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Will Tuttle, Ph.D newsletter

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Courtesy of Will Tuttle, Ph.D., past speaker at World Vegetarian Day


Hello friends!


Autumn is traditionally the season of change and letting go of the old

and it seems that in our culture the changes are happening more

rapidly with every passing month. Many of the changes are positive,

but they are mostly ignored by the mass media. How true it is, more

than ever before, that " the revolution will not be televised. " The

benevolent revolution that I write about in The World Peace Diet is

spreading rapidly and though it's still basically ignored by the mass

media, we see its effects everywhere. Both Madeleine and I haven't

had a TV for over 35 years, and it's been one of our greatest

blessings! We can see the revolution and even be part of it! Anyone

who deeply questions the underlying assumptions of this culture can

be a healing force to help transform our world. People are waking up

to the interconnections between our culturally-mandated food choices

and spiritual health, world peace, environmental sustainability, and

social justice. We will be free to the degree we free the beings we

are enslaving--the beings we call animals. Thanks to you all for the

efforts you're making! They are making a difference!


Some good news to share--


1.) We are in our 12th year living full-time in our RV and traveling

North America with our message, and we have a wonderful and packed

tour schedule all lined up for this autumn, thanks to the enthusiasm

and hard work of so many of you. I'll be giving many lecture

presentations on The World Peace Diet throughout the Midwest and

South: 3 in the Cleveland area next week, then 2 in Ann Arbor and 2

in Chicago, followed by lectures in Madison and Fairfield in early

October, then 3 in Lawrence, 2 in Kansas City, 4 in Cincinnati, and

one in Concord, MA, in early November, then 2 in the Nashville area

and one in Atlanta. In December, we'll be in Florida and will be

putting on lectures there through mid-March of 2008.


Let us know if you'd like us to come to your area. We'll be putting on

piano concerts, intuition workshops, Sunday morning services, and

exhibits of Madeleine's art in all the places above, as well as in

Fort Wayne, Omaha, and Columbia, MO. Please do spread the word and

tell your friends who are in these areas. Together, we are

transforming our world!

For all the details, please see our constantly updated tour schedule:



Special reminder: Next month, October 18-21, we'll be presenting a

4-day spiritual retreat at Unity Village just east of Kansas City

through the SpiritPath program. It's entitled " Intuition: Developing

Your Inner Wisdom, " and will be a powerful time to go deeper within

and connect with your inner gifts and resources of wisdom,

compassion, creativity, and awareness. Unity Village is a uniquely

inspiring place, and mid-October is a great time to be there. For

more information:



2.) Madeleine has just given birth to a cow! A beautiful painting of a

cow, that is! You can see her on our website under " Madeleine's Art. "

The direct link is: http://willtuttle.com/prints.htm

Signed and numbered prints are being offered of this beautiful cow for

a discounted price until September 22.


3.) The World Peace Diet is now entering its third printing as monthly

sales increase continually and momentum builds for the benevolent

revolution the book calls for. Thank you all for the efforts you're

making to live and spread the message of compassion. We have a new

website just for The World Peace Diet now, http://worldpeacediet.org,

which is linked to by worldpeacediet.com and worldpeacediet.net, and

which we plan to develop in order to help raise consciousness about

food, animals, and spirituality in our culture. If you are web-savvy

and would like to help spread the message of compassion to all life,

we would appreciate any help we can get with this!


4.) An angel has constructed a The World Peace Diet page on

MySpace.com. Whoever you are, we thank you for helping to spread the


Please check out the great page and feel free to add to it: it's at:



5.) We want to thank the inspiring people at The Peace Abbey in

Sherborn, MA, just west of Boston, and encourage everyone to visit

The Peace Abbey in the near future if possible--it is a tremendous

testimony to the human urge for peace, justice, and compassion for

all. In July I was presented with The Peace Abbey's Courage of

Conscience Award, and in August Madeleine and I returned to The Peace

Abbey so that I could be commissioned as a Peace Chaplain. We are

honored to be working the The Peace Abbey and share its spiritual

activist vision of a world of peace and compassion for all beings.

For more information on the commissioning, please go to this link:


To see a list of everyone who has received The Peace Abbey's Courage

of Conscience Award,



I want to thank UFETA, the Unitarian-Universalists For the Ethical

Treatment of Animals for inviting me to speak at the UU General

Assembly in Portland, OR, this past June, and for the important work

they're doing. If you would like to listen to or download the lecture

that I gave there, which was entitled " Eating For Sustainability,

Peace, and Spiritual Health, " please :



We also want to thank our friends at all the Unity churches we've been

working with for the terrific contributions you're making, as well as

everyone at the Kushi Macrobiotic Institute for the summer's

conference, " Pathway to Peace, " with Alicia Silverstone, Masaru

Emoto, Donna Merritt and yours truly as featured presenters. The

World Peace Diet is an idea whose time has come, as could be seen by

its reception at these conferences, and also at The Farm Sanctuary

where I spoke at their annual Hoe Down. It even went over well at the

prison in New Hampshire where I spoke recently for the inmates,

thanks again to one of our supporters.


We're hoping you'll consider donating some copies of The World Peace

Diet to a local library or to influential people in your community.

We have a special Quantity Discount available on our website to buy 5

books or 10 books at significant savings. And again, thanks for all

you're doing to help raise awareness on this earth.


Please go to our Worldwide Prayer Circle For Animals at

http://www.circleofcompassion.org and put yourself on our new and

improved world map, and find out more about joining us in creating a

consciousness of kindness for all living beings.


Finally, a huge thank you to all the people working so hard to make

our events successful. We have had some terrific turn-outs recently in

Salem and Boston, MA, Portland, ME, Providence, RI, Hartford, CT,

Rhinebeck, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo, NY, and Youngstown, OH.


Whales are being harmed and killed by U.S. Navy sonar. To help, please




I'd like to call attention especially to the people we've been working

with recently who have blessed us - let's support the important work

they're doing. There are too many to list, but here are a few!


Unity - http://www.unityworldhq.org/

UFETA - http://www25.uua.org/ufeta/

Farm Sanctuary - http://www.farmsanctuary.org/

Mercy For Animals - http://www.mercyforanimals.org/

RadioActive Lunch Radio -


option=com_content & task=view & id=47 & Itemid=1

Wake-Up America Radio -


AnimalsVoice Magazine - http://www.animalsvoice.com/PAGES/home.html

Compassionate Cooks - http://www.compassionatecooks.com/

Go Vegan Radio - http://www.goveganradio.com/

New Dimensions Radio - http://www.newdimensions.org/

Notmilk - http://www.notmilk.com/


Here's a wonderful bonus!!





That's it for now. Thanks for being the blessing you are!


Dr. Will Tuttle


P. S. - As fate would have it, this is going out on the anniversary of

9/11. Besides looking deeply into our food and questioning the mass

media's ongoing cover-up of what is really on our plates, let's look

deeply and question all the official stories. A good place to start:




" The greatness of a nation and its moral progress may be seen by the

way its animals are treated. " Mahatma Gandhi

Visit http://worldpeacediet.org to find out more about The World Peace


Visit http://willtuttle.com for our original music and art.

Visit www.circleofcompassion.org to participate in The Prayer Circle

for Animals.

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