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Serial Pet Killer Goes Unpunished In Small Town

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ACT/ Serial Pet Killer Goes Unpunished In Small Town KINSHIP CIRCLE PRIMARY - PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST AS WRITTEN 12/7/07: “Serial Pet Killer” Goes Unpunished In Small Town KINSHIP CIRCLE ACTION CAMPAIGN http://www.KinshipCircle.org SOURCE OF INFORMATION / BACKGROUND: An anonymous source from Gerald, a town in Franklin County, Missouri, informed Kinship Circle the city dogcatcher has been luring, and shooting caged cats at close range. He's also slaughtered at least one

dog. ALL were companions with caretakers. None were strays. Our anonymous source, accompanied by local police, found the animals' burial site on public works grounds, near a lagoon. One young girl's family, who lost their cat to this "serial pet killer," is filing charges. But law enforcers have been slow to investigate or press criminal charges. The city of Gerald still employs this dogcatcher. We urge EVERYONE to send comments via fax, mail or phone calls. There are no publicly available email addresses for town officials. PLEASE WRITE. Let's show Gerald, MO they are on our "radar screen," and it is unacceptable and illegal to randomly kill companion animals. ***A sample letter in WORD DOC format is attached to this email. This is so you can easily personalize, print, sign and send it via fax or mail. =========================================================== SAMPLE LETTER & CONTACT INFO Sample letters are prepared to give you ample background on an issue. Try to change some words, pare down letters, and make them your own. **DELETE ALL REFERENCES TO KINSHIP CIRCLE BEFORE SENDING** =========================================================== Gerald Police Department, Chief Gary Peanick PO Box 59 * 430 West Fitzgerald Gerald, MO 63037 ph: 573-764-3340; fax: 573-764-2987 Gerald City Hall ATTN: Mayor Otis Schulte and Members of the Board of Aldermen 430 West Fitzgerald * Gerald, MO 63037 ph: 573-764-3340; fax: 573-764-2987 Gerald Mayor

Otis Schulte: 573-764-2459 City Clerk Sarah Wheeler: 573-764-3340 Deputy City Clerk Carman Angell: 573-764-3340 Alderman Ward 1: Brad Landwehr, 573-764-4212 Alderman Ward 1: Rich Johnson, 573-764-4212 Alderman Ward 2: David Luechtefeld, 573-764-3154 Alderman Ward 2: Dan Maxwell, 573-764-4705 Robert Parks, Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney 414 E. Main Street, Suite B * Union, MO. 63084 ph: 636-583-6370; fax: 636-583-7343 website: http://www.franklinmo.org/Prosecutor/PMain.htm COPY: Humane Society of Missouri Headquarters HSOM Rescues And Investigations Department: 314-647-4400 1201 Macklind Ave. * St. Louis, MO 63110 general ph: 314-647-8800; general fax: 314-647-4317 general email: info web email (copy/paste long link into your browser): http://hsmo.convio.net/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS & SURVEY_ID=1403 & JServSessionIda012=pqwxgz88w1.app11d The Honorable Mayor Schulte, Members of the Board of Aldermen, Chief Gary Peanick, and Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Robert Parks: I bring to your attention Missouri Revised Statues, Chapter 578, Miscellaneous Offenses, 578.012. Animal abuse--penalties: 2. Animal abuse is a class A misdemeanor, unless...the suffering involved...is the result of torture or mutilation, or both, consciously inflicted while the animal was alive, in which case it is a class D felony. When Dean Tadaro, the City of Gerald's dogcatcher, systematically slaughtered companion cats and dogs, he "consciously inflicted torture, mutilation, or

both" while these animals were alive. As you know, Gerald's missing animals were recently found in a makeshift grave by a lagoon on city property. Tadaro, armed with a .22 caliber gun, allegedly shot at least seven cats in the head at point blank range. A boy's basset hound turned up in a ditch, dead by Tadaro's bullet. I implore Gerald law enforcers to investigate these killings and file charges under Missouri animal cruelty statutes. If Tadaro is convicted, I ask the prosecuting attorney to advocate maximum incarceration and fines for class D felony animal abuse. Please ensure Tadaro undergoes psychological counseling and is barred from possessing or working with animals. Mayor Schulte ought to suspend Tadaro without pay, pending investigation. I am shocked the city still employs a man who baits, kills, and tosses beloved animals into a dirt-covered hole in the ground. I urge officials to

step-up their inquiry, in conjunction with Humane Society Of Missouri Rescues And Investigations Department. Criminologists view the intensity of a vicious act, regardless of the victim's identity, as a forerunner to more violence. Consider these facts: * Men prosecuted for animal cruelty are five times as likely to be arrested for other violent crimes, according to Utah State University professor Frank Ascione's extensive research. * ASPCA's Randall Lockwood, Ph.D. -- who aids cruelty investigators, law enforcers and court officials -- identifies perpetrators who project blame onto others (Wandering pets cause problems; if I kill them, I solve the problem) as "repeat offenders...resistant to intervention." * When the FBI profiles homicidal

criminals, animal abuse is among three primary factors used to measure probability of a repeat offense. Animal cruelty is a key trait in the American Psychiatric Association's criterion for conduct disorders. People who methodically abuse animals rarely stop there. Thank you for recognizing the gravity of Dean Tadaro's actions. Please keep me informed of progress in this disturbing case. Sincerely, *************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************************************************** Kinship Circle Fact Sheet Library: 50+ Topics For Your Advocacy

Materials 8.5 x 11” Fact Sheets with compelling photos + timely info, stats, studies. Well-reasoned literature to educate others on the animals’ behalf. DONATE to help us print/distribute KC literature: http://www.kinshipcircle.org/donation/ DOWNLOAD FREE FACT SHEETS: http://www.kinshipcircle.org/fact_sheets/ * Use entire high-resolution PDF of any KC Fact Sheet * Crop select photos + fact bites to make your own posters, flyers... YOUR DONATION KEEPS OUR VOICE ALIVE: http://www.kinshipcircle.org/donation/ *************************************************************************************************** Kinship Circle Action Campaigns I Literature I Animal Disaster Aid Networking BEAR WITNESS. SPEAK. DEMAND. ACT. Brenda Shoss, president * Janet Enoch, vice-president info or kinshipcircle http://www.KinshipCircle.org * http://www.kinshipcircle.org/disasters/ *************************************************************************************************** UNSUBSCRIBE: * NEVER USE YOUR JUNK FILTER. Don’t ruin KC list for others! * Select a Kinship Circle ALERT received in your mailbox. * Hit “FORWARD” * Enter kinshipcircle and send. [Type UNSUBSCRIBE in your subject line]. * Make sure the “To” line from our original alert is in your email, LIKE THIS: Kinship Circle Monday, April 10, 2006 11:34 AM 7) KINSHIP CIRLE

PRIMARY LETTER/ Costco Brings Back Baby Seal Oil Capsules *************************************************************************************************** SUBSCRIBE: 1. Kinship Circle Primary: Action campaigns on animal cruelty issues worldwide TELL US: SUBSCRIBE TO KINSHIP CIRCLE PRIMARY 2. Kinship Circle Animal Disaster Relief: kinshipcircle Animal rescue coordination/news in disasters + companion animal alerts

TELL US: SUBSCRIBE TO KINSHIP CIRCLE ANIMAL DISASTER RELIEF IF YOU ARE A RESIDENT OF LOUISIANA OR MISSISSIPPI *************************************************************************************************** *

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