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Veggie Dave BLume, on radio

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he's going to talk about a serious matter,,,,

the big oil crises....

and reveal the truth about oil and other energy resources

yep, all his life, he's been across some corrupt government/corporations


Many years ago, DAve Blume was a speaker at World Veg Day




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IIEA information <info

sunny outdoors <sunny_outdoors

Monday, July 14, 2008 6:28:31 PM

Blume Blasts Big Oil on Coast to Coast Radio Thurs 7/17


Dear sunny,

David Blume to be interviewed on a special 3 hour Coast to Coast Radio Program

Thursday 7/15 Starting 10:00pm PT

hosted by Geroge Noory - talk radio’s 2nd most popular commentator reaching

millions of Americans nightly



(click this link to find the Coast to Coast radio station in your area



It’s finally our turn at bat!  Renewable energy expert David Blume, author of

the widely acclaimed new book Alcohol Can Be a Gas! (www.alcoholcanbeagas.com)

is going to expose and dispel the propaganda and misinformation about Ethanol

and renewable energy. The program promises to deliver the truth about how we can

be producing clean and sustainable energy and food at fractions of the cost of

toxic fossil fuels.


This is our chance to show big media that the public demands better and more

in-depth information about Ethanol, the best solution available to battle

climate change, famine and fuel lines.


What can you do:

Tell all your friends about the book (www.alcoholcanbeagas.com) and the Coast to

Coast radio interview Thursday July 17,



Tune in to Coast to Coast and don’t hold your opinion, it’s a call in program so

let them know you support David with comment and questions.


The program will be archived, so if you happen to miss it Thursday night, go

on-site at www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2008/07/17.html), listen there and copy

the interview link to send on to your network


Keep alert for, attend and advise your friends and colleagues about David’s

coming appearances and presentations.

American Independence Hour radio - Tues, July 15

Coast to Coast Radio with George Noory – Thurs, July 17

EORenew/SolWest Fair - July 25, 26, 27 - Canyon City OR 

MidAtlantic Renewable Energy Association Conference - Kutztown PA - September


SolFest - Hopland CA - August 16 - 17

* The University of Guadalajara Mexico - August 23rd 8 hr workshop for teachers

as well as conference plenary speaker

Renewable Energy Roundup Sept 13- 14 Carson City, NV.

Workshop Hopland CA Oct 5


Thank you for your support and interest in a Green and sustainable world

For more information about David, Ethanol, IIEA or Permaculture, visit





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