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Please sign to support Bob!

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Please forward.Please take the time to sign a petition to give Tony Mosquedo Maximum sentencing for abducting and torturing Bob the tortoise. Bob was not the first animal he has abused, this man has a history of abusing wild animals at out local river, he has skinned a snake alive, and tied firecrackers to neighborhood cats. We think he also is responsible for plucking a chicken alive, which was found in our neighborhood a week before Bob was abducted. Luckily the chicken got away from its attacker, and has grown back all of its feathers. This is not the first time Tony abused an animal, it is just the first time he has been caught.If we have tough laws for first time animal abusers, this would scare other abusers from harming animals, and it could stop the abuser from future serious crimes against humanity. It is a documented fact

that murderers, wife beaters, and child abusers, all started out abusing animals.Please take 30 seconds and sign the petition, this will then be sent to Judge Clark, and to Wendy Mcfarlane, the D.A. assigned to this case.http://justiceforbob.comAnimals are my friends. I don't eat my friends.http://www.iklipz.com/MovieDetail.aspx?MovieID=b78dcab6-a408-4659-b1f4-72d1fe7cfe0c

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