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LA Times: Factory farms produce cheap meat, until you consider the rivers of sewage, the contaminants and the superbugs.

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Opinion LA Times Op-ed article

The cost of steak


Factory farms produce cheap meat, until you consider the rivers of

sewage, the contaminants and the superbugs.


By Paul Roberts


August 23, 2008


If you are searching for signs that today's high food prices won't last,

the latest report on the meat industry isn't promising. In May, a

distinguished panel of scientists and meat industry officials concluded

that the current " factory farm " method for mass-producing meat poses so

many threats to public health -- from contaminated water supplies to

deadly epidemics of E. coli -- that the whole system needs to go. The

good news: Even meat companies agree that change is unavoidable. The bad

news: Replacing factory farms with something " sustainable " likely means

an end to 50 years of falling meat prices.


The report, from a Pew Charitable Trusts commission, takes a hard look

at " confined animal feeding operations, " or CAFOs, which produce most of

the U.S. meat supply. These massive facilities house tens of thousands

of cattle, hogs and chickens and generate not just huge amounts of meat

but rivers of sewage, clouds of contaminated dust and nearly a fifth of

all greenhouse gases.

The crowded, often unsanitary conditions promote disease, which has led

to the overuse of antibiotics and to a class of superbugs that are

resistant to those same antibiotics. Even the modern corn-based

livestock diet causes problems. It makes meat fattier and may have

helped some strains of the E. coli bacteria evolve from benign microbe

to one of the deadliest pathogens in the food supply. And, of course, to

grow all the grain we now feed our livestock, we've converted much of

the Midwest into a huge corn and soybean plantation.


The only solution, the report concludes, is to replace the giant factory

farms with models such as " free-range " operations that give animals more

space and use different methods of feeding, sewage disposal and medical

treatment. And that's where things get tricky, because most of the

practices the industry is being asked to abandon have been pivotal in

making meat cheap.


For example, grazing cattle on pasture grass would probably mean less

disease and leaner meat, not to mention happier cows. But because the

mega-farms confine livestock specifically to restrict animals from

moving (and thus burning calories unnecessarily), and because corn is

more calorie-dense than grass, CAFO-raised animals fatten faster and

thus more cheaply. Likewise, reducing antibiotics in meat production,

though it may improve our health, will deprive the industry of the meat

equivalent of Miracle Gro.


Because small, steady doses of antibiotics kill the low-grade infections

that normally plague livestock, dosed animals spend fewer calories

fighting infection and thus have more calories available for building

muscle and bone. When fed antibiotics, livestock can grow 25% faster on

the same intake of feed -- a critical point, given that feed is a meat

companies' biggest cost.


Of course, we've long known that our meat miracle wasn't quite a free

lunch. Yet we were willing to overlook the negatives because CAFOs made

meat so abundant and cheap. Since 1960, for example, U.S. poultry output

has jumped sevenfold while the price per pound, adjusted for inflation,

has fallen by two-thirds. Prices for beef and pork also have fallen

precipitously. And as we exported CAFOs to other countries, the entire

world began to benefit from falling meat prices and rising dietary



But as the downsides of factory farming have grown too large to ignore,

we've had to admit that our meat is cheap only because we don't count

all the costs: Taxpayers spend $4.1 billion cleaning up livestock sewage

leaks and $2.5 billion treating salmonella. All told, according to the

Union of Concerned Scientists, CAFOs may be costing taxpayers $38

billion a year -- costs that aren't reflected in the retail price of meat.


If cheap meat is an illusion, will meat produced under better conditions

necessarily be more expensive? Probably, even figuring in the savings in

environmental and public health costs.


Today, ground beef from grass-fed cattle -- which would meet the goals

in the Pew report -- sells for about a $1 a pound more than hamburger

from a CAFO cow, while grass-fed beefsteaks are $7 more. Poultry and

pork raised " sustainably " are also more expensive than their

factory-farmed counterparts.


Some of that price difference will narrow in the future as meat

producers refine a post-CAFO production model; even now, a small hog

farm, if efficiently managed, can boast lower per-pig costs than the

average mega-farm 10 times its size. The Pew commission argues that if

taxpayers are willing to support small and medium producers with

incentives such as accelerated tax depreciation and tax credits, the

cost to consumers might be further reduced.


But don't expect to end CAFOs and keep super-cheap meat. Sustainably fed

animals take longer to reach slaughter weight, thus reducing a farmer's

annual output. Likewise, shifting from confined operations to a

" free-range " model will require more land, at a time when farm acres are

already in short supply. All of which means we won't be able to produce

nearly as much meat as we used to, and a smaller meat supply means

higher prices.


Paying more isn't what consumers want to hear just now. But when it

comes to food, we're beginning to learn that cheaper may not always be



Paul Roberts' newest book, " The End of Food, " was published in June.










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