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How you can help animals in laboratories

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Ingrid Newkirk <newsmanager wrote:


https://ibiz.isiservices.com/peta-e/peta/donation.asp?section_code=H08V274Q & ask4\



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D10000 } How you can help animals in laboratories

Dear Friend,


Dozens of university campuses across America deserve a resounding " F " from

animals for the dark secret they're hiding behind campus walls. These schools

house laboratories where animals are subjected to painful and outdated

tests—often funded with your tax dollars. I will tell you in a moment exactly

what we are doing to stop this mess, but first let me explain.


If you donate to PETA today for our online " Stop Animal Testing " Challenge,

your gift will be doubled, and you will help us teach universities that they

must stop torturing and killing animals. For every dollar we raise from

supporters like you, the donations will be doubled, up to $250,000, to help

animals in laboratories!


Those resources will help PETA save more animals on campuses than ever before.

Already, we've won crucial victories for animals at the University of

Washington, the University of Connecticut, and other places. Our work is leading

to federal fines, the revocation of research grants, the suspension of cruel

experiments, and public outcry. No one else is doing so much in so many

different ways to help these animals!


While we've accomplished much, millions of individual dogs, monkeys, mice,

rabbits, and other animals are still suffering in university laboratories. Won't

you please help us attack these experiments by making a gift to PETA today to

have it matched dollar-for-dollar?


To show you the lifesaving difference your support makes, I want to update you

on our Columbia University campaign. Some time ago, PETA was contacted by Dr.

Catherine Dell'Orto, a veterinarian who worked in a laboratory at Columbia and

was horrified to witness the " cruel and negligent " treatment of animals. Her

accounts were sickening and enraging:

" What I saw at Columbia still gives me nightmares. I saw baboons whose left

eyes had been cut out—so that major blood vessels could be clamped off through

the empty sockets to induce strokes—and who had collapsed in their cages, unable

to lift their heads, eat, or drink after this horrendous surgery. They were left

in these dire conditions without any painkillers ?. In another experiment, in

which baboon fetuses are infused with nicotine, I saw a pregnant baboon who had

lost 40 percent of her bodyweight. It was a tragic sight, and resulted from

nothing short of intentional neglect, as her condition had been documented on

her chart for weeks. "


Dr. Dell'Orto tried to improve the conditions in Columbia's laboratory but was

stonewalled by university officials. Frustrated, she turned to PETA for help.

Our investigators collected video footage and other documentation of the abuses

in the laboratory, and PETA filed federal complaints. We held a news conference

outside Columbia's gates and launched a vigorous campaign against the

university's cruel primate experiments.


Thanks to PETA's hard work, the stroke experiments on baboons were canceled.

Dr. Dell'Orto's supervisor, who had allowed the abuses to go unchecked, was

fired. The U.S. government then cited and fined Columbia for violations of the

Animal Welfare Act. Columbia also had to create a full-time position to ensure

that the animals in its laboratories receive environmental enrichment to ease

the misery of life in a cage.


Your support for PETA helps end the torture of animals in laboratories. And by

donating in this special online " Stop Animal Testing " challenge, your gift can

have twice the impact.


Thank you for bringing hope to animals abused in university experiments.


Very truly yours,



Ingrid E. Newkirk



P.S. PETA's " Stop Animal Testing " Challenge is a vital opportunity to raise the

funds we must have to protect more animals who are locked away in laboratories.

Your special online gift today in this special Challenge this will help us

expose these painful experiments and work aggressively to bring them to an end,

once and for all. With the lives of so many vulnerable animals at stake, please

be as generous as you can afford to be.





This e-mail was sent by:


501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510

United States







Enjoy life and smile.




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