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Blue Zones finds places where people live longest

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Blue Zones finds places where people live longest




By JEFF BAENEN, Associated Press WriterMon May 19, 2008 8:52 AM ET



If you are looking for a Fountain of Youth, forget pills and diet

supplements. Adventurer Dan Buettner has visited four spots on the globe where


live into their 90s and 100s and outlines how they add years of good life in

his new book, " The Blue Zones. "

The answer, Buettner says, includes smaller food portions, an active

lifestyle and moderate drinking.

" If someone tells you they have a pill or hormone (that extends life), you're

about to lose money, " Buettner says.

Buettner identifies four hot spots of longevity: the mountainous Barbagia

region of Sardinia, an island off the coast of Italy; the Japanese island of

Okinawa; a community of Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, Calif., about 60

miles east of Los Angeles; and the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, in Central

America. (The term " Blue Zones " takes its name from the blue ink Belgian

demographer Michel Poulain used to circle an area of long-living Sardinians on a


What Buettner found in his seven years of research and travel were common

denominators among the vigorous super-elderly — close family relationships, a

sense of purpose, healthy eating habits. He distills them into what he calls

the Power Nine that readers can use to create their own Blue Zone.

" Picking half a dozen things off of this al a carte menu, and sticking to it,

is probably worth eight to 10 (extra) years for the average American. And

you'll look younger and feel younger on the way, " says Buettner, a tall and

lean 48-year-old who says he hopes to live until at least 100.

Buettner turned to probing the secrets of the longest-living cultures after

leading three long-distance bicycle expeditions — from the tip of North

America to the tip of South America; across the United States, Europe and the

Soviet Union; and across Africa — in the 1980s and 1990s. He also used the

Internet to take classrooms on interactive quests to solve everything from the

collapse of ancient Mayan civilization to human origins in Africa.

Buettner made his first expedition to Okinawa in 2000 and eventually wrote a

National Geographic cover story, " The Secrets of Long Life, " in November

2005. That led to National Geographic publishing " The Blue Zones " this March.


book debuted at No. 15 on The New York Times' list of advice book best

sellers but has since dropped off.

Living long — even forever — is a human desire throughout history, says Dr.

Robert Butler, president and CEO of the International Longevity Center-USA in

New York. But Butler says he's skeptical of claims of places of long-living


" There's always been these rumors but they've always turned out to be

inaccurate, " said Butler, who appears in " The Blue Zones " but has not read it.

Buettner is aware of the skepticism, but says he and his team of

demographers, which included Poulain, scrupulously checked birth and death

records and

vetted the ages of Blue Zone residents in his book.

" We have the numerical data that shows that these places (in 'The Blue

Zones') are living longer. It's not just anecdotal, " Buettner said.

While ranking populations by average life expectancy is nothing new, Buettner

has " done a nice job putting faces to it and looking at some of the special

characteristics — be it diet or happiness — that typify some of these

regions, " said Dr. Thomas T. Perls, director of the New England Centenarian


and an associate professor of medicine at the Boston University School of

Medicine. Perls also appears in the book.

Because of obesity and smoking, Americans are living about 10 years less than

they should be, said Perls, co-author of the book " Living to 100. " He said

if Americans embraced the healthy habits advocated by Buettner, the impact on

public health " would be huge. "

Buettner found long-lived people have a sense of purpose and a strong

support network. In Okinawa, women gather in social networks known as moais.

" Even at age 100, they're all getting together in their moai ... at 5 o'clock

every day. They sit around, they drink a couple glasses of sake, they

gossip, they talk about sex. If one doesn't show up to the afternoon gathering,


other four sort of hobble over to see if she's fallen down or if she needs

help, " Buettner said.

Women in Okinawa also tend to be spiritual leaders, which imbues them with a

sense of purpose, or " ikigai, " Buettner said.

Regular attendance at religious services also is a factor, Buettner said.

Seventh-day Adventists observe the Sabbath on Saturday, which gives them a

weekly break from stress.

" There's no question but having a spiritual sense — a sense of belonging, a

sense of personal value — enhances a person's ability to follow good health

habits. Out of that arises the longevity, " said Dr. Richard Hart, president

and CEO of Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center.

Limiting food intake and eating healthy also are key, Buettner said. Elderly

Okinawans follow a maxim to eat only until their stomachs are 80 percent

full, Buettner said. Centenarians in Sardinia, Okinawa and Nicoya rarely ate

meat, and some Adventists stick only to a plant-based diet. Adventists

frequently eat nuts while Okinawans eat tofu.

Drinking in moderation can help, Buettner said. Sardinians drink a dark red

wine that's loaded with antioxidants, he said.

Exposure to sun — a source of vitamin D — also is common in Blue Zones,

where the residents are tan, Buettner said.

" We shouldn't be burning ourselves, we shouldn't be frying. But 20 minutes a

day, in the climates or the latitudes that have quality sunshine, it's

probably a good takeaway, " he said.

Buettner also advocates low-intensity physical activity. After years of

biking, Buettner has switched to yoga for his main exercise. He lives on Lake


the Isles in Minneapolis, where he can skate around the lake in the summer

and cross-country ski across it in the winter.

" You identify what you like to do, and you do it, because you're likely to do

that over the long run, " Buettner said.

Buettner also recommends " de-conveniencing " your home — getting rid of the

TV remote or the power lawnmower. Buettner moved up to the third floor of his

spacious home " so every time I need a shirt I walk three flights of stairs. "

Modern life is threatening the Blue Zones' reputation for longevity, Buettner

said. Obesity rates have soared in Sardinia, where young people are eating

chips and drinking soda pop, he said.

" The phenomena of longevity is disappearing in all places, except for maybe

among the Adventists, and the purpose of this book was to capture it and

observe it before it disappeared, and measure it, " Buettner said.


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On the Net:

_http://www.bluezones.com_ (http://www.bluezones.com/)

_http://www.nationalgeographic.com_ (http://www.nationalgeographic.com/)








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