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Dog-Cat Vaccinations

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Cross-Posted from Barbara Staves e-list. Margaret ************************************************ Doc Wheeler New vaccination protocols - Please pass along!!!Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27 North American veterinary schools. I highly recommend that you read this. Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it out at dog fairs, cat shows, kennel club meetings, dog parks, give a copy to your veterinarian and groomer, etc.Get the word out. ~~~~VACCINATION NEWS FLASHI would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in North America are in the process of changing their protocols for vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will present an ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics.Some organizations have come up with a political compromise suggesting vaccinations

every 3 years to appease those who fear loss of income vs. those concerned about potential side effects. Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being should not be a factor in medical decision.NEW PRINCIPLES OF IMMUNOLOGY"Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet (ie: canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper). If another MLV vaccine is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is little or no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory cells induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. "There is no scientific documentation to back up label claims for annual administration of MLV

vaccines." Puppies receive antibodies through their mothers milk. This natural protection can last 8-14 weeks.Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than 8 weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine, and little protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, delay the timing of the first highly effective vaccine. Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate the immune system. A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age. Another vaccination given sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime immunity.CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DOGSDistemper & Parvo "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinations series given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies and kitten program memory cells that survive for life, providing

lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael at Cornell and Dr. Schultz have studies showing immunity against challenge at 2-10 years for canine distemper & 4 years for parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are pending. "There are no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would like to suggest. Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity for all types." Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known to be a cause of kennel cough. Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used as CAV-1 vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions & kidney damage.Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel cough" Recommended only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog shows, or for any reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The intranasal vaccine provides more complete and more rapid onset of immunity with less chance of reaction. Immunity requires 72 hours, and does not protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity is

of short duration (4 to 6 months). RABIESThere have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in Harris, Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been rabid skunks and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed vaccine and must be given every year.Lyme disease is a tick born disease which can cause lameness, kidney failure and heart disease in dogs. Ticks can also transmit the disease to humans. The original Ft. Dodge killed bacteria has proven to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease prevention should emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars are more effective than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's mouth parts preventing transmission of disease.VACCINATIONS NOT RECOMMENDEDMultiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is only a disease

of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adult dogs.Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.VACCINATIONS NOT RECOMMENDEDMultiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 days without

treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adult dogs.Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks. NEW RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CATSFeline vaccine related Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminal cancer related in inflammation caused by rabies & leukemia vaccines. This cancer is thought to affect 1 in 10,000 cats vaccinated. Vaccines with aluminum adjuvant, an ingredient included to stimulate the immune system, have been implicated as a higher risk. We now recommend a non-adjuvanted

rabies vaccine for cats. Testing by Dr. Macy, Colorado State, has shown this vaccine to have the lowest tissue reaction, and although there is no guarantee that a vaccine induced sarcoma will not develop, the risk will be much lower than with other vaccines.Program injectable 6 mo. flea prevention for cats has been shown to be very tissue reactive, & therefore has the potential of inducing an injection site fiborsarcoma. If your cats develops a lump at the site of a vaccination, we recommend that it be removed ASAP, within 3-12 weeks.Feline Leukemia Virus VaccineThis virus is the leading viral killer of cats. The individuals most at risk of infection are young outdoor cats, indoor/outdoor cats and cats exposed to such individuals. Indoor only cats with no exposure to potentially infected cats are unlikely to become infected. All cats should be tested prior to vaccination. Cats over one year of age are naturally immune to Fel.V whether

they are vaccinated or not, so annual vaccination of adult cats is NOT necessary. The incubation period of Feline leukemia can be over 3 years, so if your cat is in the incubation state of the disease prior to vaccination, the vaccine will not prevent the disease. Feline Panleukopenia Virus Vaccine.Also called feline distemper is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease of kittens. It's extremely hardy and is resistant to extremes in temperature and to most available disinfectants. Although an effective treatment protocol is available, it is expensive to treat because of the serious nature of the disease and the continued presence of virus in the environment, vaccination is highly recommended for all kittens. Cats vaccinated at 6 month or older with either killed or MLV vaccine will produce an immunity good for life. Adult cats do NOT need this vaccine.Feline Calicivirus/Herpesvirus Vaccine.Responsible for 80-90% of infectious

feline upper respiratory tract diseases. The currently available injectable vaccines will minimize the severity of upper respiratoryinfections, although none will prevent disease in all situations.Intranasal vaccines are more effective at preventing the disease entirely. Don't worry about normal sneezing for a couple of days. Because intranasal vaccinesproduce an immunity of shorter durations, annual vaccination is recommended.VACCINES NOT RECOMMENDEDChlamydia or pneumonitis.The vaccine produces on a short (2 month) duration of immunity and accounts for less than 5% of upper respiratory infections in cats. The risks outweigh the benefits.Feline Infectious Peritonitis.A controversial vaccine. Most kittens that contract FIP become infected during the first 3 months of life. The vaccine is labeled for use at 16 weeks. All 27 vet schools do not recommend the vaccine.BordetellaA new vaccine for feline bordetella

has been introduced. Dr. Wolfe of Texas A & M says that Bordetella is a normal flora, and does not cause disease in adult cats. Dr. Lappin of Colorado State says that a review of the Colorado State medical records reveals not one case diagnosed in 10 years.NEW DEVELOPMENTSGiardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans in North America, 30% or more of all dogs & cats are infected with giardia. It has now been demonstrated that humans can transmit giardia to dogs & cats & vice versa. Heartworm preventative must be given year-round in Houston.VACCINES BADLY NEEDEDNew vaccines in development include:Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and cat scratch fever vaccine for cats and Ehrlichia [one of the other tick diseases, much worse than Lymes] for dogs.THE VIEW FROM THE TRENCHES; BUSINESS ASPECTSMost vets recommend annual boosters and most kennel operators require them. For years the pricing

structure of vets has misled clients into thinking that the inherent value of an annual office visit was in the "shots" they failed to emphasize the importance of a physical exam for early detection of treatable diseases. It is my hope that you will continue to require rabies & Kennel cough and emphasize the importance of a recent vet exam. I also hope you will accept the new protocols and honor these pets as currently vaccinated. Those in the boarding business who will honor the new vaccine protocols can gain new customers who were turned away from vet owned boarding facilities reluctant to change.CONCLUSIONDogs & cats no longer need to be vaccinated against distemper, parvo, & feline leukemia every year. Once the initial series of puppy or kitten vaccinations and first annual vaccinations are completed, immunity from MLV vaccines persists for life. It has been shown that cats over 1 year of age are immune to Feline

Leukemia whether they have been vaccinated or not. Imagine the money you will save, not to mention less risks from side effects. PCR rabies vaccine, because it is not adjuvanted, will mean less risk of mediated hemolytic anemia and allergic reactions are reduced by less frequent use of vaccines as well as by avoiding unnecessary vaccines such as K-9 Corona virus and chlamydia for cats, as well as ineffective vaccines such as Leptospirosis and FIP. Intranasal vaccine for Rhiotracheitis and Calici virus, two upper respiratory viruses of cats provide more complete protection than injectable vaccines with less risk of serious reactions.The AAHA and all 27 veterinary schools of North America are our biggest endorsement for these new protocols.Dr. Bob RogersPlease consider as current on all vaccinations for boarding purposes.DOGS Initial series of puppy vaccines1. distemper, hepatitis, parvo, parinfluenze - 3 sets one month apart

concluding at 16 weeks of age.2. Rabies at 16 weeks of age (later is better)3. Bordetella within last 4-6 months First annual (usually at 1 year and 4 months of age)1. DHP, Parvo, Rabies2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months 2 years or older1. Rabies with in last year2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months3. DHP & Parvo given anytime over 6 months of age , but not necessarily within the last year.Recommended: Physical exam for transmissible diseases and health risks.CATS Initial kitten series1. Distemper [PLP], Rhino Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia Vaccine - 3 sets given one month apart concluding at 16 weeks.2. Rabies at 16 weeks First Annual [usually at 1 year and 4 months of age].1. Distemper (PLP), Rhino Calicivirus, Rabies 2 years or older1. Rabies within the last year2. Rhino Calicivirus within last year3. Distemper and FelV given anytime after 6 months of age, but not necessarily with the last

year.Recommended: Physical exam, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam for giardia.Shirley WoodwardTrue Care Humane SocietyUnion, S.C864-427-5400itchyandme2http://search.petfinder.com/shelterSearch/shelterSearch.cgi?shelterid=SC216 & preview=1

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This has been making the rounds on a lot of lists, but a great deal of it is inaccurate. This e-mail first began circulating about 5 or 6 years ago. There are many statements made in this post that have not been scientifically validated. You can also tell how out of date the post is by the statement that rabies shots have to be given annually, whereas they are given every three years now after the second set of vaccinations. Just because things circulate on the Internet does not make them true. I got my information from a friend who teaches at the vet school. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to share her post as she requested it remain private. Carol DuncanMargaret Morin <dogs_good wrote: Cross-Posted from Barbara Staves

e-list. Margaret ************************************************ Doc Wheeler New vaccination protocols - Please pass along!!!Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27 North American veterinary schools. I highly recommend that you read this. Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it out at dog fairs, cat shows, kennel club meetings, dog parks, give a copy to your veterinarian and groomer, etc.Get the word out. ~~~~VACCINATION NEWS FLASHI would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in North America are in the process of changing their protocols for vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will present an ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics.Some organizations have come up with a political compromise suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who fear

loss of income vs. those concerned about potential side effects. Politics, traditions, or the doctor's economic well being should not be a factor in medical decision.NEW PRINCIPLES OF IMMUNOLOGY"Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet (ie: canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper). If another MLV vaccine is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is little or no effect. The titer is not "boosted" nor are more memory cells induced." Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. "There is no scientific documentation to back up label claims for annual administration of MLV vaccines." Puppies receive

antibodies through their mothers milk. This natural protection can last 8-14 weeks.Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than 8 weeks. Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine, and little protection (0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, delay the timing of the first highly effective vaccine. Vaccinations given 2 weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate the immune system. A series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4 weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age. Another vaccination given sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide Lifetime immunity.CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DOGSDistemper & Parvo "According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinations series given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year with a MLV, puppies and kitten program memory cells that survive for life, providing lifelong immunity." Dr. Carmichael

at Cornell and Dr. Schultz have studies showing immunity against challenge at 2-10 years for canine distemper & 4 years for parvovirus. Studies for longer duration are pending. "There are no new strains of parvovirus as one mfg. would like to suggest. Parvovirus vaccination provides cross immunity for all types." Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents known to be a cause of kennel cough. Only vaccines with CAV-2 should be used as CAV-1 vaccines carry the risk of "hepatitis blue-eye" reactions & kidney damage.Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called "Kennel cough" Recommended only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog shows, or for any reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The intranasal vaccine provides more complete and more rapid onset of immunity with less chance of reaction. Immunity requires 72 hours, and does not protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity is of short duration (4 to 6

months). RABIESThere have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in Harris, Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been rabid skunks and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed vaccine and must be given every year.Lyme disease is a tick born disease which can cause lameness, kidney failure and heart disease in dogs. Ticks can also transmit the disease to humans. The original Ft. Dodge killed bacteria has proven to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease prevention should emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars are more effective than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's mouth parts preventing transmission of disease.VACCINATIONS NOT RECOMMENDEDMultiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is

rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adult dogs.Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.VACCINATIONS NOT RECOMMENDEDMultiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell

& Texas A & M have only diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not cause disease in adult dogs.Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica. Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived. Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks. NEW RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CATSFeline vaccine related Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminal cancer related in inflammation caused by rabies & leukemia vaccines. This cancer is thought to affect 1 in 10,000 cats vaccinated. Vaccines with aluminum adjuvant, an ingredient included to stimulate the immune system, have been implicated as a higher risk. We now recommend a non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for

cats. Testing by Dr. Macy, Colorado State, has shown this vaccine to have the lowest tissue reaction, and although there is no guarantee that a vaccine induced sarcoma will not develop, the risk will be much lower than with other vaccines.Program injectable 6 mo. flea prevention for cats has been shown to be very tissue reactive, & therefore has the potential of inducing an injection site fiborsarcoma. If your cats develops a lump at the site of a vaccination, we recommend that it be removed ASAP, within 3-12 weeks.Feline Leukemia Virus VaccineThis virus is the leading viral killer of cats. The individuals most at risk of infection are young outdoor cats, indoor/outdoor cats and cats exposed to such individuals. Indoor only cats with no exposure to potentially infected cats are unlikely to become infected. All cats should be tested prior to vaccination. Cats over one year of age are naturally immune to Fel.V whether they are vaccinated

or not, so annual vaccination of adult cats is NOT necessary. The incubation period of Feline leukemia can be over 3 years, so if your cat is in the incubation state of the disease prior to vaccination, the vaccine will not prevent the disease. Feline Panleukopenia Virus Vaccine.Also called feline distemper is a highly contagious and deadly viral disease of kittens. It's extremely hardy and is resistant to extremes in temperature and to most available disinfectants. Although an effective treatment protocol is available, it is expensive to treat because of the serious nature of the disease and the continued presence of virus in the environment, vaccination is highly recommended for all kittens. Cats vaccinated at 6 month or older with either killed or MLV vaccine will produce an immunity good for life. Adult cats do NOT need this vaccine.Feline Calicivirus/Herpesvirus Vaccine.Responsible for 80-90% of infectious feline upper

respiratory tract diseases. The currently available injectable vaccines will minimize the severity of upper respiratoryinfections, although none will prevent disease in all situations.Intranasal vaccines are more effective at preventing the disease entirely. Don't worry about normal sneezing for a couple of days. Because intranasal vaccinesproduce an immunity of shorter durations, annual vaccination is recommended.VACCINES NOT RECOMMENDEDChlamydia or pneumonitis.The vaccine produces on a short (2 month) duration of immunity and accounts for less than 5% of upper respiratory infections in cats. The risks outweigh the benefits.Feline Infectious Peritonitis.A controversial vaccine. Most kittens that contract FIP become infected during the first 3 months of life. The vaccine is labeled for use at 16 weeks. All 27 vet schools do not recommend the vaccine.BordetellaA new vaccine for feline bordetella has been

introduced. Dr. Wolfe of Texas A & M says that Bordetella is a normal flora, and does not cause disease in adult cats. Dr. Lappin of Colorado State says that a review of the Colorado State medical records reveals not one case diagnosed in 10 years.NEW DEVELOPMENTSGiardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans in North America, 30% or more of all dogs & cats are infected with giardia. It has now been demonstrated that humans can transmit giardia to dogs & cats & vice versa. Heartworm preventative must be given year-round in Houston.VACCINES BADLY NEEDEDNew vaccines in development include:Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and cat scratch fever vaccine for cats and Ehrlichia [one of the other tick diseases, much worse than Lymes] for dogs.THE VIEW FROM THE TRENCHES; BUSINESS ASPECTSMost vets recommend annual boosters and most kennel operators require them. For years the pricing structure of

vets has misled clients into thinking that the inherent value of an annual office visit was in the "shots" they failed to emphasize the importance of a physical exam for early detection of treatable diseases. It is my hope that you will continue to require rabies & Kennel cough and emphasize the importance of a recent vet exam. I also hope you will accept the new protocols and honor these pets as currently vaccinated. Those in the boarding business who will honor the new vaccine protocols can gain new customers who were turned away from vet owned boarding facilities reluctant to change.CONCLUSIONDogs & cats no longer need to be vaccinated against distemper, parvo, & feline leukemia every year. Once the initial series of puppy or kitten vaccinations and first annual vaccinations are completed, immunity from MLV vaccines persists for life. It has been shown that cats over 1 year of age are immune to Feline Leukemia whether

they have been vaccinated or not. Imagine the money you will save, not to mention less risks from side effects. PCR rabies vaccine, because it is not adjuvanted, will mean less risk of mediated hemolytic anemia and allergic reactions are reduced by less frequent use of vaccines as well as by avoiding unnecessary vaccines such as K-9 Corona virus and chlamydia for cats, as well as ineffective vaccines such as Leptospirosis and FIP. Intranasal vaccine for Rhiotracheitis and Calici virus, two upper respiratory viruses of cats provide more complete protection than injectable vaccines with less risk of serious reactions.The AAHA and all 27 veterinary schools of North America are our biggest endorsement for these new protocols.Dr. Bob RogersPlease consider as current on all vaccinations for boarding purposes.DOGS Initial series of puppy vaccines1. distemper, hepatitis, parvo, parinfluenze - 3 sets one month apart concluding at 16 weeks

of age.2. Rabies at 16 weeks of age (later is better)3. Bordetella within last 4-6 months First annual (usually at 1 year and 4 months of age)1. DHP, Parvo, Rabies2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months 2 years or older1. Rabies with in last year2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months3. DHP & Parvo given anytime over 6 months of age , but not necessarily within the last year.Recommended: Physical exam for transmissible diseases and health risks.CATS Initial kitten series1. Distemper [PLP], Rhino Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia Vaccine - 3 sets given one month apart concluding at 16 weeks.2. Rabies at 16 weeks First Annual [usually at 1 year and 4 months of age].1. Distemper (PLP), Rhino Calicivirus, Rabies 2 years or older1. Rabies within the last year2. Rhino Calicivirus within last year3. Distemper and FelV given anytime after 6 months of age, but not necessarily with the last year.Recommended:

Physical exam, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam for giardia.Shirley WoodwardTrue Care Humane SocietyUnion, S.C864-427-5400itchyandme2http://search.petfinder.com/shelterSearch/shelterSearch.cgi?shelterid=SC216 & preview=1 Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. Answers - Check it out.

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Thanks for posting, Carol. Dialogue is a positive thing. FYI, Dr.

Pippin recently published on this subject. I'm going to try to find

his post and publish. I think there is considerable evidence that

our companion animals are being over-vaccinated, in many cases.



, Carol Duncan

<browniedriver wrote:


> Moderator's Note: Thanks for your post, Carol. Dialogue is a good

thing. I tried to verify before posting, but couldn't. In any event,

I believe the is much evidnce that our animals are being

overvaccinated. NTARN moderator posted his research recently on

this subject. I'll try to find his post and re-publish on VegNod.



> *********

> This has been making the rounds on a lot of lists, but a great deal

of it is inaccurate. This e-mail first began circulating about 5 or

6 years ago. There are many statements made in this post that have

not been scientifically validated. You can also tell how out of date

the post is by the statement that rabies shots have to be given

annually, whereas they are given every three years now after the

second set of vaccinations.


> Just because things circulate on the Internet does not make them

true. I got my information from a friend who teaches at the vet

school. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to share her post as she

requested it remain private.


> Carol Duncan


> Margaret Morin <dogs_good wrote:

> Cross-Posted from Barbara Staves e-list. Margaret


> ************************************************

> Doc Wheeler

> New vaccination protocols - Please pass along!!!


> Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27

North American veterinary schools. I highly recommend that you read

this. Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it out at

dog fairs, cat shows, kennel club meetings, dog parks, give a copy to

your veterinarian and groomer, etc.


> Get the word out. ~~~~




> I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in

North America are in the process of changing their protocols for

vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will present an

ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics.


> Some organizations have come up with a political compromise

suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who fear loss

of income vs. those concerned about potential side effects. Politics,

traditions, or the doctor's economic well being should not be a

factor in medical decision.



> " Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a

modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it

produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet (ie:

canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper). If another MLV vaccine

is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine

neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is little or

no effect. The titer is not " boosted " nor are more memory cells

induced. " Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper

unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic

reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. " There is no

scientific documentation to back up label claims for annual

administration of MLV vaccines. " Puppies receive antibodies through

their mothers milk. This natural protection can last 8-14 weeks.


> Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than 8 weeks.

Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine, and little protection

(0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, delay

the timing of the first highly effective vaccine. Vaccinations given

2 weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate the immune system. A

series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4

weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age. Another vaccination given

sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide

Lifetime immunity.



> Distemper & Parvo

> " According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinations

series given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year with a MLV,

puppies and kitten program memory cells that survive for life,

providing lifelong immunity. " Dr. Carmichael at Cornell and Dr.

Schultz have studies showing immunity against challenge at 2-10 years

for canine distemper & 4 years for parvovirus. Studies for longer

duration are pending. " There are no new strains of parvovirus as one

mfg. would like to suggest. Parvovirus vaccination provides cross

immunity for all types. " Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents

known to be a cause of kennel cough. Only vaccines with CAV-2 should

be used as CAV-1 vaccines carry the risk of " hepatitis blue-eye "

reactions & kidney damage.


> Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called " Kennel cough "

Recommended only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog shows,

or for any reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The

intranasal vaccine provides more complete and more rapid onset of

immunity with less chance of reaction. Immunity requires 72 hours,

and does not protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity is of

short duration (4 to 6 months).



> There have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in Harris,

Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been rabid

skunks and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed vaccine and

must be given every year.


> Lyme disease is a tick born disease which can cause lameness,

kidney failure and heart disease in dogs. Ticks can also transmit

the disease to humans. The original Ft. Dodge killed bacteria has

proven to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease prevention

should emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars are more

effective than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's mouth parts

preventing transmission of disease.



> Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the

immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual

disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona

Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs

get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only

diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not

cause disease in adult dogs.


> Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in

dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US

are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The

vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica.

Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived.

Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.



> Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the

immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual

disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona

Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs

get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only

diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not

cause disease in adult dogs.


> Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in

dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US

are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The

vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica.

Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived.

Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.



> Feline vaccine related Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminal cancer

related in inflammation caused by rabies & leukemia vaccines. This

cancer is thought to affect 1 in 10,000 cats vaccinated. Vaccines

> with aluminum adjuvant, an ingredient included to stimulate the

immune system, have been implicated as a higher risk. We now

recommend a non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for cats. Testing by Dr.

Macy, Colorado State, has shown this vaccine to have the lowest

tissue reaction, and although there is no guarantee that a vaccine

induced sarcoma will not develop, the risk will be much lower than

with other vaccines.


> Program injectable 6 mo. flea prevention for cats has been shown to

be very tissue reactive, & therefore has the potential of inducing an

injection site fiborsarcoma. If your cats develops a lump at the

site of a vaccination, we recommend that it be removed ASAP, within 3-

12 weeks.


> Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccine

> This virus is the leading viral killer of cats. The individuals

most at risk of infection are young outdoor cats, indoor/outdoor cats

and cats exposed to such individuals. Indoor only cats with no

exposure to potentially infected cats are unlikely to become

infected. All cats should be tested prior to vaccination. Cats over

one year of age are naturally immune to Fel.V whether they are

vaccinated or not, so annual vaccination of adult cats is NOT

necessary. The incubation period of Feline leukemia can be over 3

years, so if your cat is in the incubation state of the disease prior

to vaccination, the vaccine will not prevent the disease.


> Feline Panleukopenia Virus Vaccine.

> Also called feline distemper is a highly contagious and deadly

viral disease of kittens. It's extremely hardy and is resistant to

extremes in temperature and to most available disinfectants. Although


> effective treatment protocol is available, it is expensive to treat

because of the serious nature of the disease and the continued

presence of virus in the environment, vaccination is highly

recommended for all kittens. Cats vaccinated at 6 month or older with

either killed or MLV vaccine will produce an immunity good for life.

Adult cats do NOT need this vaccine.


> Feline Calicivirus/Herpesvirus Vaccine.

> Responsible for 80-90% of infectious feline upper respiratory tract

diseases. The currently available injectable vaccines will minimize

the severity of upper respiratory

> infections, although none will prevent disease in all situations.


> Intranasal vaccines are more effective at preventing the disease

entirely. Don't worry about normal sneezing for a couple of days.

Because intranasal vaccines

> produce an immunity of shorter durations, annual vaccination is



> Chlamydia or pneumonitis.

> The vaccine produces on a short (2 month) duration of immunity and

accounts for less than 5% of upper respiratory infections in cats.

The risks outweigh the benefits.


> Feline Infectious Peritonitis.

> A controversial vaccine. Most kittens that contract FIP become

infected during the first 3 months of life. The vaccine is labeled

for use at 16 weeks. All 27 vet schools do not recommend the vaccine.


> Bordetella

> A new vaccine for feline bordetella has been introduced. Dr. Wolfe

of Texas A & M says that Bordetella is a normal flora, and does not

cause disease in adult cats. Dr. Lappin of Colorado State says that

a review of the Colorado State medical records reveals not one case

diagnosed in 10 years.




> Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans in North

America, 30% or more of all dogs & cats are infected with giardia.

It has now been demonstrated that humans can transmit giardia to dogs

& cats & vice versa.


> Heartworm preventative must be given year-round in Houston.



> New vaccines in development include:

> Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and cat scratch fever vaccine for

cats and Ehrlichia [one of the other tick diseases, much worse than

Lymes] for dogs.



> Most vets recommend annual boosters and most kennel operators

require them. For years the pricing structure of vets has misled

clients into thinking that the inherent value of an annual office

visit was in the " shots " they failed to emphasize the importance of a

physical exam for early detection of treatable diseases. It is my

hope that you will continue to require rabies & Kennel cough and

> emphasize the importance of a recent vet exam. I also hope you

will accept the new protocols and honor these pets as currently

vaccinated. Those in the boarding business who will honor the new

vaccine protocols can gain new customers who were turned away from

vet owned boarding facilities reluctant to change.



> Dogs & cats no longer need to be vaccinated against distemper,

parvo, & feline leukemia every year. Once the initial series of

puppy or kitten vaccinations and first annual vaccinations are

completed, immunity from MLV vaccines persists for life. It has been

shown that cats over 1 year of age are immune to Feline Leukemia

whether they have been vaccinated or not. Imagine the money you will

save, not to mention less risks from side effects. PCR rabies

vaccine, because it is not adjuvanted, will mean less risk of

mediated hemolytic anemia and allergic reactions are reduced by less

frequent use of vaccines as well as by avoiding unnecessary vaccines

such as K-9 Corona virus and chlamydia for cats, as well as

ineffective vaccines such as Leptospirosis and FIP. Intranasal

vaccine for Rhiotracheitis and Calici virus, two upper respiratory

viruses of cats provide more complete protection than injectable

vaccines with less risk of serious reactions.


> The AAHA and all 27 veterinary schools of North America are our

biggest endorsement for these new protocols.


> Dr. Bob Rogers


> Please consider as current on all vaccinations for boarding



> DOGS Initial series of puppy vaccines

> 1. distemper, hepatitis, parvo, parinfluenze - 3 sets one month

apart concluding at 16 weeks of age.

> 2. Rabies at 16 weeks of age (later is better)

> 3. Bordetella within last 4-6 months First annual (usually at 1

year and 4 months of age)

> 1. DHP, Parvo, Rabies

> 2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months 2 years or older

> 1. Rabies with in last year

> 2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months

> 3. DHP & Parvo given anytime over 6 months of age , but not

necessarily within the last year.

> Recommended: Physical exam for transmissible diseases and health

> risks.



> CATS Initial kitten series

> 1. Distemper [PLP], Rhino Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia Vaccine - 3

sets given one month apart concluding at 16 weeks.

> 2. Rabies at 16 weeks First Annual [usually at 1 year and 4 months

of age].

> 1. Distemper (PLP), Rhino Calicivirus, Rabies 2 years or older

> 1. Rabies within the last year

> 2. Rhino Calicivirus within last year

> 3. Distemper and FelV given anytime after 6 months of age, but not

necessarily with the last year.

> Recommended: Physical exam, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam for



> Shirley Woodward

> True Care Humane Society

> Union, S.C

> 864-427-5400

> itchyandme2


> http://search.petfinder.com/shelterSearch/shelterSearch.cgi?

shelterid=SC216 & preview=1



> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone

who knows.

> Answers - Check it out.


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Hi, Margaret,


I do believe that the traditional vaccination protocols that we were

following several years ago result in overvaccination of our pets. I

certainly didn't mean to imply otherwise. And I'm sure that there are vets

out there who are still recommending annual vacs for all dogs. My dogs now

only get vaccinated every 3 years or so, except for my 3 geriatric dogs (11,

14, & 14 years), who will never receive any more vaccines in their lives.

My vet is in total agreement with this plan.


But those of us in rescue too often see -- and pay the price for -- pets who

never received any vaccines at all, as we get them already infected with

distemper, parvo or other preventable illnesses. There's nothing more

heartbreaking than to lose a dog that you have tried to nurture back to

health due to one of these diseases.


One of the points my vet friend made was that, although a dog's puppy shots

do provide immunity for a very long time, there has not been any research

that demonstrates that they provide lifelong immunity or even how long the

immunity lasts.


One of my fellow rescuers works in a vet clinic. Two well cared for and

much loved 7 year old Golden Retrievers were brought in with distemper.

They had had their full puppy shots several years earlier, but none since

then. Neither of them survived the illness.


So I agree that it is a good idea to cast a critical eye on reports about

vaccines (positive or negative) and other health issues and to look for the

science behind the statements that are being circulated.


And, yes, dialogue is a good thing.


Carol Duncan

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Out of fairness, I am going to post a couple of more replies to the

below message and then call it a day on this subject.


For the record, I definitely should have posted the below with a

disclaimer that I had not confirmed the information contained in

it. I did call Shirley Woodward, the email's initiator, but could

not reach her. Many points in the email (such as the 27 vet schools

adopting new protocols) are probably not true.


Personally, I do not agree with overvaccinating animals, but that

does not mean I advocate no vaccinations or inadequate veterinary

care. I believe we need a scientific evaluation of what is proper

vaccination of companion animals. I am not sure that has yet been



Thanks to all for her/his comments. Margaret



, Margaret Morin

<dogs_good wrote:


> Cross-Posted from Barbara Staves e-list. Margaret


> ************************************************

> Doc Wheeler

> New vaccination protocols - Please pass along!!!


> Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27

North American veterinary schools. I highly recommend that you read

this. Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it out at

dog fairs, cat shows, kennel club meetings, dog parks, give a copy to

your veterinarian and groomer, etc.


> Get the word out. ~~~~




> I would like to make you aware that all 27 veterinary schools in

North America are in the process of changing their protocols for

vaccinating dogs and cats. Some of this information will present an

ethical & economic challenge to vets, and there will be skeptics.


> Some organizations have come up with a political compromise

suggesting vaccinations every 3 years to appease those who fear loss

of income vs. those concerned about potential side effects. Politics,

traditions, or the doctor's economic well being should not be a

factor in medical decision.



> " Dogs and cats immune systems mature fully at 6 months. If a

modified live virus vaccine is given after 6 months of age, it

produces an immunity which is good for the life of the pet (ie:

canine Distemper, Parvo, Feline distemper). If another MLV vaccine

is given a year later, the antibodies from the first vaccine

neutralize the antigens of the second vaccine, and there is little or

no effect. The titer is not " boosted " nor are more memory cells

induced. " Not only are annual boosters for parvo and distemper

unnecessary, they subject the pet to potential risks of allergic

reactions, and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. " There is no

scientific documentation to back up label claims for annual

administration of MLV vaccines. " Puppies receive antibodies through

their mothers milk. This natural protection can last 8-14 weeks.


> Puppies & kittens should NOT be vaccinated at LESS than 8 weeks.

Maternal immunity will neutralize the vaccine, and little protection

(0-38%) will be produced. Vaccination at 6 weeks will, however, delay

the timing of the first highly effective vaccine. Vaccinations given

2 weeks apart suppress rather than stimulate the immune system. A

series of vaccinations is given starting at 8 weeks and given 3-4

weeks apart up to 16 weeks of age. Another vaccination given

sometime after 6 months of age (usually at 1 year 4 mo) will provide

Lifetime immunity.



> Distemper & Parvo

> " According to Dr. Schultz, AVMA, 8-15-95, when a vaccinations

series given at 2, 3 & 4 months and again at 1 year with a MLV,

puppies and kitten program memory cells that survive for life,

providing lifelong immunity. " Dr. Carmichael at Cornell and Dr.

Schultz have studies showing immunity against challenge at 2-10 years

for canine distemper & 4 years for parvovirus. Studies for longer

duration are pending. " There are no new strains of parvovirus as one

mfg. would like to suggest. Parvovirus vaccination provides cross

immunity for all types. " Hepatitis (Adenovirus) is one of the agents

known to be a cause of kennel cough. Only vaccines with CAV-2 should

be used as CAV-1 vaccines carry the risk of " hepatitis blue-eye "

reactions & kidney damage.


> Bordetella Parainfluenza: Commonly called " Kennel cough "

Recommended only for those dogs boarded, groomed, taken to dog shows,

or for any reason housed where exposed to a lot of dogs. The

intranasal vaccine provides more complete and more rapid onset of

immunity with less chance of reaction. Immunity requires 72 hours,

and does not protect from every cause of kennel cough. Immunity is of

short duration (4 to 6 months).



> There have been no reported cases of rabid dogs or cats in Harris,

Montogomery or Ft. Bend Counties [Texas], there have been rabid

skunks and bats so the potential exists. It is a killed vaccine and

must be given every year.


> Lyme disease is a tick born disease which can cause lameness,

kidney failure and heart disease in dogs. Ticks can also transmit

the disease to humans. The original Ft. Dodge killed bacteria has

proven to be the most effective vaccine. Lyme disease prevention

should emphasize early removal of ticks. Amitraz collars are more

effective than Top Spot, as amitraz paralyzes the tick's mouth parts

preventing transmission of disease.



> Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the

immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual

disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona

Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs

get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only

diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not

cause disease in adult dogs.


> Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in

dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US

are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The

vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica.

Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived.

Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.



> Multiple components in vaccines compete with each other for the

immune system, and result in lesser immunity for each individual

disease, as well as increasing the risk of a reaction. Canine Corona

Virus is only a disease of puppies. It is rare, self limiting (dogs

get well in 3 days without treatment). Cornell & Texas A & M have only

diagnosed one case each in the last 7 years. Corona virus does not

cause disease in adult dogs.


> Leptospirosis vaccine is a common cause of adverse reactions in

dogs. Most of the clinical cases of lepto reported in dogs in the US

are caused by serovaars (or types) grippotyphosa and bratsilvia. The

vaccines contain different serovaars eanicola and ictohemorrhagica.

Cross protection is not provided, and protection is short lived.

Lepto vaccine is immuno-supressive to puppies less than 16 weeks.



> Feline vaccine related Fibrosarcoma is a type of terminal cancer

related in inflammation caused by rabies & leukemia vaccines. This

cancer is thought to affect 1 in 10,000 cats vaccinated. Vaccines

> with aluminum adjuvant, an ingredient included to stimulate the

immune system, have been implicated as a higher risk. We now

recommend a non-adjuvanted rabies vaccine for cats. Testing by Dr.

Macy, Colorado State, has shown this vaccine to have the lowest

tissue reaction, and although there is no guarantee that a vaccine

induced sarcoma will not develop, the risk will be much lower than

with other vaccines.


> Program injectable 6 mo. flea prevention for cats has been shown to

be very tissue reactive, & therefore has the potential of inducing an

injection site fiborsarcoma. If your cats develops a lump at the

site of a vaccination, we recommend that it be removed ASAP, within 3-

12 weeks.


> Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccine

> This virus is the leading viral killer of cats. The individuals

most at risk of infection are young outdoor cats, indoor/outdoor cats

and cats exposed to such individuals. Indoor only cats with no

exposure to potentially infected cats are unlikely to become

infected. All cats should be tested prior to vaccination. Cats over

one year of age are naturally immune to Fel.V whether they are

vaccinated or not, so annual vaccination of adult cats is NOT

necessary. The incubation period of Feline leukemia can be over 3

years, so if your cat is in the incubation state of the disease prior

to vaccination, the vaccine will not prevent the disease.


> Feline Panleukopenia Virus Vaccine.

> Also called feline distemper is a highly contagious and deadly

viral disease of kittens. It's extremely hardy and is resistant to

extremes in temperature and to most available disinfectants. Although


> effective treatment protocol is available, it is expensive to treat

because of the serious nature of the disease and the continued

presence of virus in the environment, vaccination is highly

recommended for all kittens. Cats vaccinated at 6 month or older with

either killed or MLV vaccine will produce an immunity good for life.

Adult cats do NOT need this vaccine.


> Feline Calicivirus/Herpesvirus Vaccine.

> Responsible for 80-90% of infectious feline upper respiratory tract

diseases. The currently available injectable vaccines will minimize

the severity of upper respiratory

> infections, although none will prevent disease in all situations.


> Intranasal vaccines are more effective at preventing the disease

entirely. Don't worry about normal sneezing for a couple of days.

Because intranasal vaccines

> produce an immunity of shorter durations, annual vaccination is



> Chlamydia or pneumonitis.

> The vaccine produces on a short (2 month) duration of immunity and

accounts for less than 5% of upper respiratory infections in cats.

The risks outweigh the benefits.


> Feline Infectious Peritonitis.

> A controversial vaccine. Most kittens that contract FIP become

infected during the first 3 months of life. The vaccine is labeled

for use at 16 weeks. All 27 vet schools do not recommend the vaccine.


> Bordetella

> A new vaccine for feline bordetella has been introduced. Dr. Wolfe

of Texas A & M says that Bordetella is a normal flora, and does not

cause disease in adult cats. Dr. Lappin of Colorado State says that

a review of the Colorado State medical records reveals not one case

diagnosed in 10 years.




> Giardia is the most common intestinal parasite of humans in North

America, 30% or more of all dogs & cats are infected with giardia.

It has now been demonstrated that humans can transmit giardia to dogs

& cats & vice versa.


> Heartworm preventative must be given year-round in Houston.



> New vaccines in development include:

> Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and cat scratch fever vaccine for

cats and Ehrlichia [one of the other tick diseases, much worse than

Lymes] for dogs.



> Most vets recommend annual boosters and most kennel operators

require them. For years the pricing structure of vets has misled

clients into thinking that the inherent value of an annual office

visit was in the " shots " they failed to emphasize the importance of a

physical exam for early detection of treatable diseases. It is my

hope that you will continue to require rabies & Kennel cough and

> emphasize the importance of a recent vet exam. I also hope you

will accept the new protocols and honor these pets as currently

vaccinated. Those in the boarding business who will honor the new

vaccine protocols can gain new customers who were turned away from

vet owned boarding facilities reluctant to change.



> Dogs & cats no longer need to be vaccinated against distemper,

parvo, & feline leukemia every year. Once the initial series of

puppy or kitten vaccinations and first annual vaccinations are

completed, immunity from MLV vaccines persists for life. It has been

shown that cats over 1 year of age are immune to Feline Leukemia

whether they have been vaccinated or not. Imagine the money you will

save, not to mention less risks from side effects. PCR rabies

vaccine, because it is not adjuvanted, will mean less risk of

mediated hemolytic anemia and allergic reactions are reduced by less

frequent use of vaccines as well as by avoiding unnecessary vaccines

such as K-9 Corona virus and chlamydia for cats, as well as

ineffective vaccines such as Leptospirosis and FIP. Intranasal

vaccine for Rhiotracheitis and Calici virus, two upper respiratory

viruses of cats provide more complete protection than injectable

vaccines with less risk of serious reactions.


> The AAHA and all 27 veterinary schools of North America are our

biggest endorsement for these new protocols.


> Dr. Bob Rogers


> Please consider as current on all vaccinations for boarding



> DOGS Initial series of puppy vaccines

> 1. distemper, hepatitis, parvo, parinfluenze - 3 sets one month

apart concluding at 16 weeks of age.

> 2. Rabies at 16 weeks of age (later is better)

> 3. Bordetella within last 4-6 months First annual (usually at 1

year and 4 months of age)

> 1. DHP, Parvo, Rabies

> 2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months 2 years or older

> 1. Rabies with in last year

> 2. Bordetella within last 4-6 months

> 3. DHP & Parvo given anytime over 6 months of age , but not

necessarily within the last year.

> Recommended: Physical exam for transmissible diseases and health

> risks.



> CATS Initial kitten series

> 1. Distemper [PLP], Rhino Calicivirus, Feline Leukemia Vaccine - 3

sets given one month apart concluding at 16 weeks.

> 2. Rabies at 16 weeks First Annual [usually at 1 year and 4 months

of age].

> 1. Distemper (PLP), Rhino Calicivirus, Rabies 2 years or older

> 1. Rabies within the last year

> 2. Rhino Calicivirus within last year

> 3. Distemper and FelV given anytime after 6 months of age, but not

necessarily with the last year.

> Recommended: Physical exam, FeLV/FIV testing, fecal exam for



> Shirley Woodward

> True Care Humane Society

> Union, S.C

> 864-427-5400

> itchyandme2


> http://search.petfinder.com/shelterSearch/shelterSearch.cgi?

shelterid=SC216 & preview=1




> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone

who knows.

> Answers - Check it out.


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