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This is the weekend to gather signatures for the animals!

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Hello good people!

Below is an email Californians for Humane Farms sent out yesterday to the

members in our database, and I wanted to keep othr local activists posted. This

is a campaign that I believe has huge potential to make a difference for

animals, and I hope many of you who have not thus far gathered any signatures or

been involved will do so. Learn more or sign up to volunteer at

www.humanecalifornia.org. Please also visit



ordpress/index.php?s=friedrich> by Bruce Friedrich and

http://www.veganoutreach.org/articles/welfareandliberation.html by Vegan

Outreach to learn more about the importance of this campaign.



Hello Bay Area volunteers!


Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and commitment to this campaign to outlaw

some of the cruelest practices on farms-gestation crates, veal crates, and

battery cages-all of which are so cruel that they have been outlawed in the

European Union. We have such a great opportunity to further the momentum

building to reduce the suffering of animals on farms, and the best way we can do

that is by gathering as many signatures as possible these next 4 months! We need

more of you out gathering--and this is just the weekend to get started! Read



In this email:





at The Green Festival!


-LET'S HAVE SOME FUN! Meet-up tomorrow and Thanksgiving plans


- TIP, RULE, and FAQ of the week




One of the biggest barriers to people getting out gathering signatures, as far

as we can tell, is people feeling nervous about approaching strangers (or even

friends) to ask them to sign. WHAT WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR YOU? Please email

your response to nora <nora .


We are offering training this weekend at the Green Festival in San Francisco.

(See more about the Green Festival, below.) There is a planned training Saturday

morning at 9:30 with Nora Kramer outside the entrance, or, if you cannot be

there for the training, call 415-710-7351 any time during the festival and we

will have someone come find and train you. If you can't be at the Green Festival

but would like training, let your coordinator know or call us at our office:



We are also offering training by phone-doing role plays, answering questions you

may have, etc.-over the phone at our San Francisco office. Just call

415-772-0952. Leave us a message if we miss you, and we'll call you back within

the next business day.


Another great way to get trained is to work closely with your coordinator and

other volunteers. If you signed up to gather signatures publicly (rather than

just asking your friends and family) you should be hearing from these

coordinators weekly; if you haven't, please email her, or you can email our Bay

Area coordinator, Nora Kramer, at nora

<nora . Below, you'll find the most updated list

of our Bay Area volunteer coordinators. Remember that these people are

volunteers themselves and have taken on a big (unpaid) job! Please be responsive

to them and offer to help! Please also join the for your area! Email

your coordinator to be added to that list.


Alameda: Nikki Woelk; nikki <nikki


Contra Costa: Shani Campbell; humanecalifornia



Marin: Kate Danaher; katedanaher



San Francisco: Laura Beck; lhbeck <lhbeck


San Mateo: Rebecca Cary; rebcary <rebcary


Santa Clara: Lauren Ornelas; ltornelas <ltornelas


Santa Cruz: Sarah Eryavec; sarah







The Green Festival is one of our best signature-gathering opportunities during

the course of the campaign. We want to have at least 5 people scheduled at all

times all weekend; we will have several people out front, as well as people at

various booths inside. This is a fantastic place to gather, especially if you've

never done it before, since most people will be very supportive and since there

will be many other volunteers and opportunities to get trained.


Click on the google spreadsheet for San Francisco at





and click on 11/5-11/12 to see what times are most needed that work for you.

Send an email to Laura at lhbeck <lhbeck to sign up

for a shift-or more than one shift! Learn more about the Green Festival,

including location details, at


<http://www.greenfestivals.org/content/view/626/281/> .


Special thanks to In Defense of Animals for allowing signature-gathering at

their booth all weekend!




Signature-gathering can be fun, but it can also be hard work. We want all our

volunteers to have FUN-and we want to have fun, too! We're going to be planning

semi-regular social events for volunteers to meet, connect with other

volunteers, tell funny stories about mean people they talked to while gathering,

and just get to know each other better.


Please join us for the first of these TONIGHT--Thursday (sorry for the short

notice--this was planned organically, and this was the time those people could

make it) at 8:00pm in San Francisco! We'll be at The Orbit Room


<http://www.sfstation.com/orbit-room-cafe-a892> , a bar located at 1900 Market

St. It's just a few blocks away from, and about equidistant between, the Castro

St. and Van Ness MUNI stations, and about half a mile from 16th St. BART. Call

415-710-7351 if you need. Note that you must be 21, and that The Orbit Room only

accepts cash. Get directions at: http://tinyurl.com/2cruf3

<http://tinyurl.com/2cruf3> .


We're also planning a Thanksgiving celebration for volunteers on November 18,

the Sunday before Thanksgiving. This will be another opportunity to get to know

other volunteers and to trade signature-gathering tips! Please email

nora <nora if you are

interested in finding out more about this.


-TIP, RULE, and FAQ of the week


Tip of the Week: Keep it short (unlike this email)! Ask the people you approach

something like, " Will you sign a petition to help animals? We're trying to

require that animals have enough room to turn around and lie down. Will you sign

to get this on the ballot? " The longer you take to actually ask the person, or

the more time you explain things, the fewer people you can actually ask and

therefore the fewer signatures you'll get. Give more details if they ask for

them, but if they really want a lot of info, give them a flyer and direct them

to our website www.humanecalifornia.org <http://www.humanecalifornia.org/>

(which is on the flyer you should all have received).


RULE OF THE WEEK: Don't write anywhere on the petition except for those places

that are required. Notes on the top or bottom or sides could invalidate entire





Q: If someone is moving or has moved recently, which address should they write



A: People should write the address that they are registered at as of the day

they sign your petition.


Thank you to all of you for your dedication to animals!


Please contact us at 415-772-0952 if there is anything we can do to support you

in gathering signatures!


Nora Kramer and Karin Olsson


Bay Area Coordinators


Californians for Humane Farms





If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up at




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Californians for Humane Farms

6311 Van Nuys Blvd. PMB 438

Van Nuys, CA 91401


http://www.humanecalifornia.org | director


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