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SAN BERNABÉ MARKET: EXTREME CRUELTY AGAINST ANIMALS AND LOW SANITARY CONDITIONS IN MEXICO.http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/por-la-calusura-del-mercado-de-sanbernabe-en-mexico-extrema-crueldad-hacia-los-animales-by-the-closeThe market called San Bernabé is located in Almoloya de Juárez, State of México; at this place the main merchandise are mules, donkeys and horses, which are in extreme terrible state and with a total lack of health regulations, thus violating consistently and permanently both: the laws against animal cruelty and sanitary conditions. Authorities, while having total law enforcement faculties, and all the proof required to permanently close the place (via images in different media), have done nothing about it. The animals for sale, in its majority, are visible sick; they are transported

under deplorable and sadistical ways, without any care even for those showing exposed fractures, bleeding or with visible wounds. When they cannot hold on foot, they are hung with ropes to pretend they are still strong enough. They totally lack medical attention, as well as water and food. In case they die before getting to the place where they are normally sacrificed, their entrails are thrown away right on the floor. They are called throw-away (or disposable) animals; they are kept with life up to the last possible moment, while in a slow and lasting agony, because every pound of living meat costs twice as much as the pound of dead meat. For all the above exposed, we claim the relevant authorities, the IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL close down of this highly cruel and outrageous San Bernabé Market.Sincerely,The Informing Committee of the APASDEM, Against the existing Impunity at the San Bernabé Market.http://www.chooseveg.com/meet-your-meat.asp

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