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DRP news - Animals Bill Voting Needs YOUR Support

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250,000 healthy, but unwanted cats and dogs are killed in Australian pounds each year...












Welcome to this October 2009 edition of DRP news
















You are receiving this information update because we believe that you care about our companion animals and you have an interest in finding ways to stop the un-necessary killing of healthy animals in Council Pounds and Charity Shelters across Australia.


If you are new to this information update, welcome, and please look through some of the past updates in the blog section as there is much interesting information to review.


Our focus is “keep the issues alive†and to bring to the public’s attention information relevant to the problem and to potential solutions.


Our updates will increasingly provide interesting articles on the No Kill Movement in the US which demonstrates that change is possible, and that excuses as to “why we can’t do it here†are increasingly irrelevant.


We need to make sure that our major animal charities (RSPCA and AWL) are the first line of change and that they show leadership in this regard, and so Council areas can follow suit. They all need to become “No Kill†organisations. Anything less will not be acceptable.


Providing information and articles from the No Kill movement in the US simply shows what is possible. It also takes the wind out of the sails of people here who say “it might work in the US, but it wouldn’t work here....†(RSPCA NSW CEO listen up!)


We hope you find these pieces inspirational. All we are doing is reviewing the available information and bringing what we believe are some the best pieces to you. As well of course local news and information.


We hope you enjoy this edition. Please give us your feedback and please send us any relevant information your own experiences in the problem and the solution.


This update has information concerning the 3rd National Summit to End Pet Overpopulation held on the Gold Coast at the end of September. By all accounts the Summit was a resounding success, and you can read about that in the update below.


If you know anyone else who is interested, please forward this message and ask them to sign on via our website for future updates.




URGENT - News about the NSW Animals (Regulation of Sale) Bill

The proposed Bill will be read and debated in NSW Parliament next week on the 22nd October.

Actions you can take:

It goes without saying that this is a critical step in the process. If you can attend the session to lend support to Independent Minister Clover Moore, please do so.

Your presence in the gallery is not likely to change how MPs will vote but it would give Clover support and send a strong message that people want the current situation to change and will continue to campaign for this issue until there is reform.



This is expected to occur on Thursday 22 October at 4.30 pm at Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney. Please be there if you can.


Also, if you would like to do two final things to get Government support for the Bill (and an inquiry into companion animal welfare which I understand the opposition will propose), I encourage you to:


1) Call the Premier's office early next week (02 9228 5239) and leave a message for Premier Rees that you would like his party to support the Bill and a Parliamentary Inquiry into the NSW Pet Industry. A simple message is all that is needed.


2) Send an email to Minister Ian MacDonald to register your support for the Bill and a Parliamentary Inquiry into the NSW Pet Industry. His email is - macdonald.office


Before Thursday: Call your own local Minister and say you expect them to vote for the Bill. A last minute quick message will help.


This has been a long and hard campaign involving many people who care about our companion animals. Let’s give this a good last minute push.




An important message for Australia from Nathan Winograd

The Race is on! Australia, New Zealand and the US vie to see who will become a No Kill nation first!


On September 30th, we participated in a national conference on the Gold Coast of Australia. Bringing together shelter directors, government officials, rescue groups and animal lovers from all over Australia and New Zealand, the No Kill Advocacy Centre presented 4 workshops: Building a No Kill Australia; The No Kill Matrix; What is a saveable animal?; Developing Trap - Neuter -Release in the Australian context and Reforming Animal Control / Management: A discussion for CEOs, Managers and Leaders of Pounds and Shelters.


This was our message to our colleagues in Australia:.........."


Read the rest of the article here.........



Reporting to you - The 3rd Summit to end pet-overpopulation 2009 - Report number 1

The 3rd National Summit to End Companion Animal Overpopulation was held Sept 30 - Oct 2, 2009 on the Gold Coast. Many groups and demographics were there and that was extremely heartening to see.


Some of those who attended the conference were AWL QLD, PAWS Syd, Newcastle Rescue NSW, The Cat Protection Society Vic, The Lost Dogs Home Vic, the RSPCA ACT, Victorian Dog Rescue Vic, Cat Protection NSW, Rescued With Love Vic, Shelter Managers from Hawkesbury Animal Shelter (NSW) and the Lost Dogs Home (Vic), Friends of the Pound QLD, Underdog Training Vic, PetRescue WA, Vic Animal Aid, along with Volunteers at Pounds in Blacktown (NSW) and Hawkesbury Pound (NSW), Hunter Animal Welfare (NSW), Vets from NT, NSW, New Zealand, and some Council staff from Blacktown Pound.


Read the rest of the article here.........




Reporting to you - The 3rd Summit to end pet-overpopulation 2009 - Report number 2

It was exciting and encouraging to hear about the steps some shelters had taken and how they had focused exclusively on the animals concerned and NOT the costs involved, and yet, how it had still been possible to somehow cover the costs in the end.


The information presented ran the continuum from ‘reducing the supply of animals’ entering the market at one end, to ‘increasing the demand for ‘orphaned’ animals’ at the other end.

Read the rest of the article here.........


Reporting to you - The 3rd Summit to end pet-overpopulation 2009 - Report number 3

Some speakers downplayed the need for prompt and decisive change, the size of the issue, referred to departmental policy and the need for legislation (completely disproved in the US).

Others spoke almost complacently and appeared victimised by a system which is strongly upholding outdated values as they apply to our fury friends and family, while some were more upfront and not quite so "protective".

It was clear that the animal welfare industry need to remodel the culture and operational model of the shelter system - tellingly, the success of the RSPCA ACT and SPCA NZ and AWL QLD were achieved by leaders who came into the industry from the outside, took one look at what the industry was doing to those it was supposed to be helping, and said "NO, there has to be a better way".

Read the rest of the article here.........


New initiative – Companion Animal News

Have you ever read a media article on this subject, and then failed to find it again later? Maybe you wanted to re-read it, or send it to a colleague?

We have!

So that gave us the idea for COMPANION ANIMAL NEWS:




It's a website dedicated to collecting all the news articles and press releases related to the subject of companion animal pound killing and the efforts to stop this national tragedy. It will cover every State across the nation, so people will be able to search the database by State.

Read the rest of the article here.........


RSPCA Queensland working on own pet shops to rehome rescue animals


Whilst on a recent trip to Rockhampton, we were on the search for a bag of Hills Science Diet (not for us, for our Boxer Tia), when we came across the RSPCA own pet shop. Really nice retail operation – bright, clean, lots of product, friendly helpful staff, but best of all, well placed open pens near the front for doggies and a great cat enclosure – all designed to help rehome needy shelter animals. We like the concept.



Says RSPCA CEO Mark Townend:

“The strategy behind the store is that Shelters are the worst places animals could be - they have disease and herd health issues, they are no good for the animal’s behaviour nor for humans. Often a very sad and depressing place to visit. In Queensland I therefore have no intention of building new RSPCA Shelters, (certainly we will replace or renew the ones we have but no additions). There will be some new Pounds maybe built by local Governments for animal control, but I even see these as limited.



Read the rest of the article here.........


University of Queensland/RSPCA $25,000 scholarship to improve marketing of rehomable animals

“UQ Business School honours student Christilene du Plessis has been awarded a $25,000 RSPCA Qld Scholarship to help in the search for an ethical way to find homes for Queensland shelter animals.


The one-off scholarship, financed by the Petcare Information Advisory Service (PIAS), will fund Ms du Plessis' market research as part of RSPCA Qld's one-year trial selling refuge animals through commercial pet shops...â€

Read the rest of the article here.........


“We’ve proven that it can be done†– No Kill News: A brilliant web site – www.thenokillnation.com

“Thenokillnation†is a blog site that provides up to date information, articles and success stories. The “Victories†section is just brilliant!


Read the rest of the article here.........


No Kill News – can we do this here? Affordable, low cost desexing program funded by New York City

This Saturday July 25 at NY City Animal Care and Control ("NYCACC") in Manhattan, New York City's animals and their guardians are finally getting what has long been needed, a super low cost mobile veterinary hospital with full surgical capabilities for limited income pet parents, rescue groups, and rescue adoptions.



NEW YORK, NY (July 20, 2009) – On Saturday, July 25, New Yorkers will get their first glimpse of the “Low Cost Vet Mobile†– a new mobile veterinary clinic created to help cash-strapped New Yorkers at risk of having to give up their companion animals because they can no longer afford their veterinary care.

Read the rest of the article here.........



Pet industry association (PIAA) tactics to gain respectability...


We know that the Pet Industry Association is desperate to increase their membership dollars from pet shops (note: only a relatively small proportion of pet shops across the country are members, and yet the government of NSW still takes “advice†from PIAA).


We know that they have engaged the services of one of Australia’s top PR agencies to advance their cause and ‘fight†the publicity gained by Clover Moore’s proposed Animal regulation of Sale Bill.


We know that PIAA have joined in a collaborative program with the well known magazine “Dogs Life†(does anyone know of a similar initiative with cats?).


Dogs Life Magazine and PIAA have embarked upon an annual publicity competition to recognise and reward winners in a number of categories. There are a number of pet shop specific categories, but it also includes:


“The Dogs Life Pet People's Award for Best Local Pet Rescue Service/Animal Shelterâ€


Read the rest of the article here.........



Press release by Give Pets a Chance



"Give Pets A Chance are an incorporated charity whose aim is to educate the general public about their responsibility in regard to the way companion animals are bred, sold and discarded due to the over breeding of dogs and cats for the pet industry.


There is much information about how companion animals are being bred and supplied, but it is not reaching the people who need to see it - the consumer.


As a pet free pet shop owner I can vouch for the fact that the average pet buyer is totally unaware of the hidden cruelty involved in the pet trade. It is our aim to make the public aware of this information and appeal to them to take action, as only they have the power to change market practice."



Read the rest of the article here.........


Slowing the flow – STOP irresponsible breeding!

The NSW Government have not developed any policies that deal directly with the issue

of irresponsible animal breeding. Put simply, anyone can breed and sell animals.


There are no rules and little regulations. You don’t need a licence or a permit to breed

animals. You don’t need any training or any certification. Who protects the puppies?


Scenario: The owner of a Kelpie x dog purposely mates her with his friends crossbreed dog.


Result—10 puppies. When asked what he is going to do with them he replies: “Oh, I’ll make sure they find good homes– no worries!â€


Read the rest of the article here.........













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