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Message from Chief Arvol Looking Horse,19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf PipeMitakuye Oyasin (all my relations),Another great message has come to us from the animal nation. This time, itis more urgent then ever! It has come to my attention of another birth of awhite buffalo, this time it is more different then any other sign.So far since 1994, the same time that Global Warming was being announced;there have been at least 4-6 every year of these sacred buffalo calves thathave stood upon the earth. Not only the buffalo have showed these signs totell us of this great urgency that is upon us, but in many parts of theworld, there have been other animal nations showing this sacred color. Thiscolor represents the south, the direction in which we pass through to thespirit world, a completed cycle. This interpretation has to do with theBundle I take care of; that carries a prophesy from the White Buffalo CalfWoman. She told of a time when her spirit would stand upon the earth, atime of great changes were about to come to us all. A time when the twolegged would have to make a decision to change their ways to heal the damagethat they have created. Boundaries in respecting life and spirit will havebecome violated.This birth is yet another sign, but brings more awareness of this urgency.This new birth has to do with 2 female buffalo kept in captivity, with nomale buffalo present. It would be hard to believe, but in this instance,the place they live has kept this quiet, because they did not want to beaccused of artificially inseminating the female buffalo. There have beenthese types of instances that have been done in the past, concerningpublicity in owning a white buffalo calf.The Woodland Zoo in Farmington, Pennsylvania decided to bring in two femalebuffalo to their facility. One of the females was pregnant when she arrived.After she had the calf, it was sold, 6 months later, she gave birth toanother calf, this time it was white. Buffalo carry for 9 months as humansdo. The other female she lived with, gave birth 9 months later to a blackbuffalo after the white calf stood upon the earth, again no male buffalopresent.This was brought to my attention a while back. I did not want to stateanything till I took this through ceremony, to understand the truth and themessage.Since 1994, these kinds of signs have been coming, but it seems that peopledo not listen or want to see anything important from the animal nation’smessages. This has a lot to do with faith.What was told is as follows: This is a very dangerous time we are in! Theminds of the people on Unc’i Maka (Grandmother Earth) are choosing to focuson a new way of life that is hurting us all in the global community. Thisway of life chooses war, hurting one another physically and verbally, andcontinued desecration to Unc’i Maka in taking more then what we truly needin her resources. These decisions not only hurt our own People, but theanimal nations are dying in large numbers to extinction by this new way oflife we are accepting. Unc’i Maka is going to have a hard time to continueto bring food to all life. These decisions need to be changed very soon andare in each and every one of your hands more then ever. Respect to thespirit of life needs to be brought back; boundaries need to put back intoplace and faith needs to be present in everyone’s life once again.We have no choice but to listen!May Peace Prevail Earth! In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no endingand no beginning!/Chief Arvol Looking Horse,19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipewww.wolakota.org--------You know this is so cool, a miracle, and check out the date!--- tamra wrote:> "tamra" <tamra> <tamra> Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:14:50 -0500> [Protecting_our_Ancestors_Sacred_Sites]> Urgent Message ~ Animals and Anomalies, Prophecy and Miracles>> Press Release>> November 12, 2007>>>> Animals and Anomalies, Prophecy and Miracles>>>> Miracles are occurrences many find difficult to accept.>>>> Anomalies in the natural world always strike our> attention.>>>> At the Woodland Zoo http://www.woodlandzoo.net a> small private zoo in Farmington, Pennsylvania owned> by Jill and Sonny Herring, anomalies, or miracles,> continue to occur.>>>> A known, yet uncommon anomaly is parthenogenesis. In> layman's terms, parthenogenesis would commonly be> called a virgin birth, and is usually associated> with invertebrates, plants, fish, frogs, insects,> and lizards. It is not normally thought to be> associated with mammals. However, there are some> farmers who would tell you it's not uncommon for> turkeys and rabbits to give birth without> fertilization as well. In most cases, the offspring> are said to be identical to the mother (with a few> exceptions like the Komodo Dragon Lizard and the> Honey Bee).>>>> Yet another anomaly is albino animals. Considered a> distinct category of anomaly, this is more commonly> known to the mainstream mind. Albinos not only have> white coloration to their fur or feathers but also> normally have the trademark red eyes, pink nose,> pink feet, and pink skin. Further, they also are> often sterile. Prone to disease and especially> susceptible to the affects of sunlight, albinos> often have a very short lifespan.>>>> But a different class of anomaly, a true white> creature which is not an albino, would certainly> catch anyone's eye. These white creatures maintain> the normal characteristics of their species but do> not exhibit the pink eyes, etc., of the albino.> Born white, they may or may not stay white> throughout their lifetime. Additionally, they> often live a normal life and reproduce offspring> which most commonly are not white.>>>> The odds are exceptionally high for the birth of a> true white buffalo calf. It has been said to be 1> in 10 million. For many of the Native American> Nations, a white buffalo calf is considered highly> sacred within their traditional culture and beliefs.>>>> In 1994, the white buffalo, Miracle, was born in> Janesville, Wisconsin. According to reports, she> was the first known white buffalo to be born since> 1933. Yet, in the years since her birth, there have> been at least 15 to 20 other white buffalo born.> Some may be albino; some may have cow or yak genes> which created the white. Nonetheless, it is clear> that an unusual number of them are true white> buffalo calves.>>>> In the normal fashion, in May 2006, one of their two> female buffalo gave birth to a normal calf.> However, six months later (without being fertilized> by any male buffalo or other bovine), the same> female gave birth to a fully-developed white buffalo> calf on November 12, 2006.>>>> Since the gestation period for buffalo is 9 months,> the birth alone was startling. That the calf was> white was enough to draw the attention of American> Indians around the country. That the female had not> been impregnated is enough to draw the attention of> indigenous spiritual leaders from around the world.> The white calf, a male, was named Kenahkihinén,> which means "Watch Over Us" in the Lenape language> by local Natives descended of the Lenape Nation.>>>> The primary prophecies of the Lakota, Dakota, and> Nakota [sioux] Nations revolve around the appearance> of a white buffalo calf and their traditional> spiritual stories of a sacred white buffalo calf> woman. In April of 2007, Oglala Lakota Spiritual> Leader and Head Man, David Swallow, visited the zoo,> blessing the calf and grounds. Local Native groups> and other Native American spiritual leaders have> visited and conducted ceremony as well. These> calves are not worshipped but rather viewed as> sacred messengers and fulfillment of prophecy.>>>> In June of 2007, Lakota spiritual leaders endorsed> two people who live nearby to spiritually watch over> the lives of the white buffalo calf: Hawk Michael> Spisak, mixed blood Holikachuk and Shawnee, and his> partner, Tamra Brennan, who is mixed blood Eastern> Cherokee. They were sent to the Eastern Door, the> Eastern part of the continent, with a ceremonial> drum, a traditional staff, and a sacred c'anunpa (a> sacred Lakota prayer pipe) to aid them in their> commission. Both these people have been visiting the> calf regularly to pray. With this endorsement comes> the responsibility of hosting the many Indigenous> spiritual leaders from around the world which are> expected to visit, which many have already agreed to> do so.>>>> However, on July 28, 2007, yet another remarkable> event occurred. In the same pen as the white calf> and his mother, resides a second, separate female> buffalo. The Herrings have documented proof through> USDA records there was no male buffalo or bovine> present. Yet on that date, she gave birth to a black> with four white legs female calf. Again, it is> another instance of, for lack of better words,> virgin birth.>>>> The zoo owners assure everyone that there was no> male buffalo or any kind of creature on the premises> that could have possibly impregnated these two> buffalo. They further relate that no instance of> artificial insemination was practiced. They are as> shocked as everyone else. The Herrings are very> open about what has happened and, although they> currently lack the funds to do this, have stated> that they are willing to allow anyone else to assume> the financial responsibility for any genetic testing> done on these buffalo calves. The Herrings stipulate> that whomever does this testing will agree to be> responsible for the health and welfare of either of> these two calves, and if anything detrimental were> to occur, that party would be held financially> liable. The Herrings also ask that this testing be> conducted through a reputable and well known> laboratory.>>>> In the meantime, Spisak and Brennan realize the> impact these events will have and the relevance they> hold to all cultures. Many recognized spiritual> leaders throughout the Americas have been contacted> with regards to this event. Ceremony has been> conducted and these two calves have been recognized> as, again, for lack of better words, virgin births.> These spiritual leaders agree this is an important> event for all of mankind, and will issue statements> with regards to this event in their time. All> recognized spiritual leaders and elders from around> the world are invited to come and hold ceremony in> their own traditional ways with the calves, along> with issuing a statement with regards to these two> calves and this event, if they so desire . Anyone> and everyone will be welcomed as visitors, by Jill> and Sonny Herring of the Woodland Zoo as well as> Hawk and Tamra.>>>> Several spiritual leaders have already issued> statements regarding these buffalo, you can view> their statements at www.BuffaloMessengers.com.> Additional statements from other spiritual leaders,> are on there way and will be added as they arrive.>>>> For More Information, Contact Hawk Spisak and Tamra> Brennan at 304-789-5123See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

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