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Replies to Lies in Op Ed Death by Veganism

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From Janice Blue of Go Vegan Texas.   __________________





Two weeks ago, when the AP story headlined “Vegans Couple Starve their

Baby” first appeared, we invited one of the expert witnesses in the trial

of the parents as our guest on Go Vegan Texas! - Dr. Amy Lanou, senior nutrition specialist with

PCRM-Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, author of

the book " Healthy Eating for Life

for Children, on raising children as vegans. Dr. Lanou

testified for the prosecution, that the diet fed this baby was totally inadequate. This poor baby

died senselessly of malnutrition and starvation. See my letter at

the very end of this email, sent to members of our station, KPFT’s LAB – Local Advisory Board. Then,

yesterday, this tragic and senseless death of this infant, weighing only 3 1/2

pounds at his death at six weeks, became the focus of another sensational

headline and Op Ed piece in the NY Times:

“Death by Veganism.” Here is Dr. John McDougall, MD’s reply.

We hope to have Dr. McDougall on a future show, possibly this coming

Monday, May 28 to discuss this unfortunate case and the opportunity it opened

to attack the vegan diet.


Janice Blue

Host, Go Vegan Texas!



John McDougall, MD - Letter to the Editor - NY Times


The New York Times

today (May 21, 2007) carried an Op-Ed piece about the

dangers of a vegan diet, titled “Death by Veganism,” that deserves

an immediate response:



the original article see: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/21/opinion/21planck.html?_r=1 & oref=slogin




article, written by Nina Planck, who is identified as a food writer and expert

on farmers markets and local food, stems from the case of a recent murder

conviction of parents who starved their 6 week old child to death by feeding

him a diet of apple juice and soy milk. She writes on her web site,

“Among many sources for this piece, I interviewed a family practitioner

who treats many vegetarian and vegan families.”



the story of the child’s death see: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health & res=9F0DE0D71438F936A35757C0A9659C8B63



is the 150 word letter to the editor that I sent to the New York Times (chances

of publication by the newspaper are obviously small):



Planck's article condemning vegan diet contains serious errors

concerning the adequacy of plant foods. Plants do contain all the essential

amino acids in adequate quantities to meet human needs, and even those of

children (Millward). Vitamin D is not found in milk or meat, unless it is

added during manufacturing. Sunlight is the proper source of this vitamin.

Plants manufacture beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. The

original source of all minerals (including calcium and zinc) is the

ground. Plants are abundant in minerals; and they act as the conduit of

minerals to animals. The scientific truth is protein, essential amino

acid, mineral, and vitamin (except for B12 which is synthesized by bacteria,

not animals) deficiencies are never caused by a diet based on whole plant foods

when calorie needs are met. Ms. Planck’s distortion of nutritional

science is a serious matter that needs to be fixed.



Millward DJ. The nutritional value of plant-based diets in relation to

human amino acid and protein requirements. Proc Nutr Soc. 1999 May;58(2):249-60.

Addition comments not sent to the newspaper.


Nina Planck writes:

“You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from



The scientific truth is: Babies at 6

weeks of age require human breast milk and any other diet means malnutrition.

Imagine if the exact opposite approach killed an infant with a formula made of

pulverized beef and cow’s milk, would this have received similar

worldwide press? I believe the case would have been properly considered

child neglect (intentional or not) and have gone unnoticed except for those

intimately involved. “People love to hear good news about their bad

habits” so the tragedy of the death of an infant caused by misguided

parents who fed their infant apple juice and soy milk for the first 6 weeks of

life has been used to justify eating meat and drinking cow’s milk.


Nina Planck writes: Protein

deficiency is one danger of a vegan diet for babies. Nutritionists used to

speak of proteins as “first class” (from meat, fish, eggs and milk)

and “second class” (from plants), but today this is considered

denigrating to vegetarians.


The scientific truth is: Confusion

about our protein needs came from studies of the nutritional needs of animals.

Mendel and Osborne in 1913 reported rats grew better on animal, than

on vegetable, sources of protein. A direct consequence of their studies

resulted in meat, eggs, and dairy foods being classified as superior, or

" Class A " protein sources and vegetable proteins designated as

inferior, or " Class B " proteins. Seems no one considered that

rats are not people. One obvious difference in their nutritional needs is

rat milk is 11 times more concentrated in protein than is human breast

milk. The extra protein supports this animal’s rapid growth to

adult size in 5 months; while humans take 17 years to fully mature. The

world’s authority on human protein needs, Prof. Joseph Millward, wrote

the following: “Contrary to general opinion, the distinction between

dietary protein sources in terms of the nutritional superiority of animal over

plant proteins is much more difficult to demonstrate and less relevant in human

nutrition.” (References in my April 2007 newsletter.)

Nina Planck writes: The fact

remains, though, that humans prefer animal proteins and fats to cereals and

tubers, because they contain all the essential amino acids needed for life in

the right ratio. This is not true of plant proteins, which are inferior in

quantity and quality — even soy.


The scientific truth is: Proteins

function as structural materials which build the scaffoldings that maintain

cell shapes, enzymes which catalyze biochemical reactions, and hormones which

signal messages between cells—to name only a few of their vital

roles. Since plants are made up of structurally sound cells with enzymes

and hormones, they are by nature rich sources of proteins. In fact, so

rich are plants that they can meet the protein needs of the earth’s

largest animals: elephants, hippopotamuses, giraffes, and cows. You would

be correct to deduce that the protein needs of relatively small humans can

easily be met by plants. (References in my April 2007 newsletter.)

Nina Planck writes: Yet even a

breast-fed baby is at risk. Studies show that vegan breast milk lacks enough

docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the omega-3 fat found in fatty fish.


The scientific truth is: Only

plants can synthesize essential fats. Any DHA found in animals had its origin

from a plant (as alpha linolenic acid). The human body has no difficulty

converting plant-derived omega-3 fat, alpha linolenic acid, into DHA or other

n-3 fatty acids, supplying our needs even during gestation and infancy.



Langdon JH. Has an aquatic diet been necessary for hominin brain

evolution and functional development? Br J

Nutr. 2006 Jul;96(1):7-17.



who eat the Western diet pass dangerous loads of environmental contaminants

through their breast milk to their infants. Meat, dairy and fish in her

diet are the source of 80% to 90% of these toxic chemicals. The cleanest

and healthiest milk is made by mothers eating a starch-based vegan diet.


Nina Planck writes: A vegan diet

is equally dangerous for weaned babies and toddlers, who need plenty of protein

and calcium.


The scientific truth is: Infants

should be exclusively breast fed until age 6 months and then partially breast

fed until approximately 2 years of age. Starches, fruits, and vegetables

should be added after the age of 6 months. The addition of cow’s milk

causes problems as common as constipation and as devastating as type-1

diabetes. (See my May 2003 newsletter on Marketing Milk and Disease.)

Adding meat to an infant’s diet is one of the main reasons all children

raised on the Western diet have the beginnings of atherosclerosis by the age of

2 years.


Nina Planck writes: “An

adult who was well-nourished in utero and in infancy may choose to get by on a

vegan diet, but babies are built from protein, calcium, cholesterol and fish



The scientific truth is: Babies

are ideally built from mother’s breast milk initially and then from whole

foods. Hopefully, parents will realize that the healthiest diet for the

entire family (after weaning) is based on starches with the addition of fruits

and vegetables. (Vitamin B12 is added to the diet of pregnant or nursing

mothers and after 3 years of following a plant-based diet strictly.)



Planck has been allowed by the New York Times to exploit the tragedy of a

family and to spread commonly held, but scientifically incorrect, information

on human nutrition. The author and the newspaper should be held

accountable. Hopefully, the end result will be that people desiring the

truth will take the trouble to look at the evidence. If this were to be

the case, then this New York Times article could be the beginning of long

overdue changes in the ways people eat. Write and tell everyone you know

that the New York Times has done a sloppy job, and damage to the public, by

allowing harmful lies to be spread—especially when you consider that

Planck’s message promotes a diet known to cause obesity, type-2 diabetes,

heart disease, and major cancers.



McDougall, MD


May 21, 2007


John McDougall

McDougall Wellness Center P.O. Box 14039, Santa Rosa, CA 95402



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Letter from: Janice Blue, host, Go Vegan Texas! sent May 10, 2007, after the first AP story came out with the headline:

“Vegans Sentenced for Starving their Baby” to the KPFT LAB

– Local Advisory Board.


Yes, we are well aware of this sad situation with the parents

who starved their infant son to death.




Unfortunately, the media is being deceptive, making it sound as though

the baby died from being on a vegan diet.


Even at the trial, Dr. Amy Lanou,

a nutrition specialist with

PCRM-Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, author of

the book " Healthy Eating for Life

for Children, on raising children as vegans, and a past guest

on several of our shows, testified for the prosecution, that the diet fed

this baby was totally

inadequate. This poor baby died senselessly of malnutrition and



Nature intended for human babies to be on breast milk and for cow's milk

to feed and fatten calves, not human infants. " Milk " or

cow's milk formula is not the " perfect food " the dairy industry

leads us to believe an contributes to

childhood obesity which is life threatening yet " carnivore

parents " have never been brought to trial because in this society

with over 60% of the people being obese, that unhealthy state is now

being considered " normal. "


It is normal and all American for parents and grandparents to

" take the kids to McDonalds " and fast food chains, that cater

to children. Dr Fuhrman once said on one of our shows,

" You might as well be giving them cigarettes and encouraging them to

smoke, " by getting children addicted to meat-dairy from an early age.

In his book, " Disease Proof Your Child, " Dr. Fuhrman

documents how the terminal illnesses plaguing our society start with the

high fat diet we are fed as children.


The mission of our show, Go Vegan Texas! is

to advocate " nutritional excellence, " and our vegan guests

stress that, ie:


* Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of " Eat to

Live, " and " Disease Proof Your Child "

* Dr. Neal Barnard, author of " Eat Right,

Live Longer, " " Breaking the Food Seduction, " and, most


" Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes "

* Dr. J. J Pippin, senior medical and research

advisor for the Physicians Committee for Responsible and former director

of cardiovascular medicine and medical imaging at Cooper Clinic in Dallas

* T. Colin Campbell, author of " The China

Study "

* John Robbins, author of " Healthy at

100 "

Those of us who advocate a vegan diet, advocate a healthy diet and common

sense. Coke and chips are vegan but not healthy. Carnivores

and the cattlemen will take this story and run...but, sadly, it is

ignorance and negligence that ended this baby's life.


I am cc: Ernesto Aguilar, our program director, and you and he are

welcome to share this email with other members of the KPFT staff or LAB,

as I understand the AP story was sent to LAB members and posted on

friends of kpft. Please kindly post my response there, as well.



In the interest of the truth getting out on KPFT, unlike the mainstream

media coverage, Shirley and I will also discuss this story for a few

moments on Monday's show.


Thank you,


Janice Blue








On 5/11/07 1:07 AM, " Bill Crosier "





> Hi, Janice,


> You've probably seen this already, but wanted to make sure. I

assume you'll

> want to comment on it.

> Bill






Delivered- 202-lsb

>> Date:

Thu, 10 May 2007 14:14:56 -0700 (PDT)

>> Kevin White <cuitlacoche1 <cuitlacoche1

>> Vegan Diet Kills Baby

>> lsb, Program Director Ernesto <ernesto



>> Vegans sentenced for

starving their baby


>> By GREG BLUESTEIN Associated

Press Writer

>> © 2007 The Associated Press




>> ATLANTA - A vegan couple were sentenced Wednesday to life in prison

for the

>> death of their malnourished 6-week-old baby boy, who was fed a

diet largely

>> consisting of soy milk and apple juice.


>> Superior Court Judge L.A. McConnell imposed the mandatory sentences on Jade

>> Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31. Their son, Crown Shakur,

weighed just 3

>> 1/2 pounds when he died of starvation on April 25, 2004.


>> The couple were found guilty May 2 of malice murder, felony


>> involuntary manslaughter and cruelty to children. A jury deliberated


>> seven hours before returning the guilty verdicts.


>> Defense lawyers said the first-time parents did the best they

could while

>> adhering to the lifestyle of vegans, who typically use no animal


>> They said Sanders and Thomas did not realize the baby, who was

born at home,

>> was in danger until minutes before he died.


>> But prosecutors said the couple intentionally neglected their

child and

>> refused to take him to the doctor even as the baby's body wasted



>> " No matter how many times they want to say, 'We're vegans,


>> vegetarians,' that's not the issue in this case, " said

prosecutor Chuck

>> Boring. " The child died because he was not fed.

Period. "


>> Although the life sentences were automatic, Sanders and Thomas

begged for

>> leniency before sentencing. Sanders urged the judge to look past


>> " perception " of the couple.


>> " I loved my son - and I did not starve him, " she said.


>> When the judge told the defendants they could ask for a new

trial, Thomas

>> hung his head low.





>> " I'm

dying every day in there, " he said, " and that could take three

years. "











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