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Action-Your Representative can stop the wolf slaughter...

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Defenders of Wildlife Keep the Pressure On! Call your Representative's local office now, and urge them to cosponsor the Protect America's Wildlife Act (H.R. 3663). Rep. Johnson (202) 225-4201 or (972) 470-0892 Important: Please let us know that you called by filling out this short survey. Help spread the word -- Please forward this message to others in your area who care about saving wildlife! Dear Margaret,Congress may be in recess, but we’re keeping the pressure on -- and for good reason: Another season of senseless killing is underway in Alaska -- and hundreds of wolves could be

slaughtered from the skies in the Last Frontier.Thanks to the help of people just like you, we’ve been able to secure nearly 50 cosponsors for the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act -- important legislation to end aerial wolf hunting. But we still need your Representative, Sam Johnson , to join the fight to save wolves.Thousands like you from around the country called their Representatives in Washington, DC, and urged them to sign on as a cosponsor to this important legislation. Now, while Congress is in recess, you can make a difference by calling your Representative's local office to urge support for the PAW Act.Help us keep the momentum going to save wolves! Please call your Representative’s local office now at the number below: Rep. Sam Johnson (202)

225-4201 or (972) 470-0892 Just deliver this simple message: “My name is Margaret Morin and I’m calling from Plano. I understand that Rep. Sam Johnson hasn’t yet signed on to cosponsor H.R. 3663, the Protect America’s Wildlife Act. This bill would prevent the needless deaths of hundreds of wolves in Alaska by clarifying the longstanding federal law against aerial hunting. I want to let you know that as a constituent in your district, this issue is important to me and I hope that Rep. Sam Johnson will sign on to cosponsor the PAW Act.” Then, take this important next step: Please let us know that you called by filling out this short survey -- it will help us advocate more effectively for our

wolves.My team and I have been busy on Capitol Hill visiting dozens of Congressional offices. With your help, we can convince Congress to finally put an end to Alaska’s brutal aerial hunting program -- and prevent programs like it from spreading elsewhere.Please call your Representative's local office now and let the staff know that you’re counting on your Member of Congress to help end aerial hunting of wolves.With great appreciation, Robert DeweyDefenders of Wildlife Action FundP.S. Help us keep the pressure on! Forward this message on to others in your area! Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Donate | Defenders Action Fund Home © Copyright 2007, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund This message was sent to dogs_good.Please do not respond to this message. Click here to update your information or . Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm. Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can be contacted at: 1130 17th Street, NWWashington, DC 20036 Paid for by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund at http://www.defendersactionfund.org/ and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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