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Spring Surrender - corrected!

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From Will Tuttle.


Dear Friend


I've been contemplating the idea of surrender lately, and believe we are all

surrendering constantly in our daily lives; the question is thus not if we are

surrendering, but to what are we surrendering? - Are we surrendering to the

fears, delusions, cravings, and violent stories taught and reinforced by our

culture, or are we surrendering to the calling of a deeper spiritual impulse to

kindness, respect, creativity, and awakening? For the full text of this recent

essay, please http://worldpeacediet.org/surrender.htm


The Season For Nonviolence has just completed this year, and as The World Peace

Diet discusses, we are making progress in our efforts to create a culture that

is less violent and thus more harmonious, peaceful, and happy. I encourage all

of us to question all our cultural programming! Krishnamurti expressed it

succinctly: " It is no sign of health to be well adjusted to a sick society. " Now

more than ever, it seems that humanity is being called to transform obsolete

attitudes and behaviors, and to treat each other and all living beings with

respect and kindness.


We have lots of good news--our events over the last couple of months have been

well-attended and productive. The message of The World Peace Diet is percolating

through our culture, spreading continuously as more people reflect on its

message, understand it, go vegan, and find ways to spread it to their friends

and communities. Many are finding Madeleine's paintings and prints to be healing

and uplifting additions to their homes, as well as my original music, and all is

all available through iTunes and other web portals for music and art.


Madeleine and I would like to thank all of you for the contributions you're

making to raising consciousness on this planet. They are vital and essential. In

particular, we'd also like to thank several people for their contributions:


1 - Supreme Master Ching Hai and her thousands of cheerful, dedicated, and

resourceful students who are leading an inspiring campaign to spread veganism

worldwide, and awaken humanity's consciousness through both local and

international efforts. In Orlando recently, we had the delicious pleasure of

dining at the newest in their international chain of vegan restaurants called

" The Loving Hut, " -- fabulous!! Also, www.SupremeMasterTV.com is a remarkable

24-hour worldwide television concept, with  programming that is constructive,

uplifting, and translated simultaneously into 16 different languages. I

recommend you check it out. Fine vegan cooking classes there too. I was recently

honored by being the recipient of their " Shining World Hero Award. " It was for

writing The World Peace Diet and " touching the hearts of countless individuals

to turn to a meatless diet, and thus directly contributing to saving millions of

animals' lives, by speaking the truth

about this essential message of compassion and mercy extensively through

lectures, presentations, and book launches. "


2 - Sandy Pukel and staff, who created the Caribbean Taste of Health Cruise that

Madeleine and I recently presented for. Highly recommended! Hope to see you next

year! (March 21-28, 2010)  It was somewhat busy (did 12 presentations in 6

days), but we also had some beautiful opportunities for swimming, sunning and

snorkeling in beautiful waters with amazing rainbows of fishes and coral, as

well, of course, to learn and grow through the range of presentations on

nutrition, yoga, fitness, and meditation.


3 - Dorit and her staff for putting on the Green Lifestyle Film Festival

recently in Los Angeles. It was great to be part of this remarkable explosion of

positive film for creating a more sustainable and compassionate society.


4 - Meria Heller, " The mouth that roars, " whose internet radio program I've been

on every month for about a year now. She provides the excellent alternative,

cutting-edge news, interviews, and commentary that help us make sense of things

in our fast-changing world. My most recent interview posts March 7 at

www.meria.net. Archived at http://worldpeacediet.org/reviews.htm


5 - Everyone who helped put on our events over the past two months, including

Hippocrates Institute in W. Palm Beach, and the local activists, students,

congregations, and communities in W. Palm Beach, Sebring, Fort Myers, Miami,

Sarasota, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Ocala, Orlando, and Leesburg.


6 -  Mark Stroud and Anna Ferguson of Cincinnati. Increasing numbers of people

are facilitating study courses and book study groups on The World Peace Diet in

cities around North America - and our two leading facilitators, Mark and Anna,

are working with a new 501©3 non-profit called A.P.E. - Animals, People, Earth

- to promote the World Peace Diet by encouraging book study groups nationwide,

and by opening a vegan restaurant in Cincinnati and sponsoring a vegan yoga

conference in Cincinnati in October of 2009 called the World Peace Yoga

Conference - see you there! For more information on all this, go to:

www.worldpeacediet.org/APE.htm  The direct link to the conference is:

http://worldpeaceyogaconference.com/ Besides us, the conference will feature

Gabriel Cousens, Andrew Harvey, Sharon Gannon & David Life, Kali Ray, Harold

Brown, Judy Carman, Colleen Patrick-Goodreau, Rae Sikora, and many other leaders

in the yoga, spirituality, and vegan

movements. I am planning on presenting a World Peace Diet facilitator-training

retreat concurrently with the conference.  Please plan on attending this World

Peace Diet Yoga Conference in Cincinnati in October if you'd like to get

intensive training in understanding, implementing, and teaching the main ideas

in The World Peace Diet. For more information:



There is also a wonderful opportunity to contribute financially to the vision of

A.P.E. for transforming our culture. Here is the link:



7- M. Butterflies Katz for her research on " Inspiration for Vegans from Vegans

Around the Globe "

(http://www.veganpoet.com/SurveyResults/InspirationForVegans.html) and TIME

Magazine for this recent article on the benefits of plant-based foods:



Other upcoming events include two events in London, England where I'll be

lecturing:  April 10-11, The Jain Mahavir Celebration, and April 18, The

Incredible Veggie Show, Europe's largest vegetarian event, with Heather Mills. 

This summer, I'll be presenting at several conferences in California, including

the Animal Rights 2009 Conference July 16-19 in Los Angeles, and the Vibrant

Living Expo in Fort Bragg, August 20-23, where I'll be presenting along with

John Robbins, Howard Lyman, Cherie Soria, Viktoras Kulvinskas and others. After

that, we'll be going to Hawaii for several events; for details on all this,

please see our continually-updated tour schedule at

www.willtuttle.com/schedule.htm. From late April through June, we'll be

presenting events in Jacksonville, Hilton Head, Savannah, Myrtle Beach,

Washington, DC, Baltimore, Morgantown, Columbus, and Chicago, traveling in our

solar rolling home. These events include lectures, my piano concerts with

Madeleine's art exhibits, intuition workshops, Sunday morning services,

individual sessions for music & art, etc. Hope you can join us somewhere along

the way!


The World Peace Diet is now available on Amazon, iTunes, etc., as an audio book.

It is 13.5 hours long, complete and unabridged. If you go to iTunes to buy it,

search " World Peace Diet " and please be sure to buy the version under " albums "

for $9.99, not the one under " audiobooks " for $9.95, because the latter includes

only the second half of the book! Hopefully this will be fixed soon. In the

meantime the version under " albums " is perfect.


Finally, please join the forums and discussion groups at www.worldpeacediet.net

and feel free to sign up for our free daily " Veg Inspiration For The Day " at

www.worldpeacediet.org and/or the Worldwide Prayer Circle For Animals at

www.circleofcompassion.org. If you would like to host us in your community,

please let us know! A big thank-you to all of you who are working diligently to

raise consciousness on this Earth.  We are all connected.

Bless you all!


That's it for now.

Love and peace,


Will & Madeleine


Dr. Will Tuttle


1083 Vine St., Healdsburg, CA 95448

Visit http://worldpeacediet.org to find out more about The World Peace Diet and

sign up for Veg Inspiration For The Day.  Visit http://willtuttle.com for our

original music and art.

Visit www.circleofcompassion.org to participate in The Prayer Circle for
















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