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Undercover Investigation Reveals Hormel Supplier Abusing Mother Pigs and Piglets

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Watch the footage that shows workers’ and management’s abuse of animals, some of

which are destined to be slaughtered for Hormel.I just watched the shocking

hidden-camera footage obtained by PETA's undercover investigators while they

worked at a factory farm in Iowa that supplies Hormel and other meat companies.

The cruelty documented by our investigator is beyond comprehension. Please watch

the video and do all that you can to make sure that anyone who still eats ham,

Spam, sausage, or bacon sees it.

In three months at the pig factory farm, our investigators documented that

workers used metal gate rods and hard canes to beat sows. Pigs were poked in the

eyes with clothespins and fingers for no reason at all, and workers and

supervisors beat pregnant pigs. One supervisor even told our investigator, " You

gotta beat on the bitch. Make her cry. "


Baby piglets who were deemed too small to be profitable were slammed head first

onto the concrete floor in an attempt to kill them, although some lingered alive

for more than 12 minutes after the impact. More than 100 heavily pregnant pigs

were denied water for five days, and injured and downed pigs were left for days

and even weeks without veterinary care or an end to their suffering.

But the findings at this Iowa pig farm were not limited to cruelty to animals.

PETA also documented an apparent violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and

Cosmetic Act. Employees applied a spray containing " gentian violet " —a human

carcinogen—to animals allegedly killed for human consumption, thereby making

their flesh " adulterated, " according to federal law.

The pigs at this facility need you to write to Hormel and demand they that

follow PETA's eight-point policy to govern future pig farming operations. The

plan includes calling for the immediate termination and criminal prosecution of

anyone who is caught abusing or neglecting animals. It also includes

improvements to the company's animal welfare guidelines.

Please watch the footage, write to Hormel, and vow to never again eat another

hot dog, piece of ham, sausage link, or slice of bacon, because eating these

" foods " supports the suffering that we documented on this farm.

Thank you for helping animals.



Daphna Nachminovitch

Vice President, Cruelty Investigations

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals




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501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510

United States





Enjoy life and smile.




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