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New VSSE Podcast: Mike Hudak/Help Needed

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Hello All,


I hope your 2009 is going well. I am very happy to say that the latest

offering by the " Vegan - Vegetarian Solutions for a Sustainable

Environment " podcast: http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html project is

available. Please listen as Mike Hudak shares with us a powerful and

informative message: http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html#rm


" Mike Hudak, director of Public Lands Without Livestock

(mikehudak.com/PLWL), an organization that informs the public about

environmental harms and economic costs entailed by ranching on

America's public lands, presents an overview of ranching impacts on

wildlife and explains the banking connection behind ranchers' clout

with federal management agencies. Hudak, author of Western Turf Wars:

The Politics of Public Lands Ranching (westernturfwars.com) cites

passages from his book that illuminate the topic. Contact Info:

mike_hudak "




I am also very happy to announce that the International Languages

Vegetarian Podcast (http://h2opodcast.com/intl_veg.html) is

progressing with new entries for the Filipino (Tagalog) language and

Italian language. I would like for you to think of the people you know

that are Vegetarian or Vegan that speak another language. Please put

me in contact with them so I can invite them to participate. My goal

is not to re-invent the wheel so if there is an existing page with

audio on Vegetarianism in another language I'll simply link to it.

However if after a search is conducted and no podcast or other online

audio can be found then I will try to find people to fluently read

already prepared materials in that language.It is a goal to get at

least some of the major languages well represented with some " general "

messages on all the reasons why the world needs to go Vegan/Vegetarian.


PLEASE send along your recommendations of people that can contact that

speak: Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese and other languages.




I am still in need of people that can help with the VSSE podcast.

Please lend me your voice. I have this file

(http//h2opodcast.com/wtp.html) that explains how to participate but I

could really use help reading already prepared material. So if you

have a good clear reading voice I would like to work with you to get

this material recorded for the podcast. Email me at: NoMeat




I would like to encourage you to listen to the podcasts and forward

this newsletter to your Vegetarian/Vegan friends. Send me your

suggestions for folks to add to the mailing list. I want the first

quarter of 2009 (the second at the latest) to be the transition phase

for the goal of the podcast. What is that goal you might be wondering????


The goal of the podcast is to get the Vegan/Vegetarian message very

strongly into the ears of people that call themselves

" Environmentalists " but continue on in their Meat Eating. To do this I

will need your help in the following ways:


1) Please please please help me to spread word about the VSSE podcast

to other Vegetarians and Vegans by forwarding this newsletter to them

or contacting them in your own way.


2) Encourage your friends to contact me to get involved with the

podcast and to forward news about the VSSE podcast to their friends


3) Join as many " Environmental " online discussion groups, email

groups, list serves, blogs, and newsletters as you can handle. Pick a

topic or two or three that you can comment on and start establishing

repoire with the members of the group.


4) Later when you feel comfortable we'll start sharing individual

messages from the podcast with the various " Environmental " groups and

try to provoke the discussion in the direction of the Environmental

Benefits of Veganism/Vegetarianism.


5) Individuals can also burn select messages from the VSSE Podcast

onto a CD and either hand or mail them to people they know or that are

influential in the Environmental World.


6) Please add your ideas to how to get this message into the ears of

" Environmentalists. " Remember the ends will certainly justify the

means. Just because the emphasis is on the Environmental Reasons that

doesn't mean that all the other reasons (Animals Rights, Health, etc.)

aren't valid. We're just trying to get them to do the right thing in

terms that they might respond to. Let's try to give them their

medicine within a spoonful of sugar so the medicine will go down.

Maybe when their eyes open a bit they will also see all the suffering

they have contributed too as well. We can hope so anyway.




Things you can do directly for the podcast that are very simple.

Download iTunes or another podcast aggregator and to the

podcast using the RSS Feed: http://h2opodcast.com/rss/vsse.xml You can

also go to the iTunes Store and find the podcast under the search

directory (keywords: Vegan, Vegetarian should get you there) and write

an honest evaluation for the podcast. This is a community effort and I

seek not glory for myself, but the more positive feedback the podcast

gets via free subscriptions and evaluations the higher up in ranking

it goes and the more visibility it gets which eventually I hope will

mean more Meat Eaters having the opportunity to hear messages that

will open their minds.




Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this mailing

list. Contact me directly at: NoMeat




Please send me your thoughts on what else can be done to open the

minds of our Meat Eating Environmentalist friends. A lot of help is

needed to make a strong impact on these people that are strongly

gaining influence on the government.


Please Help as we attempt to Influence those that Influence.






Joseph Puentes

http://h2opodcast.com/vsse.html (Vegan Environmental Solutions Podcast)

http://h2opodcast.com (Environmental Podcast)

http://h2opodcast.blogspot.com/ (Blog for above)

http://PleaseListenToYourMom.com (Women's Peace Podcast)

http://NuestraFamiliaUnida.com (Latin American History Podcast)

http://NuestrosRanchos.com (Jalisco, Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes


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