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Anti-AETA Progress Report

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EJA Report 07/11 Table of Contents Welcome to the EJA Progress Report The EJA Message On National Radio House Enacts “Thought Police”

Bill What You Can Do to Defeat AETA Welcome to the EJA Progress Report We welcome you to what we hope to be a bimonthly report of progress on neutralizing the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and related legislation designed to repress animal and other social activism. Here are some of our accomplishments for the past year: * Compiled a list of 200+ groups opposing AETA *

Formed a coalition of 40 groups * Posted an educational website arguing against AETA * Identified AETA-like state laws * Participated in national radio shows about AETA * Received an award from Project Censored * Persuaded law schools to hold contests on AETA * Raised awareness of AETA at national conferences * Held briefings for Congress and bar associations * Held briefings for senior Judiciary Committee staffers * Developed a Congressional database * Contacted most Congressional offices * Sought legal opinions on AETA Please join and sign your friends by contacting EJA membership. EJA Message On National Radio EJA Executive Director Odette Wilkens is taking our message to three national radio shows this week: * Peter Collins Show (six stations) – 6:30pm EST, Monday, November 26, 2007 * Thom Hartmann Show (Air America, 60 stations) – 2pm EST, Thursday, November 29, 2007, streaming audio

at www.airamerica.com/thomhartmannpage/ * Gary Null Show (Progressive Radio Network) – 12:05pm, EST, Friday, November 30, 2007, streaming audio at www.prncomm.net. Be sure to catch a broadcast, then contact us to get involved. House Enacts “Thought Police” Bill We always feared that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act was just an appetizer for more repressive legislation from the Bush administration. Our fears were realized last month, when the U.S. House of Representatives voted 404-6 to enact H.R. 1955 - The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. The bill is now before Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee as S.1959. The Act would establish a “National Commission on the prevention of violent radicalization and ideologically based

violence” and a university-based “Center for Excellence” to "examine and report upon the facts and causes of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism and ideologically-based violence in the U.S." to develop policy for prevention, disruption and mitigation. The bill defines "homegrown terrorism" as "planned" or "threatened" use of force to coerce the government or the people in the promotion of "political or social objectives." No force need actually to have been used as long as an individual thought about it – hence the label “Thought Police” bill. The Commission has sweeping investigative powers and a mandate to propose

laws prohibiting whatever the commission labels "homegrown terrorism." The "Center of Excellence," which would function after the commission is disbanded in 18 months, is expected to suppress dissent, rather than conduct intellectual research on the subject. Please call both your Senators today to voice your opposition to S.1959 and ask your friends and family to do likewise. What You Can Do to Defeat AETA Become

informed by reviewing the Act and its threat to activism. If you're an attorney: Get your local bar association to issue a statement opposing AETA and/or to sponsor a forum on AETA. If you're an activist: Express your outrage (politely) to your Representative and two Senators in person or by phone, fax, and/or e-mail. If you attend public events: Please order our free colorful cards introducing EJA to your fellow activists. If you care about freedom of speech and assembly for activists, please make a generous donation today. Every one of us on the EJA staff, including our Executive Director, are donating our time, but we do need to cover our expenses

for travel, printing, and postage. You can make your donation online by clicking the banner or by mail to FARM/EJA 10101 Ashburton Lane, Bethesda MD 20817 Donations to FARM/EJA fund are tax-exempt. Please contact us for additional information on how you can help. Among Our Favorite

Links EJA Leaders In this section, we portray individuals behind EJA success Odette Wilkens is a co-founder of EJA and has served as Executive Director since its founding a year ago. She has made a number of valuable contacts for EJA in the legal community. She is a civil rights attorney specializing in animal activism. Odette became an animal activist after coming to the AR2006 National Conference. About EJA The Equal Justice Alliance is a coalition of animal protection and other social justice organizations formed in November of 2006 to defend freedom of speech and assembly by neutralizing (AETA)Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Key coalition members include FARM, In Defense of Animals, and League of Humane Voters. We pursue our mission by alerting the public to the dangers of AETA, by lobbying Congress to reverse the Act, and by persuading a federal court to declare the Act unconstitutional. About AETA AETA represses freedom of speech and assembly of social justice activists and denies equal protection. It brands as

terrorism any activities that cross state lines and interfere with the operation of an animal enterprise or any entity that deals with one. It calls for heavy fines and prison terms for peaceful expressive conduct that may include website posts, vigils, civil disobedience, undercover investigations, and whistle-blowing. For more details, visit Why Oppose. Among the 240 Groups Opposing AETA ACLU ASPCA HSUS IFAW NLG NRDC NYC Bar PETA WSPA Alley Cat Allies Animal Legal Def. Fund Animal Protection Inst. Animal Welfare Inst. Bill Rights Def. Comm. Ctr for Const. Rights Civil Lib. Defense Ctr. Compass. Over Killing Defenders of Wildlife Earth Island Institute FARM Farm Sanctuary Food For Life Global In Defense of Animals Kinship Circle Last Chance for An's League Humane Voters Mercy

for Animals PCRM Rainforest Action Netw'k Vegan Outreach Equal Justice Alliance | 10101 Ashburton Lane | Bethesda, MD 20817 800-632-8688 To or change your profile,

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