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Is a donation to H$U$ a donation FOR THE ANIMALS?

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'Tis the season for holiday charitable giving, and with today's economy - every

dollar donated FOR the animals must go TO the animals. This year, please DO NOT

donate to what is called the " Humane Society of the United States " , which by the

admission of its CEO, Wayne Pacelle, is NOT for animal rights, does NOT promote

the vegan lifestyle, is NOT against all hunting, zoos, and circuses, DOES

support purchasing dogs from " responsible breeders " (?), DOES support (the

impossible) " humane " slaughter, DOES support (the impossible) " certified humane

eggs " , promotes veal entrepreneur Wolfgang Puck. HSUS has accepted $50,000 from

the Philadelphia Eagles to rehabilitate Michael Vick's image (after saying

Vick's dogs could not be rehabilitated and should be killed, after accepting

million$ saying it would care for Vick's dogs - even though they were not in its

custody), DOES partner with animal experimenting Procter & Gamble and Iams dog

food, and botched the Katrina rescue and doesn't account for half of the

donations it received for it.


Unbelievable? Hear it in Pacelle's own words and own voice in an interview from

the Sept 5 broadcast of " GO VEGAN WITH BOB LINDEN " , available and archived at

www.GoVeganRadio.com. See below for details, and read what the most respected

voices in animal advocacy have to say against the " hu-MAINLY ABOUT THE MONEY "

society, its $120,000,000 in annual revenues, its six-figure salaried



There are so many more deserving organizations that really work for the animals.


Please DO NOT DONATE to H$U$

Please DO DONATE to credible animal rights organizations, rescue groups, or


- a project of 501c3 International Humanities Center

PO Box 475414

San Francisco, CA 94147


http://goveganradio.com/veg/ 1003/Listen_to_Past_Shows.htm


5 September 2009

Listen: Broadband | Dial-up | Flash Player

Download this show to your computer: [instructions]

High quality (128kbps) | Low quality (32kbps - small file)


Steven Best (Associate Professor of Philosophy & Humanities, University of

Texas, El Paso)


" Is the Humane Society of the United States Part of the Meat Industry - Or

What? "

- a discussion with Steven Best, Associate Professor of Philosophy & Humanities,

University of Texas, El Paso, co-editor of " Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?

Reflections on the Liberation of Animals " , author of " Igniting A Revolution:

Voices In Defense Of The Earth " , and co-founder of the Institute for Critical

Animal Studies "

Dr Best and Bob analyze a recent interview featuring HSUS prez & ceo Wayne

Pacelle, and the impact of $120,000,000 in annual donations diverted from

grassroots efforts on behalf of animals to a mega-corporation that - by its own

admission - does not support animal rights, does not prmote veganism, is not

against all hunting and zoos, supports slaughter, aligns itself with the

livestock industry and regards it as a noble profession.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~`

Money Mysteries Part 1: Hurricane Katrina HSUS Fundraising


Published on 05 April 2009 by ESaunders AR-HR.com in Animal Rights, Human

Responsibility, Legislation



Its tough times all around, making it difficult not to focus on the idea of

money: who has it, how they got it, where they spend it and why. This led me

back to the memory of the contraversy surrounding HSUS fundraising for Hurricane

Katrina and the inquiry started by the Louisiana State Attorney General.


Although blog entries abound on this topic, I decided to go back to the true

information source, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) itself. Upon

review of HSUS two year anniversary summary of the use of the funds and of their

2005, 2006 and 2007 income tax records, there appear to be valid questions about

the use of the funds donated for the purpose of helping animals affected

Hurricane Katrina.


According to the HSUS, $34.6 million was raised for the assistance of Katrina

animals. Yet according to 2005 income tax records, the year of Katrina, the

HSUS only dispersed $8.6 million in grants for its worldwide grants base

including its major grants to Louisiana groups. The worldwide grants

distributed in 2005 were only $2 million higher than the levels subsequently

seen in 2006 and 2007, despite gross receipts of nearly $124 million and net

assets of over $200 million at the end of 2005.


Even by the numbers in the HSUS' own article, the funds dispersed for the

purposes of Katrina related activities total just under $18 million or 52% of

the funds. The remaining amount, over $16.5 million dollars cannot be

accounted for through HSUS provided documentation through investigation of its

tax records.


There can't be much, if any, activity related to Katrina affected animals stated

as the original purpose of the fundraising. If the remaining 48% of the money

wasn't been used for Katrina animals, then what has it been used for?

Unfortunately, the inquiry was called off shortly after the announcement of the

HSUS championed cockfighting bill being passed into law. As a result, these

questions go unanswered and so they will remain.


Copyright 2009 by Erica Saunders http://AR-HR.com

All rights reserved


HSUS Katrina 2 year anniversary article


http://www.hsus.org/hsus_ field/hsus_disaster_center/

disasters_press_room/katrina_ anniversary/


HSUS 2005, 2006 & 2007 Tax records


http://www.guidestar.org/ pqShowGsReport.do?partner=seo & ein=53-0225390






Browse > Home <http://www.nathanwinograd. com/> / Blog Posts

<http://www.nathanwinograd. com/?cat=3> , The Truth About HSUS

<http://www.nathanwinograd. com/?cat=9> / Michael Vick's new spokesman says

`You are a monster too!'

Michael Vick's new spokesman says `You are a monster too!'


October 17, 2009 by Nathan J. Winograd <http://www.nathanwinograd.


Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society of the United States and spokesman

for the most notorious animal abuser of our time <http://www.nathanwinograd.

com/?p=1174> , is digging himself into a deeper hole. The head of the nation's

wealthiest animal " protection " group is now arguing in newspapers across the

country, including San Francisco's, that we should forgive Michael Vick because

we are all " sinners when it comes to animals. " Is Pacelle really that desperate

that he now says we are all monsters like Vick? Or perhaps, in a bit of Freudian

repentance, he is talking about himself: about how he lobbied the court to kill

Michael Vick's canine victims even as he was fundraising off of them

<http://www.nathanwinograd. com/linked/hsusblogs.pdf> ? The slaughter of the

dogs and puppies at Wilkes County, NC <http://www.nathanwinograd. com/?p=775> ?

Or the mass killing in Tangipahoa LA <http://www.nathanwinograd.

com/linked/hsusblogs.pdf> ? The round up and kill of cats in Randolph, IA

<http://www.nathanwinograd. com/linked/hsusblogs.pdf> ? Or any of the

innumerable places <http://www.nathanwinograd. com/linked/hsusblogs.pdf>

Pacelle and HSUS minions have chanted `kill, kill, kill' in the face of proven,

successful, reasonable No Kill alternatives?

As for me, I've never stomped, electrocuted, hung, shot, drowned, or strangled

dogs, nor have I watched them tear each other to shreds and laughed. But Michael

Vick did, and he'd still be doing it to this very day had he not been caught.

[Read " Riding on Michael Vick's Bloodstained Coattails " by clicking here

<http://www.nathanwinograd. com/?p=1768> .]

Kathleen McGarr of Fix San Francisco, a group which has been trying to reform

the city's kill-oriented animal control and SPCA, says that when she read

Pacelle's claim that she is a monster like Vick, " I nearly fell off my chair. "

McGarr's group has been fighting Pacelle who opposes their No Kill campaign in

San Francisco. In short, Pacelle says that No Kill is warehousing, leads to

animal suffering, and that San Francisco shelters should be allowed to continue

killing. Who is the monster here Wayne?

The Op Ed piece by Pacelle comes on the eve of his planned visit to San

Francisco where he will try to convince animal lovers that the most notorious

animal abuser of our time should be embraced. Here's my article about the visit

from the examiner:

Wayne Pacelle is coming to town <http://www.examiner.com/x-

16635-SF-Animal-Shelters- Examiner>

From the examiner: http://bit.ly/3gBFK7

October 16, 2009

As the Humane Society of the United States embraces the most notorious animal

abuser of our time and fights a proposal to save San Francisco's neediest

animals, the head of HSUS is coming to the City to raise money for his

Washington D.C.-based group.

The controversial head of the nation's largest and wealthiest animal protection

organization in the United States is coming to San Francisco for an October 28

" Town Hall " meeting. Wayne Pacelle, the CEO of the Humane Society of the United

States, will discuss, among other things, his new spokesman: dog-killer Michael

Vick, the most notorious animal abuser of our time.

Can anyone imagine the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence embracing

wife killer O.J. Simpson as a spokesman? Can anyone imagine the National

Organization to Prevent Sexual Abuse of Children embracing pedophile John

Geoghan as a spokesman? Can anyone imagine the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National

Network embracing rapist Josef Fritzl as a spokesman? It is unthinkable. And yet

Wayne Pacelle is asking animal lovers in San Francisco to embrace our movement's

version of Simpson, Geoghan, and Fritzl as a spokesman. It is beyond obscene. It

is unthinkable.

Pacelle says he will answer questions from San Francisco animal lovers about

this and other topics.

I have a number of other questions for Pacelle. Why did he, through HSUS:

1. Participate in the slaughter of some 150 dogs, including puppies, in Wilkes

County, NC?

2. Lobby to stop No Kill legislation in King County, WA?

3. Support breed discriminatory legislation in Indianapolis, IN that would have

led to the round up and killing of Pit Bulls?

4. Tell USA Today and Newsweek that killing in shelters is acceptable and that

No Kill was warehousing?

5. Mislead the public about an epidemic of dog bites to convey the view that

trying to save Pit Bulls was irresponsible and put children at risk?

6. Tell the court to kill Vick's victims even as he was asking people to give

HSUS money so he could " care " for them?

7. Leave New Orleans with tens of millions given to HSUS for the victims of

Hurricane Katrina even while those animals were still suffering?

8. Legitimize the slaughter of virtually every animal at Tangipahoa Parish

animal control?

9. Tell people not to adopt animals during the holidays, effectively accepting

the deaths of 1,000,000 animals as the alternative?

10. Tell the Randolph, IA community that HSUS does not have a problem killing

stray cats?

11. Claim that rescued dogs in Missouri should face a " pretty certain death " ?

And especially important for San Francisco animal lovers, why is he opposing a

No Kill San Francisco? Pacelle recently sent a letter to San Francisco's Animal

Control & Welfare Commission equating No Kill with hoarding and opposing shelter

reform legislation that would save San Francisco's neediest homeless animals.

Unfortunately, Pacelle has long been an apologist and enabler of shelter


In the end, the real reason behind the " Town Hall meeting " might just have

nothing to do with animals. This " town hall " format is often little more than a

fundraising ploy which has been successfully used by other organizations to sap

money from local donors and thus away from local rescue groups, and into the

bank accounts of national organizations. And for HSUS, money doesn't appear to

be a means to the end of saving animals. It is the end in and of itself, the

animals be damned.





August 22, 2007


HSUS & Wayne Pacelle -Vick's Dogs Must Die


It seems no reporter is safe from Wayne Pacelle, the HSUS talking head CEO, as

he pontificates his point of view on the fate on Michael Vick's remaining dogs.

And that POV, of course, is death.

Now is it just me or do you also find it insane that an organization that

purports to " protect " animals is in fact advocating for the death of animals?

Wayne Pacelle - Vick's Dogs Must Die

This week, a federal judge will decide the fate of Michael Vick's remaining

dogs, 53 pitbulls.

Mr. Pacelle, speaking for the world's largest and richest animal organization,

HSUS, apparently thinks these pitbulls should and must die.

In an article in the Virginian-Pilot earlier this week enetitled, " Deadline

Looms For Pitbulls Seized In Vick Investigation " , <http://content.hamptonroads.

com/story.cfm?story=130640 & ran=22638> Pacelle, the HSUS CEO, is quoted as

saying, " it does not make sense to keep these animals alive " .

But wait - there's more.......................is it even more insane!

Or should we just call it plain GREED, that HSUS was begging for money to care

for these dogs just a few short weeks ago?

The HSUS Shell Game

That's right - HSUS was sooooooooo concerned about the fate of Michae'l Vick's

dogs that it pushed the magic email button, sending out millions of email

messages in an on-demand beg-a-thon, pleading for donations to help them care

for Vick's dogs.

Ooooopsie, though - there was just one teensy problem that HSUS " forgot " to


Apparently HSUS didn't have custody of Michael Vick's dogs - and they still

don't. That's right - HSUS got caught out - Wayne Pacelle got caught with his

pants down with that one. It was a bold faced lie.

I Know You Are But What Am I?

In an attempt to answer a wave of criticism, Wayne Pacelle fired up his blog and

called those who dared to criticize him and HSUS as greedy evil dog breeders,

front men for the meat industry, and probably dog fighters, so on and so on.

Yeah, Wayne - you sound like an immature 12 year-old kid brother - " I know you

are but what am I? "

Well, then Wayne - I dare you to call me any of those names, for I am none of

those. But I have a name for you, in fact several.

You are a snake oil salesman - a hustler in a pin-striped suit with a fancy law

degree, pimping out animals for power and profit. There is nothing in that

bottle of alleged snake oil of any value - it's filled with sugar water, so it

goes down real smooth.

You, sir, are nothing but a charlatan. You and HSUS are bilking innocent animal

lovers out of millions in the name of kindness. You sir, are a profiteer.

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