very



Q: What are some problems that you’ve encountered or might encounter, and

how do you try to avoid them?


A: People that show up with animal-based products because they do not know

what raw food is. There is some information on the respective web sites.

People list the ingredients so it’s ‘eater beware’.





Sitio Vegetariano, the website founded by the people who helped organize the

2004 IVU World Vegetarian Congress in Brazil, was a pioneer veg website in

the Portuguese language and has been a leader in terms of visits since it

was launched in 1999: http://www.vegetarianismo.com.br/sitio. It now

receives a million clicks inside the site every month.


The veg-brasil discussion list, created at the same time and associated with

Sitio, had about 90 member in 2000. Now, it has an average of 2000 members.

veg-brasil was also the world’s first veg discussion list in Portuguese.

These numbers show the great interest on vegetarianism in the world of the

Portuguese language.


On January 28, 200y the new SítioVEG was launched.





VegDining.com has launched " Supporting Vegetarianism at the Grassroots "

Program. By year’s end, VegDining will be awarding support valued at up to

US$75,000 to promote the work of up to 50 vegetarian groups around the

world, as determined by visitors to VegDining.com.


" Since we launched our site in September 1999, we’ve been an active

supporter of vegetarian groups around the world " says Dennis Bayomi, founder

of VegDining.com. " Our new program increases our support in a very

significant way " , adds Bayomi, himself a long-time vegetarian group



From now until the end of October 2007 (World Vegetarian Month), visitors to

VegDining.com with a paid-up VegDining Card or VegDining login account may

nominate two vegetarian groups that they'd like VegDining to support. Up to

fifty groups receiving the most nominations, in four different group-size

categories, will receive VegDining support.


Groups will receive support in the form of paid advertising/sponsorships by

VegDining via those groups’ publications/websites/events, merchandise

including VegDining Cards, and cash donations.


In addition, VegDining will offer part of the proceeds on every VegDining

Card and login account purchased until October 31 towards the International

Vegetarian Union's (IVU) Regional Development fund, which assists new

vegetarian groups around the world, many in poorer countries. A minimum of

$500 US will be donated by VegDining to support this program.


For more information about VegDining’s program, visit their site at





Book on Bird Flu Available Free Online

Bird Flu has been grabbing headlines again. Fortunately, a new book by a

prominent vegetarian author, provides important insights into the topic.

Michael Greger, M.D., is Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at

The Humane Society of the United States. An internationally recognized

lecturer, he has presented at the Conference on World Affairs, the National

Institutes of Health, and the International Bird Flu Summit, among countless

other symposia and institutions, and was invited as an expert witness in

defense of Oprah Winfrey at the infamous " meat defamation " trial. Dr. Greger

(http://www.veganmd.com) donates all proceeds he receives from his books and

speaking engagements.


His latest book, Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching, can be downloaded at

no cost at http://birdflubook.com/g.php?id=5 or you can purchase a hard copy

from http://www.hsus.org/press_and_publications/humane_society_press


To read an interview with Michael, visit






Here’s a short review of a new book which shows once again that other

animals are not mere objects but are instead thinking beings with emotions

and personalities.


The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy,

Sorrow, and Empathy - and Why They Matter by Marc Bekoff with foreword by

Jane Goodall.


Bekoff's latest book, complements other recent efforts, such as Balcombe's

Pleasurable Kingdom and Masson and McCarthy's When Elephants Weep, that

have gone a long way toward establishing, in the popular mind, the

robustness of the emotional lives of animals other than humans.


" .............Based on Marc Bekoff's years of experience studying the social

communication patterns of a wide range of animals, this important book shows

that animals have rich emotional lives. Not only can animal emotions teach

us about love, empathy, and compassion, argues Bekoff — they require us to

radically rethink our current relationship of domination and abuse of

animals. Award-winning scientist Bekoff skillfully blends extraordinary

stories and anecdotes of animal grief, joy, embarrassment, anger, and love

with the latest scientific research confirming the existence of emotions

that commonsense experience has long implied. The author also explores the

evolutionary purposes of emotions in a wide range of different species,

showing how science is discovering brain structures that produce emotions,

how we can track an evolutionary continuum based on shared brain structures

among species, and how new information is being revealed by noninvasive

neurological research tec!

hniques. Filled with Bekoff's light humor and touching stories, The

Emotional Lives of Animals is a clarion call for reassessing both how we

view animals and how we treat them. "






Dear Veg Activist


Please use this newsletter as a way to share your knowledge, ideas and

experiences with fellow veg activists.


Thx. -–george jacobs – george




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