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A Historic Day for Farm Animals – Prop 2 Passes by a Landslide!

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Mercy For Animals <info wrote:A Historic Day for Farm

Animals body {font-size: 10pt;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}p

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Last night was truly a historic evening for farmed animals. California voters,

by a landslide margin of nearly 2-1, overwhelmingly passed Proposition 2!

Prop 2 - the Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act - requires that pregnant

sows, calves raised for veal and the over 20 million egg-laying hens in

California be given enough space to stand up, lie down, turn around, and extend

their limbs and wings. This groundbreaking, yet common-sense initiative bans the

inherently cruel gestation stall, veal crate and battery cage in California.

Battery cages are arguably the most barbaric confinement system used on factory

farms today. Five to eight hens are typically confined in each file drawer-sized

wire cage. In such crowded conditions the animals are unable to walk, perch,

fully spread their wings, or engage in other natural behaviors.

Californians spoke out loud and clear last night that such factory farm

cruelties will not be tolerated.

I'm proud to say that Mercy For Animals has been a leading supporter of Prop 2

since the very beginning.

In May we released the findings of our undercover investigation of Gemperle

Enterprises - one of the largest battery-cage facilities in the state.

Our hidden camera footage exposed workers kicking, throwing, and breaking the

necks of hens. It also revealed birds crammed in tiny cages, covered in filth.

This MFA investigation opened the eyes of millions of California voters early on

to the extreme abuse taking place behind the closed doors of factory egg farms.

And just three weeks before voters headed to the polls, we pulled back the

curtains of factory farm cruelty again! This time our investigator infiltrated

Norco Ranch - the largest battery-cage facility in the state, and also one of

the major funders opposing Prop 2.

This investigation, which again uncovered sick and injured birds living in filth

and squalor, exposed voters to exactly how the leading opposition abuses animals

when they don't think anyone is watching. Our investigations added powerful

ammunition to the Yes on 2 campaign and put the opposition on the defensive.

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of the dedicated individuals

across the nation who made this historic day possible. Prop 2 unified our

movement and has shown what we are capable of achieving when we pull our time,

resources, and passions together to speak up on behalf of farmed animals.

And though the momentum is certainly on our side, there is still great work to

be done to protect farmed animals.

With you standing by our side, we will continue to expose farmed animal cruelty

and stride closer to the day when all animals are treated with the respect and

compassion they deserve.



Nathan Runkle

Executive Director

Mercy For Animals






Enjoy life and smile.




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