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NTC NEWS - Restore Sharp Park

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Golf Course Task Force Meeting

TONIGHT, Monday, September 29

City Hall, Room 278

6 - 8 pm

Please attend this meeting and ask the Golf Course Task Force to

consider restoring Sharp Park!

Check out the new Restore Sharp Park website for more information.


If you can't attend, please use the Center for Biological

Diversity's ACTION ALERT to ask public officials to restore Sharp Park!

If this page is not displaying properly, click here or copy and paste this

URL into your browser: http://natureinthecity.org/NTCnews9-29.html


September 29, 2008


Sharp Park Updates

Press Release

Peter on ABC 7

Action Alert

New Website

New Butterfly Species!

Wildlife Gardening @ GFE

Upcoming FALL TALK

Crissy Field Snowy Plover Monitoring Report

Warning of Lead Fallout

California Biodiversity Council Fall Meeting

SF Bay Wildlife Tours

Job Opening @ Randall



Nature in the City Calendar




Calendar of Events

September 29

Golf Course Task Force

6 - 8 pm

October 2


Presidio Trust

SEIS Workshop

8:30 am

Golden Gate Club

135 Fisher Loop

CNPS Program Lessons in Forest Management From a Relict Mixed-Conifer Forest in

Baja California

9th Ave & Lincoln Way

7:30 pm


October 10-11


Green Schoolyard Alliance Conference


October 11

Big Blue Bucket Eco-Fair

10 am - 2 pm

October 12

Geology Walk

1 - 3 pm

October 19

Mountain Jam

5 pm - 9 pm

23 Club

23 Visitacion Avenue, Brisbane


An evening of music for your listening pleasure, music to sing along

with and music that will make you get up and dance!

Suggested Donation of $15.

All proceeds from this event will be used for San Bruno Mountain

Watch Education and Stewardship programs

October 29


Candlestick Point-State Park for the People

7:30 pm

Study Group

Home Study Course on Bird Biology

Group will follow the syllabus together, set a comfortable pace, and have

occasional visiting lecturers, multi-media resources, and quarterly field trips

to reinforce learning. The total cost of the roughly year-long effort would be

about $365 per person, which includes the $300 Cornell course material. For

further information, contact Kristen Bunting or call 510.843.2222.

*For more calendar items, as well as regular

volunteer opportunities, go to the Nature in the City Calendar to view all

posted events.

More Calendars

BIG YEAR Calendar

California Native Plant Society

Department of the Environment

Garden for the Environment

Golden Gate Audubon Society

Green City Calendar

Parks Conservancy

San Francisco Botanical Society

San Francisco Naturalist Society

San Francisco Nature Education

SF Natural Areas





Green Hairstreak


Mission Greenbelt

Mt. Sutro

Native Plant Sale

Natural Areas Program

NTC's Programs

SF Weed Management Area

Past Newsletters




News Sharp Park Updates

I have nothing against golf, itself. Though I do wonder whether California

and its rain-stingy Mediterranean climate is an appropriate place for a sport

invented in Scotland, where it rains...a lot. I know nothing of the sport's

origin story, but I have been to Scotland - in September. While Calilfornia is

still cooking with heat and parched from summer drought (except for lush green

golf courses), Scotland in August and September is as green as can be, a very

sensible place for golf, a sport that requires acres and acres of emerald green


Not only does the golf course at Sharp Park require the spring, summer &

fall water that all courses in California do (never mind Nevada and Arizona),

Laguna Salada and the course surrounding it are prime habitat for the federally

threatened red-legged frog and " the most beautiful serpent in North America, "

the San Francisco garter snake. Remember, this is not the common garter snake,

but a special species with a brilliant blue stripe, which only occurs on the San

Mateo County coast. The narrow range of the San Francisco garter snake makes

every single acre of habitat critical for its future survival. Should we pay

attention to the needs of other species, at least equally with our own? In fact,

by saving other species and by definition, the ecosystems of which they are a

part and on which they depend, we are saving ourselves. We are of the Earth.

Shall we continue to destroy our own habitat?

Sharp Park Golf Course is literally built on a wetland. The site has to be

drained in order to keep the greens from flooding. Draining the site obviously

makes the habitat worse for the frog and the snake, which depend on perennial

water. And what of global warming and the inevitable sea level rise that will

result from the melting of the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, and giant chunks of

Antarctica? Will we continue to try to manage a coastal golf course at sea level

or will we get smart and create conditions for the local habitats and critters

to adapt to future environments? The more habitat we protect and restore, the

more resilient ecosystems and species are in the face of global climate change.

Sharp Park is virtually surrounded by the Golden Gate National Recreation

Area, the incomparable national park in our own backyard. This Franciscan

Bioregion harbors truly fantastic biodiversity, including dozens and dozens of

endangered species. These local native plants and animals are endangered of

course because their habitats are endangered. If not for the California Coastal

Commission, our west coast wetlands probably would have gone extinct. Thank

goodness for government regulation! Of course, citizens have played the pivotal

role in all of the ecological victories of the last few decades, including the

establishment of our great national park. Isn't it time for a Sharp Park

Restored to take its seamless, interdependent place among the remaining

patchwork quilt of rich natural areas on the central coast, where local people

can be proud that they live and interact sustainably with some of the country's

rarest critters? - Peter Brastow

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a 60-day notice of intent

to sue the City and County of San Francisco for illegally killing and harming

two endangered species at Sharp Park Golf Course in Pacifica, in violation of

the federal Endangered Species Act. Activities at the golf course have been

killing federally protected California red-legged frogs, and recent studies show

that ongoing course operations may be threatening endangered San Francisco

garter snakes. Read the full press release on the CBD website.

View 3 articles printed in the SF Chronicle: Pacifica: Old tires getting

the boot, Rare frog, snake at center of golf dispute and City Insider Blog.

Also see the Pacifica Tribune, Sierra Club, KTVU, & the San Mateo County

Times for more articles.

See Peter Brastow and Jeff Miller on ABC 7 News, discussing Sharp Park

and its diverse endangered species habitats.

Check out the action alert created by the Center for Biological Diversity

- sign it and come to the Golf Course Task Force meeting!

The new website dedicated to the restoration of Sharp Park has been




Another New Butterfly Species at the Presidio!

From Matt Zlatunich

" ...We would have been perfectly contented with the thirteen species we had

found by mid-afternoon during our Presidio-wide survey. But again, Liam O'Brien

and I felt the thrill of discovery when we added our fourteenth species of the

day, a Mournful Duskywing (Erynnis tristis) that was nectaring on mock heather

(Ericameria ericoides) in the Lobos Creek Valley. Although the Mournful

Duskywing is considered to be fairly common throughout the Bay Area, this is the

first solid Presidio record and only the second San Francisco record, the first

being a specimen in the California Academy of Sciences dated Sept. 24, 1910 with

the location given only as San Francisco. The Mournfull Duskywings larval host

plant is oak, including the Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia), which grows

along the banks of Lobos Creek and elsewhere throughout the Presidio. We are

consulting with some of the regional academic experts regarding this sighting.

Some butterfly species are known to " stray "

beyond the normal limits of their range, which may be the case here. Infact,

this butterfly may not be a Mournful Duskywing, rather a nearly identical

species from the south called a Funereal Duskywing. Stay tuned... "



Wildlife Gardening @ GFE

Josiah Clark (ecologist & NTC Steering Committee member) will be leading a

class called Wildlife Gardening. The class will focus on methods to increase the

resources and carrying capacity for native SF fauna in all kinds of backyard


Meet at the garden on October 25 at 10am. Registration and more information

is available through Garden for the Environment.



Join Nature in the City!


Become a member today and get a new map!

Go online, email

or call 415-564-4107.

Nature in the City is a project of Earth

Island Institute, a 501©3 California non profit public benefit





Come to CounterPULSE on October 29, for the Nature in the City co-sponsored

TALK, " Candlestick Point-State Park for the People. " Speakers include, Alan

Hopkins, Patrick Rump, and Claude Everhart.



Crissy Field Snowy Plover Monitoring Report



Check out Golden Gate Audubon's 10-page Crissy Field Snowy Plover

monitoring report (by Matt Zlatunich) for 2007/2008. This is the fifth

conescutive year the bird has returned to Crissy Field.




Warning of Lead Fallout

The SF Chronicle ran an article this morning about lead pollution at the

Petaluma Trap and Skeet Club. It brings to mind the current controversy at the

Pacific Rod and Gun Club at Lake Merced, where the gun club should be required

to remove all lead from the lake and its uplands.



California Biodiversity Council Fall 2008 Meeting - Children in Nature

Preservation Park

October 8, 2008: Field Tours and Dinner

Tours start at 10 a.m. from Oakland

October 9, 2008: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Meeting



Go to the CBD website for the agenda, posters, and more information.



SF Bay Wildlife Tours

San Francisco Bay Wildlife Tours help protect wildlife and encourage

conservation through fun and exciting forays into the great outdoors. Customize

your own private voyage, while their award-winning photographer documents your

trip with your own camera. Available for wildlife presentations and lectures,

and to guide group tours and classes.

Just go to the SF Bay Wildlife Tour website - tell them Nature in the City

referred you and we recieve 15%!



Job Opening @ Randall Museum

The Randall Museum is hiring a few new staff members in the coming year. The

first step requires the applicant to be on the Recreation and Park Department

list. An application and qualifying exam are neccesary to get on this list.

Application to take the qualifying exam due October 6! The application is

available thru the SF GOV website.









To to the Nature in the City Newsletter click HERE.










Our postal address is

PO Box 170088

San Francisco, California 94117

United States





Enjoy life and smile.




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