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Mystical Transformation:

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Mystical Transformation:

A True Tale of a Butterfly


by M. Butterflies Katz


Co-author of Incredibly Delicious; Recipes for a New Paradigm

By Gentle World www.gentleworld.org

and www.TheVeganLife.com



Living in Northern New Zealand, in a place of splendor, I was shocked and

saddened to come home to find Monarch butterflies suffering from being stung

by wasps. Some died. I picked up one who was barely alive and brought him

inside. He hung, motionless. His wings were shriveled and a small hole was

torn from the edge of his wing. It was perhaps 14 hours of this motionless

behavior, so I was afraid that he, too, had died. When he was stung, he was

still in the defenseless Œclinging while drip-drying¹ stage, where their

wings straighten out from their 10-14 day stay in the chrysalis. (The

chrysalis, also called the pupa, is well camouflaged a green color, as it

has no other means of defense against predators.) He had just emerged from

the chrysalis, but didn¹t yet know what it was like to be a butterfly and

fly in the sky. Then, high and behold, to my great relief, he gracefully

fluttered his wings, twice. Minutes later, he beautifully spread his wings

again. I could easily identify him as a male because males have a black spot

on the vein of each hind wing.


It was raining outside, so he was inside. When the rain stopped, he¹d go out

for some fresh air and flower-hopping. He¹d step up onto my finger like a

trained pet. He was handicapped and I was his wheelchair. He was teaching me

that insects understand more than I thought! On day 3, life¹s duties called

me away so I left him outside. I soon became anxious that I left him

unattended, vulnerable to wasps. I hurried home to find him at the beginning

of the grassy path to my door. I put my finger out in front of him, and he

stepped on. We went Zinnia hopping and he had the time of his life; from

pink, to yellow, to orange; which was his favorite. They were color

coordinated. I felt truly honored to share these moments in the life of a

butterfly. His tentacle sort of nose served as a straw. He precisely stuck

it in each pinprick hole of each tiny flower in the center of Zinnia petals.

He would dive in and out, then on to another, using this feeler that

uncurled from his forehead. He had impeccable aim. He didn¹t want to leave

the orange Zinnia, but I nudged him and escorted him over to a yellow Zinnia

in its perfected state. When he drank, his wings quivered, ever so slightly,

like they were being rejuvenated. I took him over to a Garland Daisy, and in

no time at all he stepped back on to my finger. It seems he was not

enthralled with this flower. He enjoyed the Coreopsis a bit more as a change

from his usual favorite, the Zinnia. Apparently, the Monarchs use vision to

find flowers, but once they land on a flower they use taste receptors on

their feet to find nectar.


I had become a butterfly babysitter, putting him to sleep into his

motionless, upright position. It amazed me; this immediate trust between a

butterfly and a human.


Again, life¹s duties called me away. On day 4, two friends came during the

day to tend to him. He had the pleasure of meeting two more vegan women;

both very gentle like him. One of them was calling him ŒTransformation¹. The

weather turned blustery and showery, once again, so we were bringing him in

and out. On this day, he was more serious about drinking the elixir of life;

flower nectar, which is about 20% sugar. Later, we went for a practice

flying session. His wings were still quite curled up. Inside, he went right

into his upright, sleep position. I would lie on my bed and think while

looking at him. Every once in awhile, he would open and close his wings. I

would recall what I was thinking when he extended his wings and interpreted

it as a mystical message, thus came his name, Mystical.


It¹s now day 5 of befriending a butterfly. He can¹t go out yet, as the

weather is too harsh for him. I woke him up and said good morning. He

fluttered his wings and then went back to his still position. He didn¹t

drink in the morning nor from flowers I brought him.


I was leaving for a week and he was a full-time job. What to do with him

became of great concern. He was at his best today because the sun had

finally shone upon his wings. I would lift him to the sunny blue sky and

inspire him to fly by singing a little tune that went like this: ŒWhat could

be more fun than flying in the sun?¹ He¹d start flapping his wings and begin

flying. When he landed in the grass, I¹d put my finger in front of him and

his fragile, weightless, black legs stepped up unto my finger. He tried

again. This time he flew over to the flower garden. On his very own, he flew

from Zinnia to Zinnia! I was standing guard, shooing away wasps. It was our

happiest moments together. He flew and landed right next to a bumblebee on a

flower. The bee paid no attention to him, but I separated them. Another

Monarch butterfly was soaring near. Various flying beings were competing for

the flower nectar.


I introduced him to the guests who had arrived today as ŒMystical

Transformation¹; a combination of the two names given to him. Two young

gentle people looked after him while I left for an hour. They seemed to have

a mutual affection for each other. When I returned, I discovered that he had

flown away, (while they were tending to another butterfly that was fatally

stung by a wasp). My initial feeling was sadness because I didn¹t believe he

could survive on his own. I looked around for him. Two other guests, who had

witnessed his flying away with a breeze, showed me his path of flight. We

searched the forest floor to no avail. Then we looked up, right where he

supposedly flew. Out of our reach, was a butterfly resting on a softly

swaying tree branch against a blue-sky. This butterfly wasn¹t the usual

fluttery butterfly, which made us think it was my special friend. He was

the picture of contentment. His wings were straight, though. Could it

possibly have been Mystical Transformation? Could his wings have

straightened out? Did he live up to his name? Was it a sad or an incredibly

happy ending? I don¹t know for sure, but I hope that a creature with the

incredible power to transform himself from a crawling caterpillar to a

flying being, must also have the power to heal the wings he so magically

created. What I do know for sure is that for five days I was in love with a

butterfly, and so, hold the mysticism of his being in mine.


The habitats of Monarch butterflies are becoming threatened in both

hemispheres. We can plant Milkweed, the family of plants that they live on.

Swan plants, (in the Milkweed family), known to attract the Monarch in New

Zealand, also attracts wasps. You can protect the butterfly by making a

safer environment for them by:


1. Pruning the flowers off that attract the wasps of the Swan Plant,


2. Plant the Swan plants near to where you can closely keep an eye on it

and then protect the caterpillars, the pupae, and the newly emerged

butterfly from it¹s broken-through chrysalis that was once lined with bans

of gem-like gold, or


3. Plant Milkweed that has the yellow and red flower. The wasps did not

seem to be interested in this flower as much as the white flowers of the

more popular Swan Plant.


4. Especially protect newborn butterflies when they are drip-drying their

wings after emerging from the chrysalis. Their green and 14 karat gold

banned pupa turns to a translucent color where one can see the black and

orange of the butterfly right through it. When this happens, the butterfly

is soon to emerge. Leave it attached to the plant from which it hangs and

somehow make sure it is safe from wasps at this stage. This might mean

bringing it indoors, depending on what type of plant it was attached to. If

it is a hardy leaf like a Caana Lily leaf, then prune the stalk with the

leaf and place it indoors for protection.


5. Plant the Milkweed amongst bushy plants such as Dahlias or Zinnias,

where they can form and then hide their chrysalis.


6. Our reward for this little extra effort is not only a feeling of

satisfaction for helping to sustain an effective pollinator of such natural

beauty, but the butterfly¹s first flight will be taken from your hand!

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