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Fw: [Mad_Cowboy] 11_29_07: Digital Howard, Veg Alien, EarthRise, & Joyous Vegan

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Hi Everyone -


I'm forwarding this Howard Lyman Newsletter to you all.


Howard Lyman, as many of you may know, wrote the Book, " Mad Cowboy " , and was

Co-Defendant with Oprah Winfrey, in a Lawsuit brought on by Texas Cattle

Ranchers. It is my understanding that Howard and Oprah ultimately prevailed

in this Law Suit.


Ed Pech





<Mad_Cowboy >

Thursday, November 29, 2007 5:15 PM

[Mad_Cowboy] 11_29_07: Digital Howard, Veg Alien, EarthRise, &

Joyous Vegan




> Howdy! Welcome to the 60th edition of the Mac Cowboy Newsletter.


> After a brief hiatus, we're back with lotsa information, several videos,

> some new digital Howard, and some recipes from a great vegan cookbook as

> well as a unique vegan " e-cookbook. "


> In this issue you'll get the mandatory round-up of Mad Cow Disease and

> Avian Flu-related articles, information about new studies about cancer

> and consumption of flaxseed, meat, general diet recommendations, and

> soft drinks relationship to heart disease. You'll be able to enjoy the

> interview with the self-proclaimed " Joyous Vegan, " learn about 10 steps

> for Vegan Culinary Activism, a new book by Andrew Kimbrell (he's also in

> the " Mad Cowboy Documentary " ) and a comprehensive article about Capt.

> Paul Watson and " Neptune's Navy. "


> Further down, you'll be able to see " earthrise " from the moon, a trailer

> for " King Corn, " view the must-see video by PCRM about the upcoming Farm

> Bill, marvel at a Vegetable Alien, ponder the future evolution of the

> Big Mac, learn who won a contest for the most artistic " Salt Lick, " and

> know about new hardcore evidence that organic produce IS more

> nutritious, heart healthy, and has higher yields.


> ... and, as always, a tip of the hat to our new rs. Y'all can

> read past issues of the newsletter at:


> Mad_Cowboy/


> Best wishes to all for the holidaze season (and watch those calories!)


> Mark, MC Editor/Webmaster


> [personal vegan blog:

> http://www.soulveggie.com



> ***********************************************



> 00: Quote(s) from Howard

> 01: Some Digital Howard

> 02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!

> 03: Three New Vegan Cookbooks of Note & Recipes

> 04: Mad Cow Info Round-up

> 05: Bird Flu News

> 06: Cancer: Flaxseed, Meat, & Diet, Soft Drinks=Heart Disease

> 07: Joyous Vegan, 10 Steps, What's In Food, Neptune's Navy

> 08: Veg Video Theater

> 09: Veg Alien, Future Big Mac, 25lbs Fat, Salt Lick Contest

> 10: Organic: Better, Heart Healthy, High Yields

> 11: Howard's Schedule

> 12: Quick Bytes

> 13: Closing Thoughts



> ************************************************

> *00: Quote(s) from Howard

> ************************************************

> " We can't allow ourselves to simply bemoan the media that have been

> bought and co-opted by special interests; we must harness the media for

> ourselves, and create whatever outlets we can. If we truly believe what

> we say about the damage to our collective health and our shared

> environment that results from the animal-based diet, then we have a

> positive duty to make our case in as dramatic a fashion as possible. No

> statistic makes as powerful a case as the image of the slaughterhouse.

> We need to find ways to bring the reality of the salughterhouse to the

> airwaves and the Internet. The Internet in particular offers a low-cost

> means of exposing people, especially younger people, to the harshe

> realities of " food " production in America. All Americans, including

> school-age children, should see what a slaughterhouse looks like so that

> they can know what they are eating. If they want to to continue eating

> meat, let them make an informed choice. "


> --- Howard Lyman, in " No More Bull! " p. 84


> [To order " No More Bull! " online:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/02_VVFprods.002.html



> ************************************************

> *01: Some Digital Howard

> ************************************************

> [Howard in Vancover 2002, audio:

> http://www.mefeedia.com/entry/3014759/


> [Video of 1st 16 minutes of Howard speaking at AR2007:

> http://www.youtube.com//watch?v=qt6vYpILydk



> ************************************************

> *02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!

> ************************************************


> " What's the yearly estimate for number of tons of polyethylene

> terephthalate bottles (formerly containing water) thrown into USA

> landfills? "


> (a) 2 million tons (b) 10 million tons © 20 million tons

> (d) this question makes my head hurt


> The correct answer is: (a) 2 million tons and in some cases, (d)


> Congratulations to Ellie Wallace of Houston, Texas, for being correct

> and winning the luck of the draw.



> [ " Each year, about 2 million tons of PET bottles end up in landfills in

> the United States: "

> http://www.commondreams.org/news2007/0510-07.htm





> " The average life span of an American in 2004 was 42nd compared to the

> rest of the world. Twenty years ago, US life span was ranked what, when

> compared to the rest of the world? "


> (a) 2nd (b) 5th © 11th (d) 23rd



> Please e-mail guesses to: webmaster with the word

> " contest " in your subject line by NLT Dec. 15th, 2007.


> [Many thanks to Joe Connelly, Editor, VegNews, who has offered a FREE

> one-year subscription to a winner chosen at random those submitting the

> correct answer to each MC Newsletter's Contest. Our thanks to Joe, and

> you can learn more about VegNews at:


> http://www.vegnews.com or e-mail: editor or call

> 1.415.665.6397]



> ************************************************

> *03: Two New Vegan Cookbooks of Note & Recipes

> ************************************************



> " Incredibly Delicious is the right name for this cookbook. It is our

> most dog-eared living guide. Buy it, try it, and you will love it. Our

> lives have improved because of this book. " --- Howard Lyman


> [Two sample recipes:


> Western Omelette

> (yields 1 large skillet)


> 2 lbs. (4 C.) tofu, rinsed & drained

> 1/8 C. nutritional yeast

> 1 1/2 T. tamari or substitute

> 1/2 t. black pepper (optional)

> 1 t. sea salt

> 1/4 C. scallions, chopped

> 1 t. tumeric


> Saute:

> 1 C. onion, diced

> 3 C. red pepper, sliced

> 1 C. mushrooms, diced

> 1 T. tamari or substitute

> 1/8 C. nutritional yeast


> 1. In a bowl, mash tofu. Mix with seasonings and scallions. Set aside

> in a cool place.


> 2. Saute onion in a little oil and/or water. Add red pepper then

> mushrooms and saute until soft. Season with tamari and nutritional

> yeast. Add to tofu batter and mix well.


> 3. Pan-fry in an oiled or non-stick skillet. Flip when browned on one

> side.


> *Variation - Baking the batter uses less oil and it will solidify the

> omelette as well. Place batter in a lightly oiled cast-iron skillet or

> on a baking sheet. Pat the batter firmly into shape and bake in a

> pre-heated oven for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. (p. 21)




> (yields 1 1/4 cups)


> 1 C. almonds (soaked 1 - 6 hours)

> 3/4 C. water

> 1 T. onion powder

> 1 t. sea salt

> 2-3 dates, pitted

> 1 lemon, juiced

> raw apple cider vinegar, a dash

> 1/8 C. cold-pressed oil (optional)


> 1. In a food processor using the " S " shaped blade (or with a strong

> blender), thoroughly blend almonds with water. Add the remaining

> ingredients, except the oil. Process.


> 2. Slowly add oil or extra water, while processing, and mixture will

> become thick and smooth. Chill. [use in Carrot Salad!] p. 198


> [You can read more about this cookbook and purchase it online at:

> http://www.gentleworld.org/incredibly.html




> VEGAN DONE LIGHT: (an e-cookbook available as a PDF) by Zen Pawn


> " Appealing and inspiring recipes full of new combinations with the added

> benefit of NO added oil or salt. " -Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D.,

> author: " Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. "


> [You can get a free recipe here:

> http://www.vegandonelight.com/.html


> [You can learn more about the recipes, buy the PDF and receive it

> electronically, here:

> http://www.vegandonelight.com


> [And check out the newly available low-fat Holiday recipes:

> http://www.rawdonelight.com/thanksgiving.html




> ************************************************

> *04: Mad Cow Info Round-up

> ************************************************

> UNITED FOOD GROUP EXPANDS RECALL: (06/09/07): " United Food Group

> expanded the recall of ground beef to include 5.7 million pounds of

> fresh and frozen meat potentially contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. At

> least 14 cases of E. coli infection may be linked to a multi-state

> recall of ground beef produced by the company. People in five different

> states reportedly have developed illnesses related to their consumption

> of ground beef, including individuals in California, Arizona, Colorado,

> Wyoming and Utah. "


> [Edited from:

> http://ecoli.vanosteen.com/ground-beef.asp




> " A " global epidemic " of Alzheimer's disease could take hold by 2050 with

> the number affected set to quadruple, experts predicted yesterday. The

> number of people living with the condition, which is estimated at 26

> million worldwide, will grow to more than 106 million by 2050, with

> about half of them needing high-level care, the researchers said. The

> Alzheimer's Society said that about 1.7 million people will be living

> with the condition in the UK by 2050... the biggest rise in the number

> of cases would occur in Asia where currently 48 per cent of sufferers

> live. Prevalence there will grow from 12.65 million in 2006 to 62.85

> million in 2050, accounting for 59 per cent of all cases, the study

> said. "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/article1913178.ece




> commercial pet foods industry rakes in billions of dollars annually. In

> exchange for our dollars, we trust the companies to provide our pets

> with quality nutrition. The recent pet food recall demonstrated that our

> trust has been misplaced. But while many were shocked by the tragic

> deaths of beloved pets, many more would be shocked to know that the pet

> food industry has a long history of mistreating our pets... the pet food

> industry is virtually self-regulated. The only requirement that the

> industry must meet is to adhere to the Labeling Act, which states that

> food must contain the name and address of the producing company, whether

> the product is intended for dogs or cats, the weight of the food, and

> the guaranteed analysis. The source of the protein included in the

> analysis can be anything: condemned material from slaughterhouses,

> road-kill, zoo animals and even euthanized companion animals. " "


> [Very edited from the long and detailed article by the author of " Food

> Pets Die For " at:

> http://www.alternet.org/healthwellness/54236/




> (06/17/07): " A Quebec Superior Court ruling has given the go-ahead to a

> multi-billion dollar class-action lawsuit targeting the federal

> government's actions during the mad cow crisis. The lawsuit was filed

> on behalf of 20,000 Quebec farmers in 2005 who say Ottawa's

> mismanagement of the BSE file led to billions of dollars in losses for

> the country's cattle industry. The claims in the lawsuit have yet to be

> proven in court... The lawsuit seeks compensation for losses it says

> reach more than $9-billion across Canada since 2003. "


> [Edited from:







> " Consumption of foie gras can transmit amyloidosis, a disease which is

> sometimes manifested as mad cow or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD),

> reports a new study in early online edition of the journal Proceedings

> of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers say their results

> provide the first evidence that a food product can hasten the

> development of amyloids. " It is not known if there is an increase of

> Alzheimer's disease, diabetes or other amyloid-related disease in people

> who have eaten foie gras, " said Dr. Alan, director of the Human

> Immunology and Cancer/Alzheimer's Disease and Amyloid-Related Disorders

> Research Program at University of Tennessee at Knoxville and lead author

> of the study. "


> [Edited from:

> http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0619-foie_gras.html




> people have fallen ill from bad beef, and consumers should avoid

> purchasing or consuming specific brands of ground beef sold in Canada,

> said a health hazard alert Saturday morning. The Canadian Food

> Inspection Agency said in a news release that some ground beef and

> ground beef patties sold in Safeway and Independent grocery stores could

> be contaminated with E. coli bacteria. "


> [Edited from:



-4318f9f4d1fd & k=5526




> SOLD ACROSS U.S.: (07/27/07): " Stores across the United States are

> continuing to sell recalled canned chili, stew, hash and other foods

> potentially contaminated with poisonous bacteria even after repeated

> warnings that the products could kill. Thousands of cans are being

> removed from store shelves as quickly as investigators find them, more

> than a week after Castleberry's Food Co. began recalling more than 90

> potentially contaminated products over fears of botulism contamination.

> The recall now covers two years' production at the company's Augusta,

> Georgia, plant - a tally that spirals into the tens of millions of

> cans... " Frankly, the fact we have had only four illnesses in this

> situation has people saying, 'Well, what is the big deal?' The deal is

> this is something that can land you in the ICU, not being able to

> breathe, for weeks, " said Dr. David Acheson, the FDA's lead food safety

> expert... " The longer this stuff stays in the can, the worse it gets, "

> Acheson said... "


> [Very edited from:






> rejected criticism that it had downplayed an outbreak of a disease in

> pigs, saying Monday it had been " open and transparent " with the

> international community. As of Sunday, blue ear pig disease had spread

> to 26 Chinese provinces, killing 68,000 pigs and prompting officials to

> destroy an additional 175,000 pigs, said Jia Youling, chief veterinary

> officer with the Ministry of Agriculture. China has so far vaccinated

> 100 million pigs against the disease, which is also known as highly

> pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, he said. The

> disease does not affect people but can be fatal for pigs. "


> [Edited from:






> Meat Co. said Saturday it expanded a recall announced last week to

> include 21.7 million pounds of ground beef that may be contaminated with

> a potentially fatal strain of E. coli bacteria... "


> [Edited from:



=D5A160E8-3B02-4D45-8FDD-16E8CF1246A3 & dist=SecMostMailed




> States is currently in the middle of the fifth-largest food recall in

> our history: 21.7 million tons of ground beef that may contain e. coli,

> the same bacteria behind last year's spinach recall. We're also in the

> middle of approving a massive farm bill. And in the middle of that is

> fine print that would actually exempt meat products from federal

> inspection. The measure, reports the Chicago Tribune, was put there by

> Representative Collin Peterson (D-Minnesota). It was supposed to help

> small meat processors: unlike larger processors, they don't have a

> federal inspector on-site, and therefore have to apply for a visit -- a

> troublesome bureaucratic hurdle... "


> [Edited from:

> http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2007/10/as-tainted-meat.htm


> [see also:







> nation faces the possibility of a major epidemic of lethal brain disease

> as a result of the consumption years ago of beef contaminated with mad

> cow disease, BSE, according to Britain's leading expert on vCJD, or

> " human BSE " . Prof John Collinge of University College London, a

> Government advisor, made the comments yesterday when unveiling a new

> theory of what causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy,

> Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other " neurodegenerative " diseases...

> Collinge believes that only people who are genetically susceptible have

> succumbed to the devastating illness so far. " I continue to be worried, "

> he told The Daily Telegraph... Given that kuru can incubate in a person

> for four decades, he would expect even longer incubation periods of the

> cattle disease BSE in infected people, depending on a person's genetic

> makeup. " I am afraid there are a lot more cases in the pipeline, " said

> Prof Collinge... "


> [Edited from:


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS & grid= & xml=/earth/2007/1\




> CONAGRA REFUSES TO RECALL POTPIES: (10/11/07): " ConAgra Foods Inc. is

> refusing to recall Banquet-brand and other potpies tied to a national

> salmonella outbreak, rejecting direct pleas by Oregon and Minnesota

> health officials. The state officials say the company needs to recall

> all of its potpies because the source of the salmonella has not been

> identified. Doing anything less, they say, allows potentially dangerous

> food to remain on the market and confuses consumers. The company says a

> recall is unnecessary. It contends that contamination is limited to its

> poultry potpies. Risks can be eliminated, the company says, by

> instructing consumers to cook the pies thoroughly enough to kill

> salmonella bacteria. The dispute highlights a long-standing limitation

> in America's system for safeguarding the food supply: State officials

> who most frequently unearth the cause of foodborne illness have no

> regulatory authority over food makers. Federal officials can ask

> companies to recall food, but that process can take days or weeks... "


> [Very edited from:



67680.xml & coll=7




> " Late in August 2006, the federal Centers for Disease Control and

> Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta began investigating cases of severe food

> poisoning reported by health officials in 26 states and one Canadian

> province. Over the next six weeks, a rare and particularly virulent

> strain of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 sickened more than 200 people,

> hospitalizing half of them, some with severe kidney damage, and killing

> two elderly women and a child. For epidemiologists, the outbreak

> presented a breakthrough because a DNA-fingerprinting system enabled CDC

> investigators to trace back the source of the infections from clusters

> of cases nationwide... The science of how E. coli gets into produce is

> still in its infancy. According to Linda Harris, a U.C. Davis food

> safety researcher, " It's less than a decade old. " She believes that " we

> will never eliminate food-borne illness entirely. " Meanwhile, the

> conflict between food safety and environmental protection has left

> Central Coast growers twisting in the wind. "


> [Very edited from the well-researched, detailed, and notable article at:

> http://www.alternet.org/healthwellness/65067/?page=entire




> guidelines will expose U.S. consumers to a fatal disease from eating

> cattle contaminated by mad cow disease, a group of South Dakota ranchers

> and national cattle groups maintain in a new federal lawsuit... At issue

> is a Sept. 18 decision relaxing restrictions on imports of live cattle

> and edible bovine products from Canada and other regions... If the rule

> is not blocked, it will " expose U.S. consumers to increased risk of an

> invariably fatal disease associated with consumption of BSE-contaminated

> meat, will increase the risk of invariably fatal BSE infection in cattle

> in the United States, and will expose U.S. cattle producers to severe

> economic hardship, " the lawsuit states.


> [Edited from:






> 414,000 PIZZA CASES WITH POSSIBLE E. COLI: (11/03/07): " As there is a

> raised risk of E. coli O157:H7 contamination of 414,000 cases of pizza

> products with pepperoni toppings, the makers, General Mills, has

> announced a voluntary recall of said pizzas. As these are freezable

> products, the company is asking consumers to check in their freezers as

> well. The pizzas were produced in General Mills' Ohio factory and

> distributed throughout the USA... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/87574.php



> BSE FOUND IN COUNTY DONEGAL: (11/05/07): " The Minister for Agriculture

> Mary Coughlan says the infected five-year-old cow was discovered in

> south Donegal last week... This particular case has raised fears amongst

> farmers as it was born six years after tight controls were introduced to

> eradicate the brain disease - which can lead to variant CJD in humans.

> There have been three previous cases of BSE in cattle born in 2001 but

> this is the latest case ever seen in Ireland. "


> [

> http://www.derryjournal.com/journal/BSE-found-in-County-Donegal.3444546.jp




> discovery of bovine tuberculosis in a bull will force the slaughter of

> 470 cattle and has resulted in the quarantine of almost 30 farms in B.C.

> and Alberta... Canadian trade partners will continue to recognize Canada

> as tuberculosis free. " This has no implication for U.S. trade for meat,

> for dairy products, for live animals - we'll still continue to export as

> we did before. "


> [Very edited from:





> GET E. COLI OFF THE MENU: (11/14/07): " ... Just recently, E. coli

> infection jockeyed for headlines with MRSA, the superbug that migrated

> from hospitals to schools and gyms. An E. coli outbreak forced Topps

> Meat Co. out of business this year after it voluntarily recalled 21.7

> million pounds of frozen hamburger patties, the second-largest meat

> recall ever. Sam's Club and its supplier, Cargill, then recalled 1.8

> million pounds of tainted beef. Besides meat, E. coli was responsible

> for recalls of spinach, salad mixes and frozen pizzas. Now federal meat

> inspectors have disclosed a little-known fact: A U.S. Agriculture

> Department regulation allows processing plants to sell meat that tests

> positive for E. coli. The only stipulation is such meat carry a ''cook

> only'' label, a practice that allows companies to profit from millions

> of pounds of bad meat. The USDA defended the rule, saying commercial

> cooking kills the bacteria and renders it safe to eat. This type of meat

> is usually sold as precooked hamburger, meatloaf and taco filling... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.suntimes.com/news/commentary/648846,CST-EDT-edit14a.article




> (11/16/07): " Sausage rolls made by Double B Foods have been recalled

> over concerns that they may be contaminated with listeria bacteria. No

> illnesses have been reported in relation to the Double B Sausage recall,

> which involves 98,000 pounds of the frozen products... The Double B

> Sausage rolls where sold in Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,

> Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma and

> Pennsylvania... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.newsinferno.com/archives/2042



> BORDER OPENS TO OLDER CANADIAN CATTLE: (11/20/07): " American borders

> opened Monday to Canadian cattle older than 30 months, but the Montana

> Department of Livestock is requiring a special permit to bring older

> breeding stock into this state. Meanwhile, R-CALF United Stockgrowers

> of America asked a U.S. District Court judge in South Dakota for a

> temporary restraining order to stop the rule change. The organization is

> also suing the U.S. Department of Agriculture over the matter. "



> [Very edited from:






> ************************************************

> *05: Bird Flu News

> ************************************************

> FRENCH SWANS HAVE DEADLY BIRD FLU: (07/05/07): " Three swans found dead

> in eastern France were victims of the H5N1 bird flu virus that can be

> fatal to humans, tests have confirmed. French officials raised the bird

> flu threat to high from moderate after the tests near the German border.

> This is only the second outbreak of H5N1 in France. Early last year, 62

> wild birds died of the virus in the centre of the country... "


> [Edited from:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6272574.stm




> (07/07/07): " German authorities ordered about 1,000 domestic fowl

> slaughtered after the bird flu virus was detected in a goose in the

> eastern state of Thuringia, officials there said Saturday... Officials

> at Germany's Friedrich-Loeffler Institute determined Friday that a goose

> in the town of Wickersdorf had died of the H5N1 virus... "


> [Edited from:






> " Czech authorities decided Thursday to slaughter 68,000 healthy poultry

> in three commercial farms near the latest two H5N1 occurrences in an

> attempt to halt the spread of the bird flu in the area, said Josef

> Duben, a spokesman for the state veterinarians. The three broiler

> chicken and turkey farms lie within three kilometres of the farms, in

> eastern Bohemia, where the H5N1 bird flu strain, known to be deadly to

> humans, was confirmed Wednesday... Scientists fear the virus could

> mutate into a form easily transmissible between humans, which could

> touch off a global pandemic that would kill millions of people. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/82174.html



> 10,000 MORE BIRDS TO BE CULLED IN GUANGZHOU: (09/18/07): " Chinese

> authorities plan to cull another 10,000 domestic birds in the city of

> Guangzhou, capital of southern Guangdong Province, in a further attempt

> to contain the latest bird flu outbreak. According to China's central

> media agency, Xinhua, at least 36,130 ducks have been culled since a

> strain of H5N1 bird flu killed 9,830 ducks in the Sixian Village of

> Panyu District in Guangzhou City... Ranking first in farm output, where

> over 300 million farm workers work on mostly small plots of land, China

> is the world's largest producer of poultry and other livestock... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/82753.php




> bird flu virus has mutated and may infect people more easily if it

> begins spreading from human to human, according to a new study.

> Scientist Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison,

> said the H5N1 virus, commonly referred to as the bird flu, has mutated

> and can now develop in the upper respiratory systems of humans, which

> may increase the chances of the virus spreading from one person to

> another. Recent virus samples taken from birds in Africa and Europe

> show mutations that resemble human viruses, Kawaoka stated in a report

> published in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS Pathogens... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,299561,00.html




> case of the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu has been found in turkeys at

> a farm near last week's initial outbreak, the Department for the

> Environment, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed today. All 9,000 turkeys

> have already been slaughtered at the new infected premises, Hill Meadow

> Farm in Knettishall, on the Norfolk-Suffolk border. Deadly bird flu

> hits second farm About 6,000 birds were slaughtered after last week's

> initial outbreak in Redgrave... "


> [Edited from:






> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/world/05/bird_flu_map/html/1.stm



> ************************************************

> *06: Cancer: Flaxseed, Meat, & Diet, Soft Drinks=Heart Disease

> ************************************************


> " Choline, a nutrient found in meat, eggs and dairy products, has been

> linked to a possible increase in the risk of colorectal cancer in women,

> reveals a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer

> Institute... the study, published online in the August 8 2007 issue of

> JNCI, is the first to examine the link between choline and colorectal

> polyps, and the researchers cautioned that more studies need to be

> conducted as other components of diets high in choline may be

> responsible for the association. Choline has until now been considered

> an essential nutrient that plays a role in normal cell function and

> transportation of nutrients through the body. Dietary sources include

> eggs, beef liver, chicken liver and wheat germ... the researchers sent

> food-frequency questionnaires to [39,246] women enrolled in the Nurses'

> Health Study every two to four years from 1984 to 2002... "


> [Edited from:


http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/news/ng.asp?n=78993 & m=1FNU813 & c=bxxjrzazfjatrzo




> " A new US study has found that drinking more than one soft drink a day,

> whether regular or diet, may be linked to an increased risk of

> developing heart disease, via an increase in metabolic syndrome, a group

> of characteristics like excess girth, high blood pressure, and other

> factors that increase the chances of getting diabetes and cardiovascular

> problems. The findings are published in the early online edition of

> Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association... The study

> included 9,000 " person observations " taken at three different times over

> a four year period ... [among the findings]:


> * 31 per cent greater risk of developing new-onset obesity (defined as a

> body mass index or BMI of 30 kilograms per meter squared or higher). *

> 30 per cent higher risk of developing an increased waist circumference.

> * 25 per cent increased risk of developing high blood triglycerides or

> high fasting blood glucose. * 32 per cent increased risk of having low

> HDL ( " good " cholesterol). * A trend towards an increased risk of

> developing high blood pressure, but this was not statistically

> significant... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/77616.php


> [see also:

> http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/conditions/07/24/diet.sodas/




> supplementation significantly reduced cancer cell proliferation rates in

> men with prostate cancer, investigators in a multicenter study found.

> Flaxseed, alone or combined with a low-fat diet, slowed cell growth

> rates compared with diet alone or a control group, said Wendy

> Demark-Wahnefried, Ph.D., of Duke University. ... Flaxseed is one of the

> richest known sources of lignans, which affect androgen metabolism and

> have antimitotic, antiangiogenic, antioxidant, and estrogenic effects,

> said Dr. Demark-Wahnefried. Flaxseed also is the richest known source

> of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids, which influence cell membrane

> synthesis, circulating levels of protein kinase C and tyrosine kinases,

> and levels of natural killer cells, she said... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ASCOMeeting/tb/5831




> " Excess body weight, even just a little, increases your risk of cancer,

> according to a study released this week by the American Institute for

> Cancer Research. But staying active and following six rules for good

> eating can turn the odds back in your favor, researchers say.

> Researchers analyzed more than 7,000 large-scale studies over five years

> and are now convinced... that excess body fat increases risks for cancer

> of the colon, kidney, pancreas, esophagus and uterus, as well as breast

> cancer in post-menopausal women... Among the eight steps the 517-page

> report recommends are six that relate directly to diet. Top of that

> list: two-thirds of every meal should be made up of plant-based foods,

> such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans.... The panel

> specifically advocated abstinence from all processed meats, such as

> bacon, ham and other lunchmeats....


> 1. Be as lean as possible within the normal range of body weight 2. Be

> physically active as part of everyday life 3. Limit consumption of

> " energy-dense foods, " foods that are high in calories, fat and sugar.

> Avoid sugary drinks. 4. Eat mostly foods of plant origin, including

> fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans 5. Limit intake of red meat

> and avoid processed meat 6. Limit alcoholic drinks to one per day for

> women, two per day for men 7. Limit consumption of salt. Avoid moldy

> grains or legumes 8. Aim to meet nutritional needs through diet alone,

> without dietary supplement. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2007/nov/01/health



> ************************************************

> *07: Joyous Vegan, 10 Steps, What's In Food, Neptune's Navy

> ************************************************


> activist Julia Butterfly Hill is already an icon of the environmental

> movement... Luna, a movie by Participant Productions, based on Hill's

> book, The Legacy of Luna, is in the works...


> " Are you a vegetarian? Why or why not? "


> I am a JOYOUS Vegan! I never say I am Vegan without adding the word

> " Joyous " to it because when some people hear " vegan, " they think things

> like rigid, boring, bland, angry, and judgmental. I LOVE life. I love

> celebrating my connection with Creation through the mindfulness of what

> I eat. Ultimately, I want people to eat with awareness and mindfulness,

> which means that first and foremost, eat local, local, local. People who

> say they are vegetarian because of animal rights but then have their

> food shipped from hundreds to thousands of miles away are not

> recognizing the enormous impact on animals (including human animals)

> from energy consumption.... "


> [Edited from from the excellent interview at:

> http://www.emagazine.com/view/?3914 & src=QSA143



> VEGAN CULINARY ACTIVISM IN 10 YUMMY STEPS: (06/2007): " ... Of course,

> we can't all invent a good tasting soy cheese (but can someone?

> Please?), so I humbly offer 10 steps even the most activist-phobic among

> us can use to help create a vegan world. While these things may seem

> obvious, maybe even insignificant in light of what animals are going

> through every day, look at it as a chipping away at our meat and dairy

> based culture. Also, dealing with issues of animal abuse can take a

> toll on a person's psyche, make us cynical, depressed and, worst of all,

> make us lose hope. It's important that we keep our spirits up, and

> sometimes seeing the words " Vegan Muffin! " in a bakery's display case

> can feel like reading a newspaper headline declaring " Bush Impeached! "


> To that end, here are 10 yummy ways to do your part in creating the

> vegan world we all want to live in... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.satyamag.com/jun07/isa.html




> " ... Nearly three quarters of all processed foods contain genetically

> engineered ingredients... Rather than being relegated to its own

> supermarket section, this food sits unlabeled on grocery store shelves,

> allowing a handful of transnational biotech companies to profit

> handsomely as consumers shop blindly. In his new book, Your Right to

> Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food, Andrew

> Kimbrell explores the risks of this technology and what genetic

> engineering means to our health, the environment and the future of

> agriculture.... an activist for more than 20 years, Kimbrell has been at

> the forefront of legal and grassroots efforts to protect the environment

> and promote sustainable agricultural production methods. His written

> work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Harper's.

> He has testified at numerous congressional and regulatory hearings, [is

> in the Mad Cowboy Documentary] and in 1994, Utne Reader named Kimbrell

> as one of the world's leading 100 visionaries.


> ... Petrovic: Why did you choose to write this book now?


> Kimbrell: Actually, I didn't choose to write this book right now. I wish

> I could have stopped my fingers three years ago... As a matter of fact,

> as we've seen in corn and soy, we have seen actual yield decreases

> because of genetic engineering. Not an increase, no more vitamins. We've

> seen, actually, FDA studies that show that it actually decreases vitamin

> content in food. So, why is it popular? Why do farmers use it? Because

> it's very convenient. You don't have to spot spray your herbicide just

> on the weed, you can, for the first time, aerial spray your herbicides

> over your entire crop and it won't kill your crop, it'll just kill the

> weeds. Although, those weeds are becoming more and more resistant and

> now we're having to use more and more... "


> [Very edited from from the great interview at:

> http://www.alternet.org/story/55847/




> (11/05/07): " Watson, the founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation

> Society, a vigilante organization that was founded thirty years ago,

> with one of its ships, the Farley Mowat, a trawler that has nearly sunk

> three times...


> " People say, 'You're incredibly arrogant,' " Watson told me. " I say,

> when you're dealing with a species that's as arrogant as the human race

> you've got to be arrogant to believe that you can actually change it. "

> He regards civilization's greatest artistic and cultural

> achievements-from architecture to music and film-as expressions of human

> vanity, " worthless to the earth. " He sometimes asks people to imagine

> the outrage that would occur if someone were to destroy, say, the

> Vatican or the " Mona Lisa, " and he compares that with the indifference

> that people exhibit toward the mass extinction of plants and animals.

> " In anthropocentric society, a harsh judgment is given to those that

> destroy or seek to destroy the creations of humanity, " he has written.

> " Monkey-wrench a bulldozer and they will call you a vandal. Spike a tree

> and they will call you a terrorist. Liberate a coyote from a trap and

> they will call you a thief. Yet if a human destroys the wonders of

> creation, the beauty of the natural world, then anthropocentric society

> calls such people loggers, miners, developers, engineers, and

> businessmen. "


> [Very edited from the long, fascinating, extremely well-researched, and

> reasonably fair article at:






> ************************************************

> *08: Veg Video Theater

> ************************************************

> KING CORN: " A year out of Yale, best pals Curt Ellis and Ian Cheney

> returned to their Midwestern roots to grow an acre of corn on a farm

> just across the Minnesota border in Iowa. Out of the venture grew a

> documentary film linking America's abundance of major, subsidized crops

> to its obesity epidemic. The national weight problem is fed, in some

> part, by the prevalence of grain-fed beef, corn-sweetened soft drinks,

> and soybean-based cooking oils, they say. Any other year, the film by

> Ellis and Cheney might have found a rapt audience among fringe public

> health advocates and then been promptly forgotten. But this year,

> obesity has become a national obsession just as Congress is embarking on

> one of its periodic overhauls of the nation's farm policy.... "


> [Very edited from from an interesting article discussing many aspects of

> the Farm Bill at:

> http://www.startribune.com/10223/story/1516460.html


> [Faster YouTube Video than the trailer on the doc's website:



> [King Corn website:

> http://www.kingcorn.net




> surprise you to learn that the federal government buys up millions of

> dollars worth of bacon, burgers, and fatty meat and dairy products and

> dumps them in our schools and food assistance programs. This practice

> persists, in part, because companies making these unhealthy products

> give millions of dollars to members of Congress through political action

> committees. Until these practices end, stopping childhood obesity will

> remain a difficult challenge... Please CALL your senators today and ask

> them to vote YES on the FRESH Amendment. Then, SEND a follow-up

> e-mail...


> [The website with many useful resources and activist assistance:

> http://www.pcrm.org/childhoodobesity/


> [The video...:





> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbkZo5YOCNM




> has captured the first high definition images of the Earth from the

> moon... Footage taken from 62 miles above the lunar surface shows the

> most-detailed yet pictures of an " Earth-rise " and " Earth-set " above the

> moon's horizon. Series of five images of the Earth setting as seen from

> the Moon


> [



& CMP=ILC-mostviewedbox


> [better source:





> ************************************************

> *09: Veg Alien, Future Big Mac, 25lbs Fat, Salt Lick Contest

> ************************************************

> [The amazing " vegetable " alien:

> http://www.framebox.de/creations/3d/salad/


> [Extrapolating the future evolution of the Big Mac:





> [satirical activist " Learn how to manage a McDonald's " interactive game:

> http://www.mcvideogame.com


> [bizarro accurate description of a deli sandwhich:

> http://www.bizarro.com/vegan/vegan_cartoon13.htm


> [Just how big is 25 lbs. of rendered pig fat?:

> http://ruralvegan.com/2007/10/03/who-eats-this/


> [Cow art at its finest: Results of the recent Salt Lick Contest:

> http://www.saltlickcity.com/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/



> ************************************************

> *10: Organic: Better, Heart Healthy, High Yields --- US Food Declines

> ************************************************

> OFFICIAL: ORGANIC REALLY IS BETTER: (10/28/07): " The biggest study into

> organic food has found that it is more nutritious than ordinary produce

> and may help to lengthen people's lives. The evidence from the £12m

> four-year project will end years of debate and is likely to overturn

> government advice that eating organic food is no more than a lifestyle

> choice. The study found that organic fruit and vegetables contained as

> much as 40% more antioxidants, which scientists believe can cut the risk

> of cancer and heart disease, Britain's biggest killers. They also had

> higher levels of beneficial minerals such as iron and zinc....

> Researchers grew fruit and vegetables and reared cattle on adjacent

> organic and nonorganic sites on a 725-acre farm attached to Newcastle

> University, and at other sites in Europe... they also found that organic

> tomatoes from Greece had significantly higher levels of antioxidants,

> including flavo-noids thought to reduce coronary heart disease.... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article2753446.ece



> ORGANIC FOOD 'BETTER' FOR HEART: (07/05/07): " A ten-year study

> comparing organic tomatoes with standard produce found almost double the

> level of flavonoids - a type of antioxidant. Flavonoids have been

> shown to reduce high blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease

> and stroke. Writing in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,

> the team said nitrogen in the soil may be the key. Dr Alyson Mitchell,

> a food chemist at the University of California, and colleagues measured

> the amount of two flavonoids - quercetin and kaempferol - in dried

> tomato samples that had been collected as part of a long-term study on

> agricultural methods. These findings also confirm recent European

> research, which showed that organic tomatoes, peaches and processed

> apples all have higher nutritional quality than non-organic. They found

> that on average they were 79% and 97% higher respectively in the organic

> tomatoes than in the conventionally grown fruit... Flavonoids have also

> been linked with reduced rates of some types of cancer and dementia....

> "


> [Very edited from:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/6272634.stm



> ORGANIC FARMS PROVIDE JOBS, HIGH YIELDS: (07/03/07): " A study released

> in May by Britain's Soil Association concludes that organic farming

> provides 32 percent more jobs per farm in the United Kingdom than

> conventional agriculture does. According to the study, 93,000 new jobs

> could be created if all of Britain's farms were to switch to organic

> practices, which include avoiding the use of toxic chemical inputs and

> genetically altered seeds. Such job creation could not be replicated in

> non-organic farming, the report notes, because " it is the system of

> organic farming itself that demands more labour and creates more jobs. "

> ... Even in industrialized countries, studies suggest that organic

> farms generate nearly as high yields (80-97 percent) as conventional

> farms, while some crops show no yield difference at all. According to

> Catherine Badgley, a research scientist at the University of Michigan, a

> global shift to organic farming could produce enough calories to feed

> the entire human population and potentially 75 percent more calories

> than are produced now... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.bluemoonfund.org/news/news_show.htm?doc_id=379942




> PURSUIT OF HIGH YIELDS: (09/2007): " Steady progress in increasing crop

> yields and animal production levels has often been achieved at the

> expense of food nutrional quality, the environment, and in some cases,

> food safety and animal health. This " Critical Issue Report " documents

> the extent of nutrient decline, reviews ways that farmers and breeders

> can increase nutrient density, and explains the importance of doing so

> in order to improve public health. The full report 44-page report is

> available in pdf format below, as well as the five-page Foreword and

> Executive Summary, and the press release announcing the report's

> availability. "


> [

> http://www.organic-center.org/science.latest.php?action=view & report_id=115



> ************************************************

> *11: Howard's Schedule

> ************************************************

> MAR 20-21 > Toronto

> APR 12-13 > NYC

> APR 18-19-20 > Ohio

> APR 25-26-27 > Central IL

> MAY 17-18 > Chicago, IL

> JUN 26-29 > Johnstown, PA


> [More information/embedded links for contact information at:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/01_SchedCA.000.html



> ************************************************

> *12: Quick Bytes

> ************************************************



> [sUPERB CSA (community supported agriculture) interactive resource: "

> http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/csa/




> [Compassionate Cooking Podcast:

> http://www.compassionatecooks.com


> [ " Organic Consumers: Read, Blog & Meet-up!: "

> http://organicconsumers.org/chat/index.php


> [The Mad Cowboy Newsletter Editor's Vegan Blog:

> http://www.soulveggie.com


> [Podcasts, radio:

> http://www.veganradio.com/


> [ " The FatFreeVegan Blog: "

> http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/


> [ " The Vegan Lunch Box Blog (PETA & Bloggy Award-winning: "

> http://veganlunchbox.blogspot.com


> [bryanna Clark Grogan's Blog:

> http://veganfeastkitchen.blogspot.com/


> [ " Raw Vegan Blog and Podcasts: "

> http://www.rawveganradio.blogspot.com/


> [ " Recommended Blogs & Websites for Food & Farming Information: "

> http://www.organicconsumers.org/2006/article_563.cfm




> [Farmed Animal Net:

> http://www.farmedanimal.net/


> [VegNews Monthly Newsletter:

> http://www.vegnews.com


> [FARMUSA's MeatOut Monday Newsletter:

> http://meatoutmondays.org


> [PCRM Membership News and Info:

> Send e-mail to: membership


> [Vegetarians In Paradise Newsletter:

> http://www.vegparadise.com


> [international Vegetarian Union Newsletter:

> http://www.ivu.org/news/index.html


> [ " In a Vegetarian Kitchen: (Nava Atlas): "

> http://www.vegkitchen.com


> [ " International Organization for Animal Protection: "

> http://www.oipa.org/


> [ " VeggieBoards: "

> http://www.veggieboards.com




> [Over 10,000 veg'n recipe links:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/02_VegRecipes.html


> [ " Over 1,000 International (regional) Vegetarian Recipes: "

> http://www.ivu.org/recipes/regions.html


> [PCRM Recipe Archives:

> http://www.pcrm.org/health/recipes/recipe_archive.html


> [Almost 2,000 searchable fat-free veg'n recipes:

> http://www.fatfree.com


> [Awardwinning searchable veg'n recipe database:

> http://vegweb.com/


> [Constantly wonderful site of vegan recipes:

> http://www.fatfreevegan.com/




> [Nana's Vegan Cookies online!:

> http://www.healthycrowd.com/



> ************************************************

> *13: Closing Thoughts

> ************************************************

> " The bottom line is that to be a conservationist and an

> environmentalist, you must practise and promote vegetarianism or better

> yet veganism.


> It is the lifestyle that leaves the shallowest ecological footprint,

> uses fewer resources and produces less greenhouse gas emissions, it's

> healthier and it means you're not a hypocrite.


> In fact a vegan driving a hummer would be contributing less greenhouse

> gas carbon emissions than a meat eater riding a bicycle. "


> --- Capt. Paul Watson, in the thought-provoking essay at:








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