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Email from Mr. Warwak (Vegan teacher in trouble)

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He is the best thing that could ever have happened to a school, yet our corporate driven society rejects and punishes him for teaching compassion and educating our future generation about the poison of animal products and the fact that it's ruining the Earth. I suppose if you were teaching them that dog fighting is wrong, andgiving them leaflets and DVDs depicting the abuse (even the TV stationsbroadcast that!) it would he would be lauded for teaching compassion towardanimals. That just pisses me off to no end. The most abused animals on theplanet don't matter because they aren't "pets" and are food. Anyway, here is his response - it is very lengthy and obviously a form email, but he's so right.: press release - my beliefs - do what you wish with them in print orfire - editorial at your

disposalVegan AmericaPeople, people, people, please, settle down - take a break - go read upon Vegan or Humane Education or Factory Farming - then please comeback in a few hours and leave your Ignorance at the door and stay on topicwith real knowledge of both sides. I know your side well. Remember, Iam a product of your World. I was a Fishing Guide and on Atkins, so Iunderstand how we grow up to believe certain things. Those Milk Mustacheposters hanging in a place that stands for truth is a crime when weknow otherwise. This is where Hereditary Ignorance remains alive. It iskilling us. Be honest and change for our Children.I think the average American would be appauled to find out what goes onin those sheds in the distance. You are busted FACTORY FARMING - THEGIG IS UP - WE ARE SICK OF IT! Where is the love and compassion inpeople? Have we become so hardened and disconnected that we are

willing tojust die off. I KNOW THE CHILDREN WANT A BETTER WORLD - JUST AS I DIDAND STILL DO - DO IT FOR OUR CHILDREN I want everyone who knows ofFactory Farming to go to your nearest mountaintop and scream out at the topof your lungs, "FACTORY FARMING" so loud, in hopes the Children willhear you. I want them to hear. They still have sense and can see how wrongit really is. Children understand. Stop hiding it from them. Do youwant your Children growing up in a confused World full of death,destruction, violence and hate? What we do to our friends, the Animals, reallydoes come back to us. Can't you see it? WAKE UP!Everyone wants to make this about me losing my job. I keep saying thisis not about my views or beliefs, but no one hears me. It is about howthey are running things. I can not participate in their broken systemand they are mad. You really should not fire or hurt a person for beingloving, caring, and

compassionate, especially with the whole Worldwatching. If everyone really wants to make this about me and my beliefs,and if everyone insists on ignoring the mountain of scientific data thatscreams Vegan=Humane Education. Here you go, my beliefs, ...do what youwish with them in print or fire, ...Isn't it funny how I link to misinformation - I want everyone to knowboth sides, just to show you the forces at work to keep you brain-washed- WAKE-UP PEOPLE - You won't see any of them linking to my site. Therewas an editorial printed by a mindless sheep, who cut and paste thingsthey never really researched, that are just dead wrong! Such non-sense- IS THIS 2007? I know, Ignorance hates to read, and especially hatesto admit they might be wrong. This is how the HEREDITARY IGNORANCECONTINUES - WAKE UP! "We must rapidly begin the shift from a"thing-oriented" society to a "person-oriented" society. When machines and

computers,profit motives and property rights are considered more important thanpeople, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism areincapable of being conquered" Martin Luther King, Jr.The Milk and Dairy Industry in grand concert with the Governmentgetting their hold in Schools, brainwashed us in childhood, just as they didour parents, and theirs, and now our very own Children. Why do we fightso hard for them to continue such an evil legacy? The only reason thispoisonous garbage is still in school is because our loving Governmentstepped in and offered the free and reduced lunch program (nothing isfree, and believe me, we pay). "If people let government decide whatfoods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be inas sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny"Thomas JeffersonLazy ignorance hates work and change. Lazy ignorance only

changes whenit is forced to change. Our ever so loving Meat and Dairy Industries injoyous harmony with our beautiful Government know this and have placedtheir wonderful killing machine in place with all its wondroussafeguards. These same loving people try to unload this horrific-sleuth theycall food on other countries. Europe will not even consider it. So wecall it surplus and it sits around, and sits around. And so it goes,generously rammed down our innocent and ever so trusting Children's mouths.Records, paperwork, and a few too many sick Children, and our lovingfriends have a recall of millions of pounds of ground Animals, only tofind, most has been already consumed (or Lazy Ignorance neglects to findRecall Info and it is eaten later), a few thousand pounds in allactuality is returned, which our loving friends then feed back to the Animals(turning them from herbivore to cannibal), your Child will eat

later.And still, we fight to keep it in our Children's schools. WOW -HEREDITARY IGNORANCE IS STRONG! Selling out our own Children and the fate ofthe Human Race. This is not just about diet. Don't believe everythingyou see. The world is an illusion. Wake up. There are many things allaround us made from animals that we never notice. We're so disconnected;we don't even notice this right in front of our face three times a day.When we open our circle of compassion to all, we grow as a people andour treatment of each other and others improves. It really is aboutpeace, love, and compassion for all. How many more school shootings untilwe wake-up? Humane Education=Veganism=VEGAN AMERICA is the answer.When we look into the Ancients' artworks, you see the hidden history.This information is the drop of water deep inside a rock that bursts itopen when the freeze comes. It is not in any textbook or lecture. TheAncients

were telling us how to survive in their Art. The messages allthe same, every time, over and over again. They all, say the same thing,and we are at a crossroads of a new age. This crossroad can go in thedirection it is going and we end as a people just after the turn of thecentury, close to the Ancient Mayan Calendar end. Just as is theirCosmic Ball game, we can reverse our fate, which they also foresaw, inthat we change and open our circle of compassion. This is our last bigtest as a people. Do we want better for our Children? If not, screw you, Iask them, and every time, they say they want to live longer, healthierlives in a healthy loving world. Don't you want that for them? Wellthey want the future and they want it now. We have to change NOW! Comeclean - TELL A CHILD TODAY!Most know this and that, and only, this and that; but, limitedperspectives are stagnant when the bigger, more important reality is

containedin this and that and everything else. Look at the entirety of thesituation and do a search of John Robbins Realities from Diet for a NewAmerica. The re-print statistics are all over on the internet. You will seethe connections of diet to starvation, disease, pollution, its allthere, takes 5 to 10 minutes for the average person to make theconnections. People simply do not know about Factory Farming, Veganism, HumaneEducation, or any of the other implications. Most people never have timeto think of such things. We need to slow down, even for 10 minutes andread. The majority of people suppress themselves by adopting systems ofthoughts and actions shaped by their own perceived desires of those incontrol. To deny our children their freedom is to commit a crimeagainst humanity. "Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some peopledream of things that never were and ask, "Why not? Some people have togo to work

and don't have time for all that ..." George Carlin"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be abutterfly" Buckminster Fuller. To many people, this seems like a stupid,meaningless personal choice, dietary issue; however, this issue is nota crazy fad or news from a crazy zealot. Just as a caterpillar turns toa butterfly, a simple change in diet can evolve into the solution tothe Health Care crisis, war, starvation, pollution, global warming,school shootings and violence in society. This one change brings a new wayof living - actually, it is a very old. Suppressed and long forgottenway of living the Ancients new well. Humane Education. Teaching areverence for life. God gave life, man never should have taken it away -never, ever - and yet, here we are engulfed in this horrific killingmachine.A silent Holocaust is going on in America, right here and now, right infront of our

noses three times a day. Can't you smell it? Look off inthe distance. Factory Farming is hazing our World. Well, maybe, youcannot see it. I see it in the far off distance, a wavy haze melting theground. I'm chasing it down and grappling this machine with you as youread my words. Even Einstein saw it 50 years ago, when he said, "Nothingwill benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life onEarth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet"There is no magic bullet to cure cancer, heart disease, stroke, and on,and on. Prevention is the cure, leave your bandage solutions at homeand do a little research. The best diet is Vegan. The science is out,PLEASE LET GO OF THE STONE AGE - THIS IS 2007. Our Children need this.The Human race and the future of Earth hinges on this. Your kids, family,and self all dieing of hideous cancers, heart attacks, strokes, andthe list is a mile long - do some research and

you will see. Oh how wellI know, how Lazy Ignorance hates to read at all costs, after all, itmight lead to change=work.The Factory Farming Industry in concert with your loving government hascreated the most horrific killing machine that is spiraling out ofcontrol. The only way to stop this is through Education Reform. Teachingour youth a philosophy of respect, responsibility, and love oflife=Humane Education=Veganism. No more time will be spent arguing withHereditary Ignorance. Generation after generation slips through our handsplaying this silent game of "we don't want to scare them with the truth"mentality. This mentality is the same mentality of Hereditary Ignorancethat wants to drag this out a few thousand more years. Sorry, we won'tlast that long. It really is now or never.Every kid in America should know where their food comes from as soon asthey can pick up a fork. And if you are to

afraid to be honest, PublicSchools have no place in helping you hide your weak character and lackof respect and lack of responsibility. Children are the key to savingour race, as a people, on this planet, for they are the transmission ofsociety. Maybe you did not know that. The Meat and Dairy Industryknows how important it is to Indoctrinate our Children with a constantreminder, rammed down their innocent eyes, hanging on the walls of aninstitution that Children are Indoctrinated into TRUSTING FOR TRUTH - NOT TOHIDE SOCIETIES ILLS."It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living by its purelyphysical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influencethe lot of mankind" Einstein. To leave the responsibility of "The Talk"to the parents, does not work, because most parents do not know, as,they themselves, are brainwashed and desperately cling to theirHereditary Ignorance, for without it,

their world crumbles apart. The crumblingshould not be feared, for this is your part in the evolution of theHuman Race, and your awaking as who you really are.Children never grow and "Find out themselves" when they are old enoughto decide what is right and then make it a personal choice. Until then,have you decided correctly for them, until then? Public School shouldbe one place that delivers the truth in the form of healthy, nutritiousfood that is not the product of the suffering or demise of anotherbeing. Animals are not ours to eat, wear, or use in any other way.This is how the Hereditary Ignorance continues. Schools are one placethat should teach students how to see the world as it really is. This isevery Teacher's job. The Art Teacher does it best though. Real Artistsare really Teachers. We deal with the real world. People really dobelieve everything we see. You may have said, "I saw it with

my own eyes!"Instead of teaching our children what to know, let them findthemselves and how to decipher our falsehoods. Why would anyone want their childto live a lie and die early in a dieing World? Who would want to beinvolved with Factory Farming in any way? Who would want to ignore TRUTH?Who would want to hide TRUTH? Answer: People who believe what thepeople they trusted told them.Just because we enter into a world with little humanity and know of noother, does not mean we have to accept all we have ever known to besingular, indisputable, and real. The truth is we can make this worldbetter, right here, right now. In the great words of Sitting Bull, "Let usput our minds together and see what life we can make for our children"No more School shootings=Vegan America. After all is said and done,history cares not of pride, nor, conformists, only to a gasp at howprimitive they must have been; whereas, we

always remember those who are ableto change with great reverence, for they put aside pride and refusedto conform to evil. WarwakFeel free to copy and distribute.I ask only that you copy it in its entirety and that thereproduction be of good quality.http://inslide/respect "Think occasionally of the suffering of which youspare yourself the sight" Albert Schweitzer

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