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VegNewsletter: September 2008 Edition

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September 2008 Edition

Brought to you by VegNews Magazine



In This Issue

**The September+October Food Issue

**VN Exclusive: Vegan à Go-Go Book Bash!

**V in the News

**Event Showcase

**Recipe: Braised Kale and Collards

**Product Review: Zia Bamboo Exfoliant

**Book Review: Social Creatures

**ProjectPromote 2009

**September Giveaway Question

**August Giveaway Winner!

**October VegNewsletter Preview


We're glad you've discovered VegNews, America's premier vegetarian lifestyle

magazine. The VegNewsletter arrives in your e-mailbox just once a month and

clues you in on vegetarian news, dining, recipes, products, activist alerts,

reviews, culture, giveaways, and all the other good things in life. It's the

perfect accompaniment to a VegNews subscription.




The September+October Food IssueOh, food. What would we do without you? Aside

from literally dying, this whole fantastic vegan lifestyle would be a whole heck

of a lot less fantastic without all the incredible edibles. There hasn't been a

single day in the VN office when we haven't talked about food at some point,

and, frankly, we wouldn't want there to be. From luscious, vibrant vegetables

like the ones on our cover, to the intricate entrées of top-notch restaurants,

to the best animal-free burgers you're likely to find anywhere on the

interstate, we've got our fingers in a slew of food-themed pies in our

September+October Food Issue. We've all been asked the inevitable questions,

" Isn't being vegetarian hard? Don't you miss (insert gross animal product here)?

Isn't your life void of all joy because you're so deprived? " To those who would

consider vegetarianism a deprivation, we say, " Let them eat cake! " Specifically,

eat the Heavenly Sweet Potato Cake you'll find on

page 64. Wondering what other goodies you'll find inside? Here's a taste:


**Faux Meat Revolution

**Potato Fusion Dumplings

**Super-Sticky Cinnamon Buns

**Sunaura Taylor's Dark Art

**Not Your Mama's Meatloaf

**Chimichurri Cha Cha

**Fast Food's New Wave

**Veg on Every Budget

**Sensational Skordalia

**Plus ... All the great reads you're used to, including the latest vegetarian

news, book reviews, new products, health advice, hard-hitting features,

celebrity buzz, and so much more. It's all in VegNews. Haven't d? What

are you waiting for?!? And, for a daily dose of lunch, check out Café VegNews!




VN Exclusive: Vegan à Go-Go Book BashWhat: A rockin' VegNews party with Sarah


When: Friday, October 3

Where: GingerRubio Salon in San Francisco

Why: Retro food, root-beer floats, reading by Sarah, faux tattooing, + more


Okay, go ahead and clear your calendar. Specifically, clear it for the evening

of October 3. Want to know what event could possibly command such commitment?

Oh, that'd be a little shindig we like to call the Vegan à Go-Go Book Bash! The

very beloved author Sarah Kramer will mark her return to the world of publishing

at our exclusive event. Since—as you've likely already noticed—Mrs. Kramer

is something of a stylish lady, the only place in town hip enough to hold this

bash is GingerRubio, a salon and gallery in the heart of the Mission District.

You know we would never dream of having a party without food, and the treats

this time promise to be extra-sassy, as per the lady of the hour. Mini root-beer

floats, anyone? How about some retro refreshments along the lines of sliders and

fries? Bust out your loosest '50's outfit and get ready to fill it out with tons

of on-theme snacks. Been hankering for some new ink? Let the faux-tattoo artist

loose on your arm, leg, or tummy

and turn yourself into a (temporary) work of art. Oh, and in case you're more

interested in the Mrs. Kramer herself, she will be doing a reading, naturally.

As you may already know, we've kind of developed a taste for this whole partying

thing, and hope that you'll be able to join us again! Get your tickets before

they're gone!

Get your tickets here!



V in the NewsA Big Congratulations!

Of course, the big wedding news from Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi is a

reason for us all to celebrate. As reported by Ecorazzi, it's momentous that two

such high-profile women chose a vegan ceremony to start their married life.

We're wondering if maybe there's a chance that Sweet Lady Jane will be inundated

with orders for vegan red velvet cake, since their sweet centerpiece garnered so

much attention. All the best to the happy couple, and to the animals they helped



A Big Upswell

The black community in South Los Angeles is going veg, and there's a bevy of

black-owned meat-free restaurants to prove it. According to a recent story in

the L.A. Watts Times, the trend of going veg couldn't come at a better time, as

27.7 percent of African-Americans in the area are obese. As if the health

benefits weren't reason enough to go veg, let's remember words like sweet

potatoes, barbecued tofu, and potato salad—all vegan, of course.


A Big Victory

As of August 15, cockfighting is now officially illegal in all 50 states, as

Louisiana passed a law banning the grotesque practice, according to The Times

Picayune. Though the criminal charge is only a misdemeanor for first-time

offenders—cockfighting is a felony in other states—the growing awareness of

this " sport " and its inherent cruelty can only be seen as a step forward for



A Big Vision

Yep, the world's going veg. That is, according to authoress and media maven

Karen Dawn, and the recent Washington Post feature on her work. Of course,

Dawn's work has garnered her plenty of media attention and well-deserved

homage—including Farm Sanctuary's Outstanding Activist for Farm Animals

award—and in the WaPo piece she once again makes the veg lifestyle seem like

the sensible norm.


A Big Bummer

Unfortunately, it's not all good news this month. The British Royal Society for

the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has endorsed eating veal, according to a

recent story in The Independent. The RSPCA stands behind eating British-raised

veal as a means of keeping the calves from being exported to continental Europe,

though the logic here begs some questioning. Better, of course, would be doing

away with the needless dairy industry that sees calves as " by-products " rather

than offering them a less-heinous existence as commodities.




Event ShowcaseTo Toronto, Tout de Suite!

The Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair—North America's largest fair of its

kind—celebrates its 24th year September 5–7, courtesy of the Toronto

Vegetarian Association. Eat yourself silly, take in a variety of entertaining

performances, and discuss the future of vegetarianism and the environment during

this fantastic three-day festival. Stop by the VN booth and say hello to

staffers Katie, Lisa, and Jen!


Gala Glitz

Put on your fancy pants and head to the City of Angels on September 6 for an

evening amongst some of Animal Acres' most-notable party animals! Aside from the

bevy of celebs, the evening promises to rekindle your love of our fellow

creatures as the guests of honor are the sanctuary's rescued animals. Proceeds

benefit the sanctuary's Rescue Fund, which means you'll be living it up and

become a card-carrying do-gooder all at once.


Cirque du Homme

Head to California's capital—Sacramento for all the non-Golden Staters out

there— September 13 and experience the wonder of The Circus Show. Not your

typical big-top, this gallery show and exhibition features VN columnist Dan

Piraro as the evening's main event, and highlights the cruelty faced by circus

animals. Performances from bellydancers, jugglers, and other carnie folk will

showcase human artists.


Treatment Treats

After a long month of food tasting, gala attending, and comedy enjoying, it's

time to take a load off and treat yourself to a little R & R. Thankfully, the

vegan mani-pedis at Daryl Christopher Wellness Salon & Day Spa's three

Massachusetts locations are only $50 during Spa Week—aka September 15–21.

Only $50, you say? Considering that each treatment on its own usually runs

northward of $40, yes, only $50 we say.




Recipe: Braised Kale and CollardsWith summer in its last throes, nobody wants

to miss a minute that could potentially be spent outside enjoying the fading

rays. To that end, this month's recipe is super-quick, very tasty, and gives a

quick dose of green, leafy vegetables. Fresh from Carol J. Adams and Patti

Breitman's new book, How to Eat Like a Vegetarian, Even if You Never Want To Be

One, these simple Braised Kale and Collards will have you out of the kitchen in

no time. Be sure to keep an eye out for this great new guide to veg eating as

well. Adams and Breitman have packed all kinds of handy info into a slim

volume—perfect for one last beach read. One of the main attractions of the

book is a section that covera everything from 10 Things to Do With Flax Seeds to

10 Tips for Making Fast Food. In case you happen to be heading to the beach with

someone who isn't totally sold on the veg idea yet, take along a copy and remind

him or her just how easy—and

delicious—living cruelty-free can be.


What You Need:


1/2 cup water

4 to 6 large collard leaves, destemmed and chopped

5 to 10 kale leaves, destemmed and chopped

2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons vinegar, preferrably ume vinegar


What You Do:


1. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add collards and kale, and cook for 2



2. Add garlic, stir, then add vinegar and stir again. Cook 3 to 4 minutes more,

until leaves begin to stick to pan.

Click here to check out How to Eat Like a Vegetarian, Even if You Never Want to

Be One!



Product Review: Zia Bamboo ExfoliantMaybe your skin has been through the

wringer with layer after layer of sunscreen, sand, and sweat this summer. Maybe

you've gotten just a tad too much sun, and you could use a fresh start,

facewise. Or, maybe you're just into skin care that's cruelty-free,

paraben-free, and happens to work pretty darn well. Whichever category you fall

into, Zia Natural Skincare's Bamboo Exfoliant with Rice Bran saves face(s). The

just-grainy-enough scrub really gets all the grime off your visage, and leaves

skin feeling refreshed and ready for moisturizer. The VN testers will be happily

taking their fresh faces straight into fall.

Click here for Zia's website



New! The VNL Book ReviewYou know what might be our favorite thing, second only

to amazing food? Books! We eat 'em up, especially when they are of the

interesting, informative, and insightful variety. All this is the long way of

saying that we're thrilled to announce the addition of book reviews to the

VegNewsletter's already-packed lineup. Without further ado, here's our review!


Social Creatures: A Human and Animal Studies Reader

Edited by Clifton Flynn

Lantern Books • 2008 • $50


Inspired by the dynamic new field of Human-Animal Studies (HAS), award-winning

professor of sociology Clifton Flynn has gathered a collection of 30

multi-disciplinary papers in which scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and

others discuss our relationship to animals. Despite the fact that more Americans

raise companion animals than children, as well as our reliance on them for

science, food, and entertainment, we have completely suppressed our kinship with

animals in order to maintain our profoundly disrespectful treatment of

them—until now. It’s been just 30 years since academics have begun to take

the human-animal bond seriously, prompting the development of HAS. The

discipline is primarily anthropocentric, discussing what our animal-interactions

teach us about humans as well as the economic, environmental, health, and

cultural impact. But with contributions from the likes of Tom Regan and Carol J.

Adams, Flynn hopes readers will also consider the ways in which we

affect and are responsible for non-human animals.

Click here to order Social Creatures





Here at VegNews, we understand the importance of effectively promoting

vegetarian businesses and organizations. After eight years in business, we know

how vital it is to get the word out about the great work you and your team are

doing. This is why we're thrilled to announce the 2nd annual ProjectPromote



VegNews will be awarding a one-year advertising campaign (including professional

design services) to the organization our staff feels will most benefit from the

exposure. The group must promote vegetarianism to be considered, and the

advertising package is valued at more than $6,000.


To be considered, simply download an application and submit it by Wednesday,

October 1. The 2009 ProjectPromote winner will be announced by November 1. Good




Click here to apply for ProjectPromote!


September Giveaway QuestionSince this is the season for returns—returning to

school, returning to work, or returning clothes you got suckered into buying by

big, bright Labor Day signs sales—we're wondering a little bit about what

you'd like to return. In case you haven't already, make sure and check out how

the French return after their summer holidays, and how we Americans stack up to

their style in our current issue. Whether what first comes to mind is a

once-loved vegan product that no longer exists—sniffle, Hip Whip, how we miss

you—a time in your life that you'd happily relive, some kind of crazy style

that used to be acceptable to wear in public—yeah, Hammer pants, we're talking

about you—or maybe there's a certain cookbook author you'd like to see make a

Kramer-esque return to publishing, we want to know what part of your past you'd

be happily blasted by. Tell us:


What would you most like to see make a comeback?


Please email us your replies of no more than 50 words by September 30. Don't

forget to include your full name, city, and state.




August Giveaway Winner!Let's just say that we'd much rather take part in an

Olympiad designed by you guys than worry about nailing our stuffy floor routine

any day. Seriously, where do you come up with this stuff? From the outlandish

entries, like garlic peeling, long-distance farting (we're not sure exactly the

parameters for this one, but 10 points for creativity!), and chocolate

consuming, to the more-mainstream events like lacrosse, women's marathon, and

volunteering, we had no shortage of possible winners this month. One entry

totally stood out from the crowd, however, and not just because Lynn Abbott

included a super-cute photo. Here's what she came up with:


As a veterinary nurse, I’m in the unique position of being able to kiss animal

companions with abandon. Because practice makes perfect, I hone my smooching

skills daily. A dog with a bad attitude? I just wait until the anesthetic kicks

in and that furry snout is all mine.


Really, is there anything we'd rather do than snuzz animal muzzles all day? No.

Kudos to Lynn, who will soon be receiving a gift pack including a signature VN

tote bag and a bunch of other goodies!





Preview of the October VegNewsletter

Satisfy your between-issues cravings with this complimentary supplement,

featuring exclusive product reviews, musician, artist and event spotlights,

slammin' recipes, giveaways, plus the lowdown on how vegetarianism is bettering

the world—one delicious bite at a time.


Share the VegNewsletter with your friends. Or, if it was forwarded to you, sign

up yourself at vegnews.com to join the thousands of readers who are tuning in to

America's hottest vegetarian publication. Can't get enough? Read up on past

editions FREE by clicking on " See our past VegNewsletters " at vegnews.com.

Because you are what you read, and don't forget it.

PRIVACY POLICY: We don't share your information with anyone. Period. And we

don't want to be anyone's junk mail. If you no longer wish to receive the

VegNewsletter, please reply to us with " Un " in the subject line or

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VegNews Magazine

San Francisco, CA

Subscription hotline = 760-291-1546




Enjoy life and smile.




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