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Animal welfare policies revised AVMA. Wow.

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AVMA really cares. New "welfare" policies revised - exploitation is dandy if done "humanely". Surprise. Animal welfare policies revisedThe Executive Board approved a series of recommendations from theAnimal Welfare Committee, including changes to some animal welfarepolicies.The board approved revisions to a policy on euthanasia of unwantedanimals. The new wording broadens the scope to include animals unfitfor adoption, better describes individuals who should be performingeuthanasia, and references the AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. Therevised policy states the following:EUTHANASIA OF ANIMALS THAT ARE UNWANTED OR UNFIT FOR ADOPTIONThe AVMA is not opposed to the euthanasia of unwanted animals or thoseunfit for adoption, when conducted by qualified personnel, usingappropriate humane methods as described in the AVMA Guidelines

onEuthanasia....USE OF ANIMALS IN RESEARCH, TESTING, AND EDUCATIONThe AVMA recognizes that animals play a central and essential role inresearch, testing, and education for continued improvement in thehealth and welfare of human beings and animals. The AVMA alsorecognizes that humane care of animals used in research, testing, andeducation is an integral part of those activities....The AVMA condemns all acts of violence, vandalism, or intimidationdirected toward individuals, facilities, or tertiary organizationsaffiliated with the use of animals in research, testing, or education....USE OF RANDOM-SOURCE DOGS AND CATS FOR RESEARCH, TESTING, ANDEDUCATIONThe carefully controlled use of random-source dogs and catscontributes greatly to improving the health and welfare of bothanimals and human beings. Therefore, the AVMA believes there is amplejustification for prudent and

humane use of random-source dogs andcats in research, testing, and education, provided that: * The institution conducting such research, testing, or educationhas met all legal requirements and guidelines pertaining to theacquisition, care, and use of dogs and cats for these purposes;...MANAGEMENT OF MARES USED IN THE PREGNANT MARE URINE (PMU) COLLECTIONINDUSTRYThe AVMA endorses the American Association of EquinePractitioners' (AAEP) position statement on "Management of Mares Usedin the Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU) Collection Industry," which reads asfollows:"Through on-site investigations and peer review of ongoing research,the American Association of Equine Practitioners believes thecollection of urine from pregnant mares and care of their offspring asprescribed by the recommended Code of Practice* represents responsiblemanagement of horses to produce a commodity for the

benefit of mankindthat should not result in abuse, neglect, or inhumane treatment ofhorses."...ANIMALS USED IN ENTERTAINMENT, SHOWS AND FOR EXHIBITIONThe AVMA supports the humane and ethical use of animals in spectatorevents, shows, exhibitions, motion pictures, and television in accordwith existing federal, state, and local animal protection laws. TheAVMA encourages all organizations involved with animals in spectatorevents, shows, exhibitions, motion pictures, and television todevelop, implement, and enforce appropriate guidelines or standards toensure humane treatment of these animals, including provision ofveterinary care....The board approved the committee's recommendation to re-endorse theInstitute for Laboratory Animal Research's (National Research Councilof the National Academies) policy Use of Animals in PrecollegeEducation, with a minor editorial change.Besides

policy changes, the board approved a new liaison with theFederation of Animal Science Societies' Scientific Advisory Committeeon Animal Care, Use, and Standards. The liaison relationship isexpected to expand the knowledge base and influence of both groups,harmonize animal welfare policies when appropriate, and preventduplication of effort in addressing issues. Both groups advocate ascience-based approach to animal welfare. The cost of the relationshipwill not exceed $2,000 per year.full article:http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/jan08/080101c.aspprinter-friendly:http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/jan08/080101c_pf.asp Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight - Albert Schweitzer http://www.crueltyfree.com/ForTheAnimals

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