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[Mad_Cowboy] 12_31_07: Howard's Holiday Msg., Hummers/Nuggets, Chimp Wits

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I'm forwarding most recent Edition of Howard Lyman's Newsletter.


Items included in this Newsletter range from Vegan Recipes & Health Related

Issues to Mad Cow/Bird Flu Updates.


Ed Pech





<Mad_Cowboy >

Monday, December 31, 2007 3:42 PM

[Mad_Cowboy] 12_31_07: Howard's Holiday Msg., Hummers/Nuggets,

Chimp Wits



> Welcome to the 61st Edition of the Mad Cowboy Newsletter!


> We've a special holiday message from Howard as well as a significant

> change to the Vegan Mind-Poser Contest. There's also two great recipes

> from Robin Robertson's fine new vegan cookbook, " Quick-Fix Vegetarian, "

> new studies about the impact of grains and beans on heart disease, the

> issues regarding too much sodium in the average diet, and a clear

> relationship between food additives and hyperactivity in children.


> Further down, there's research linking red meat and dairy to a specific

> cancers, beans lowering cholesterol, and a new report about McDonalds

> and children's dietary habits. You can also peruse our " Mad Cow

> Round-up " and " Bird Flu News " collections, read an excellent essay by

> Bruce Friedrich on Veganism and the Environment, learn just what's under

> your feet, why it's getting difficult to seperate other species from us,

> about a " Compassion Over Killing " winning campaign, and then take a

> break in our " Vegan Digital Theater Showcase. "


> ... and, as always, a tip of the hat to our new rs. Y'all can

> read past issues of the newsletter at:

> Mad_Cowboy/


> Best Wishes to All for a Happy New Year!


> Mark, MC editor/webmaster


> [personal vegan blog:

> http://www.soulveggie.com



> ***********************************************



> 00: Quote(s) from Howard

> 01: A Holiday Letter from Howard

> 02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!

> 03: Recipes from a New Vegan Cookbook

> 04: Mad Cow Info Round-up

> 05: Bird Flu News

> 06: Too Much Salt, Americans Fatter, Kids/Additives & McMktg.

> 07: Grains & Beans vs. Heart Disease, Dairy/Red Meat=Cancer

> 08: Vegan Digital Theater Showcase

> 09: Under Feet, Bird Declines, Gulf Dead Zone, Toxicity Hypocrisy

> 10: Censored Stories, Hummers/Nuggets, Activist Win, Chimp Wits

> 11: Howard's Schedule

> 12: Quick Bytes

> 13: Closing Thoughts



> ************************************************

> *00: Quote(s) from Howard

> ************************************************

> " Let me be clear: there are plenty of lousy vegetarian and vegan diets

> out there. Any diet high in refined sugar, salt, or oil, is a lousy

> diet, whether vegan or not... Too many vegetarians and vegans pat

> themselves on the back for what they're not eating, and pay too little

> attention to what they do eat. "


> --- Howard Lyman, in " No More Bull! " p. 81


> [To order " No More Bull! " online:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/02_VVFprods.002.html



> ************************************************

> *01: A Holiday Message from Howard

> ************************************************

> 12/31/07


> " Season greetings to all of my friends as we come to the end of another

> year. We have seen the destruction of planet earth reach new levels,

> which is being ignored by many politicians at the highest circles in our

> government.


> I'm convinced that the solution to our problem starts with our diet and

> we are winning on that front ever so slowly. It is not " will we change

> our bad habits? " but " will we change them before it is too late to save

> our environment? "


> I continue to travel and spread the word, and this allows me to see and

> spend time with many of my friends. I'm amazed at all the great work

> being done at the grassroots and it is starting to be reflected in the

> awareness of the press, and our food establishments.


> When I reflect on the changes in our country in the last ten years I

> realize just how affective your contributions have been. There is no

> doubt I have the pleasure of working with the best group of folks that

> have ever graced our world.


> My new years message to my friends is to keep doing what you are doing

> and do it with joy in your soul, knowing the future of our children and

> grandchildren are hanging in the balance. "


> Your humble friend, Howard



> ************************************************

> *02: The Vegan Mind-Bender Contest Winner/Challenge!

> ************************************************


> " The average life span of an American in 2004 was 42nd compared to the

> rest of the world. Twenty years ago, US life span was ranked what, when

> compared to the rest of the world? "


> (a) 2nd (b) 5th © 11th (d) 23rd


> Congratulations to Susan Eakins of New Dawn Montana Sanctuary,

> Stevensville, Montana, for guessing the correct answer © and winning

> the luck of the draw!


> [ " A baby born in the United States in 2004 will live an average of 77.9

> years. That life expectancy ranks 42nd, down from 11th two decades

> earlier... " :

> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/huff-wires/20070811/life-expectancy/


> ********* SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT **********


> We're just so pleased to announce a new gift that will be given to the

> two winners of our Vegan Mind-Bender Contest! Fran Horvath, of Ethical

> Planet, is offering to send a FREE shopping bag to the " 2nd place "

> winner each issue. " The shopping bag is made from 100% organic cotton

> with a long handle. It is a natural color and measures roughly 15 " x

> 16. " It has the Ethical Planet logo in color on it. They are

> manufactured in an environmentally and socially conscious manner. "


> Our deep thanks to Fran. Be sure to visit her website at:

> http://www.ethicalplanet.com




> " What is the percentage lifetime risk of developing high blood pressure

> or hypertension for an individual in the Western World? "


> (a) 30% (b) 50% © 75% (d) 90%



> Please e-mail guesses to: webmaster with the word

> " contest " in your subject line by NLT Jan. 22nd, 2008, and include your

> complete address (note: VegNews cannot offer free subscriptions to

> non-U.S. locations).


> [Many thanks to Joe Connelly, Editor, VegNews, who has offered a FREE

> one-year subscription to a winner chosen at random those submitting the

> correct answer to each MC Newsletter's Contest. Our thanks to Joe, and

> you can learn more about VegNews at:


> http://www.vegnews.com or e-mail: editor or call

> 1.415.665.6397]



> ************************************************

> *03: Recipes from a New Vegan Cookbook

> ************************************************

> " Quick-Fix Vegetarian " by Robin Robertson:

> http://www.robinrobertson.com/



> (serves 4)


> " Barley is a delicious, nutty, and often overlooked grain. Be sure to

> get quick-cooking pearl barley for this recipe, since regular barley

> takes much longer to cook.


> 2 T extra-virgin olive oil

> 1/2 C. chopped onions

> 1 1/2 C. vegetable broth (or water)

> 3/4 C quick-cooking pearl barley

> Salt.

> 2 C. small broccoli florets

> 1 (16-ounce) can Great Northern beans or other white beans, drained and

> rinsed


> Heat the oil [or a little water] in a large skillet over medium heat.

> Add the onions, cover, and cook until softened, about 5 miknutes. Add

> the broth and barley and bring to a boil. Decrease the heat to low and

> add salt to taste. (You will need more salt if using water instead of

> broth.) Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the broccoli, cover, and

> continue cooking until the broccoli is cooked and the barley is tender,

> about 5 minutes more. Stir in the beans and heat until hot. Variation:

> Chopped tomato and dill make good additions. p. 105




> (makes about 1 1/2 cups)


> " This quick and easy sauce adds flavor to grain dishes and is great as a

> topping for vegetables.


> 1 T. extra-virgin olive oil

> 2 cloves garlic, chopped

> 1 (16-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed

> 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

> 2 T. tamari

> 2 T. dry sherry

> 2 T. water, plus additional as needed

> 1 T. freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice

> Salt and freshly ground pepper

> 1/2 t. hot pepper sauce (optional)

> 2 T. chopped fresh cilantro


> Heat the olive oil [or a little water] in a saucepan over medium heat.

> Add the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the

> beans, cumin, tamari, sherry, and water and simmer for about 5 minutes

> to blend the flavors. Transfer the mixture to a blender or food

> processor, add the lemon juice, and blend until smooth. Return to the

> saucepan and season to taste with salt and pepper and the hot sauce.

> Stir in the cilantro and add more water if the sauce is too thick.

> Simmer, stirring, until hot. p. 180



> ************************************************

> *04: Mad Cow Info Round-up

> ************************************************


> more than four years of restricted trade following a mad-cow disease

> scare and an estimated loss of more than $1.7 billion, Canadian

> producers are welcoming this month's reopening of the U.S. border to

> older live Canadian cattle and their meat products. The move comes

> after the U.S. Department of Agriculture ruled that the risk of bovine

> spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Canadian cattle is " negligible. " "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.businessedge.ca/article.cfm/newsID/16802.cfm



> CANADA FINDS 11TH BSE CASE: (12/18/07): " Canada confirmed a new case

> of mad cow disease on Tuesday, its 11th since 2003, and said the animal

> in question was a 13-year-old beef cow from Alberta born before a feed

> ban designed to prevent the disease. The Canadian Food Inspection

> Agency said no part of the animal's carcass had entered the human or

> animal food supply. Canada has now also banned the risk material from

> all types of livestock feed in an effort to eliminate BSE from Canada's

> herd within 10 years. Until then, the CFIA said it expected to find a

> few cases of BSE.... Montana-based activist rancher group R-CALF United

> Stockgrowers of America pointed to the latest finding as supporting its

> argument that the U.S. Agriculture Department should continue to ban

> imports of older Canadian cattle. " It is exposing the U.S. to an

> unnecessary and avoidable risk of mad cow disease, " said Bill Bullard of

> R-CALF, which has asked a federal judge to block the imports " .


> [Edited from:

> http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSN1849172620071218



> TAIWAN SUSPENDS GREELEY BEEF SHIPMENTS: (11/30/07): " Beef shipments

> from the JBS-Swift plant in Greeley have been suspended by the

> government in Taiwan. The ban, said Cheryl Kamenski, spokeswoman for

> the U.S. Meat Export Federation in Denver, was effective Nov. 27 and

> will remain in effect while the USDA works with Taiwan to iron out the

> problem. Taiwan reported it found bone chips in a beef shipment from

> the Greeley plant Nov. 25 and officially notified the USDA about the

> imposed the ban two days later. About a week earlier, the Taiwanese

> health department also banned shipments from a Cargill Meat Solutions

> plant in Schulyer, Neb. for the same reason. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.greeleytrib.com/article/20071130/NEWS/71130007



> FROM MAD COW TO CASH COW: (12/03/07): " Russia's appetite for beef

> products has grown substantially and gone sharply upscale since it

> banned U.S. exports four years ago. Before Russia banned U.S. beef in

> reaction to the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy,

> or mad-cow disease, it was the fifth-largest market for U.S. exports.

> But where citizens bought mostly cheaper meat products like livers,

> hearts and kidneys, they are now moving up the food chain to cuts like

> tenderloin. Now the U.S. and Russia have nearly finished a new deal

> that domestic producers are counting on to generate millions of dollars

> in sales... "


> [Edited from:

> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119663850296011107.html?mod=googlenews_wsj



> QATAR BAN ON IMPORT OF US BEEF IS LIFTED: (12/07/07): " Qatar has

> lifted a ban on import of US beef, a senior US embassy official in Doha

> said yesterday. " We received an official notice from the National Health

> Authority (NHA) today that cleared the US beef or beef variety meat

> (BVM) of any harmful content, " the official of the Commercial Service

> Office at the US embassy told Gulf Times. The ban has been in effect

> since the first outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or

> mad cow disease in December 2003... with more hypermarkets and US food

> franchises being set up in the Gulf, demand for US beef has been

> increasing. "


> [Edited from:


http://www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2 & item_no=188783 & version\

=1 & template_id=57 & parent_id=56



> 28TH CZECH BSE CASE: (12/20/07): " The 28th Czech BSE case is a nearly

> 10-year-old dead cow that originally came from Karlovarsky region in the

> west of Bohemia. Experts say that foreign meat and bone meal is

> probably the source of the infection dating back to a time when animals

> were not examined for BSE and strict veterinary measures were not in

> force in the country, said Duben... The first BSE-infected cow in the

> Czech Republic was detected in 2001. SVS then ordered tests on all

> slaughtered animals older than 30 months. Since the start of 2001 until

> the end of November this year 1,194,743 heads of cattle had been

> examined, 27 of them being found positive. Last year, there were 3 BSE

> cases confirmed in the country, and 8 cases were detected in 2005, the

> highest amount. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/news/index_view.php?id=287817



> BEEF'S WAKE-UP RECALL: (12/21/07): " For beef lovers, 2007 will go down

> as another year of eating dangerously. Since the spring, meat suppliers

> have recalled more than 30 million pounds of ground beef contaminated

> with the potentially lethal bacteria E. coli O157:H7, including the 21.7

> million pounds recalled by New Jersey-based Topps Meat in September...

> Topps Meat's 21.7 million-pound recall led some safety advocates to

> question the USDA inspection system, which relies heavily on industry

> reporting. After three relatively quiet years, the 20 recalls this year

> have raised new doubts about whether the beef industry's attempts to

> keep the pathogen out of ground beef, and the government's oversight of

> those efforts, are working... In several instances this year, however,

> USDA officials missed red flags and were slow to correct longstanding

> deficiencies in the way they monitor beef processors' efforts to contain

> the pathogen... By the time Americans fired up their grills for the

> Fourth of July, cases of human illness had prompted five beef recalls.

> " We began to believe we may have a problem, but we weren't sure, "

> Richard Raymond, undersecretary of agriculture for food safety, said in

> an interview last week. At that point, however, the agency " wasn't ready

> to make sweeping changes. "


> [Very edited from:






> ************************************************

> *05: Bird Flu News

> ************************************************

> CHINA REPORTS 17TH BIRD FLU DEATH: (12/04/07): " A 24-year-old man in

> China has died from bird flu, bringing that country's death toll from

> the H5N1 avian influenza virus to 17, the World Health Organization

> reported Tuesday... China has reported 26 confirmed cases of bird flu

> since 2003, when the disease re-emerged. Worldwide, there have been 336

> cases, 207 of which have been fatal. The majority of cases reported -

> 113 - have been in Indonesia, where 91 people have died. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.disasternews.net/news/article.php?articleid=3545




> possible bird flu pandemic could cost countries around the world some $2

> trillion... acting Vice President of the World Bank... Harrold made the

> statement during an international conference on the bird flu virus in

> New Delhi, which was attended by some 600 delegate in 105 countries. He

> added that some $2.3-billion have been pledged by international donors

> to aid countries in the campaign against avian flu, and another $1

> billion more to groups helping in fighting the threat... Margaret Chan,

> director general of the World Health Organization, said, " About 20

> percent of the global population will be affected during the next

> pandemic. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009356022




> " H5N1 mutation towards a pandemic strain gathers pace. American

> researchers have discovered that a key step has been reached in the

> mutation of the H5N1 virus which could allow it to transform into a

> human flu virus, thus opening the door to a pandemic. Dr Yoshihiro

> Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, explains that mutation

> on one of the H5N1 viral proteins has been identified in samples taken

> from sick birds from Europe and Africa. This transformation could allow

> the avian virus to tolerate our 37°C body temperature (the body

> temperature of birds is about 41°C) and therefore to develop in our

> upper respiratory tract... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.afriquechos.ch/spip.php?article2719




> " Russia slapped additional limits on imports of live poultry, eggs and

> other products from Poland following reports of a bird flu outbreak in

> the country, Russia's veterinary control service said... The highly

> pathogenic avian strain H5N1, commonly known as bird flu, was detected

> on two turkey farms in central Poland on Dec 1. Bird flu was found last

> year in the country, but in wild birds. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2007/12/07/afx4415331.html



> CHINA BIRD FLU PATIENT RECOVERING: (12/09/07): " China bird flu

> patient recovering: report A 52-year-old Chinese man whose son died

> recently from bird flu and who himself has been infected with the highly

> dangerous virus is gradually recovering, state media reported Sunday...

> His son died last Sunday from the H5N1 avian flu strain, which has

> killed more than 200 people worldwide since 2003... The new case brings

> to at least 27 the number of infections in China, where 17 people have

> died from bird flu. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.physorg.com/news116401522.html




> uncovered a fourth case of the most virulent strain of bird flu, known

> as H5N1, at a poultry farm in central Poland, the ministry of

> agriculture said today. ll four cases reported since the first outbreak

> at the start of December have related to the same area of the country,

> which is well-known for poultry production... Poland has reported the

> highly pathogenic avian strain H5N1, commonly known as bird flu, in wild

> birds in recent years, but this year's are the first cases of commercial

> farms being hit. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/12/10/afx4421933.html



> INDONESIA REPORTS 115TH HUMAN H5N1 CASE: (12/12/07): " Indonesia has

> reported its 115th human case of H5N1 avian influenza, in a 47-year-old

> man from Tangerang, according to news services. The man is in critical

> condition in a Jakarta hospital, according to a Xinhua report today...

> Ninety-two of Indonesia's 115 H5N1 cases have been fatal. The WHO's

> global H5N1 count, which does not yet include the Tangerang man, stands

> at 338 cases with 208 deaths. "


> [Edited from:







> 35,000 birds have died from bird flu since the epidemic broke out at a

> poultry farm in southern Russia's Rostov region late November, a

> spokesperson for the local emergencies ministry has said. " We have

> received the preliminary results of analysis, " spokesperson Marina

> Abramchenko was quoted by Ria Novosti news agency, adding that the

> results showed traces of the H5N1 virus... "


> [Edited from:

> http://mathaba.net/news/?x=574298




> (12/13/07): " 61,000 birds were slaughtered at Gulyai-Borisovo battery

> farm (Zernogradsky District, Rostov Region, southern Russia), where the

> H5N1 bird flu strain was registered. 54,800 of them were burnt...

> Overall, 450,000 birds are to be annihilated because of the avian flu

> outbreak in the area... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.regnum.ru/english/931679.html




> (12/14/07): " A Hong Kong nature reserve was on Friday closed to the

> public after a sick wild bird tested positive for the deadly avian flu

> virus. Government officials said the Mai Po Reserve in the New

> Territories would be closed for 21 days from Friday as a precautionary

> measure to curb any outbreak of the H5N1 virus... Hong Kong has stayed

> free of any human cases of H5N1 since 1997 when the virus jumped the

> species barrier and infected 18 people, killing six. "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/158591.htm




> (12/15/07): " Europe could join Asia and Africa as a continent where

> highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza is endemic, warns the United

> Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Earlier this year, though,

> the FAO and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) stated that

> global response to H5N1 avian influenza has improved and that countries

> reported fewer outbreaks in early 2007 than in early 2006-when the virus

> reached many European countries in wild birds. The recent FAO warning

> followed Germany's detection of H5N1 avian influenza in young domestic

> ducks that did not have clinical signs of infection... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.avma.org/onlnews/javma/dec07/071215m.asp




> World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Friday the first case of

> human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus in Burma. The case

> is a seven year-old girl from Burma's northeastern state of Shan, who

> was hospitalized on Nov. 27 and now has recovered, WHO said in a

> statement... Since 2003, 13 countries have reported 340 human cases of

> H5N1 avian influenza, with 208 deaths, according to latest WHO figures. "


> [Edited from:

> http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2007-12/15/content_7252710.htm




> " Saudi Arabia's agriculture ministry has ordered 13,500 ostriches to be

> destroyed following a new outbreak of bird flu in the kingdom, the

> Al-Watan newspaper reported on Saturday. The outbreak of the H5N1

> strain of the disease that is dangerous to humans was reported on

> Thursday evening at a farm in the Al-Kharj region, 80 kilometres (50

> miles) south of Riyadh, the Arabic language daily said. Last month, the

> Saudi authorities ordered nearly four million birds culled in the face

> of at least 14 separate outbreaks of avian influenza...


> Pakistan on Saturday confirmed its first death from the bird flu virus.


> [Edited from:

> http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5jMlFqVTTAs9vmz0cL2CmBCXkOk7A




> chickens in a farm in the Oberhavel region, northwest of Berlin tested

> positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of the bird flu virus, German

> authorities confirmed Saturday... he remaining birds were slaughtered to

> prevent the bird flu from spreading... In August, a bird flu outbreak

> affected the German state of Bavaria, prompting authorities to order the

> slaughter more than 160,000 birds. Several cases have resurfaced this

> year due to the influx of migratory birds. The epidemic even infected

> three cats and a marten in Germany in 2006.'


> [Edited from:

> http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009469729



> BIRD FLU FLARES FURTHER IN ASIA: (12/16/07): " Bird flu has resurfaced

> in different parts of Asia, with human deaths reported in Indonesia,

> Burma, Pakistan and China and fresh outbreaks plaguing other countries

> during the winter months when the virus typically flares, officials and

> scientists say. Pakistan confirmed the country's first death from the

> bird flu virus on Saturday, the health ministry says in a press

> statement... Indonesia, the nation hardest hit by the H5N1 virus,

> announced its 93rd death on Friday... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.allheadlinenews.com/articles/7009468554



> H5N1 BIRD FLU HITS BENIN, HOME OF VOODOO: (12/17/07): " Benin, the home

> of ritual Voodoo sacrifice, became the latest in a string of West

> African states to report cases of H5N1 bird flu after laboratory tests

> confirmed the deadly virus on two poultry farms... Benin's immediate

> neighbours, Nigeria, Togo, Niger and Burkina Faso, have all reported

> H5N1 cases. Other regional states hit include Ghana, Ivory Coast and

> Cameroon. Eastern neighbour Nigeria is one of the regional nations

> worst affected by bird flu. It reported sub-Saharan Africa's first

> confirmed human death from the disease early this year. Health experts

> have said they fear Benin's Voodoo priests could be particularly at risk

> because of their practice of tearing out the throats of live chickens in

> ritual sacrifices... epidemiologists fear the continent's widespread

> poverty, lack of proper veterinary and medical facilities and huge

> informal farming sector could allow outbreaks to go unnoticed for

> longer, increasing the risk of the virus mutating. "


> [Edited from:

> http://africa.reuters.com/top/news/usnBAN739840.html



> US STILL UNPREPARED FOR DISASTER: (12/18/07): " The United States

> remains unprepared for disasters ranging from biological attacks to a

> flu pandemic, and funding for preparedness is falling, according to a

> report released on Tuesday. Many states still lack a stockpile of

> drugs, masks, gloves and other equipment needed to battle a pandemic of

> diseases, despite five years of constant and detailed warning, the Trust

> for America's Health said in its report... World Health Organization

> experts are now investigating a cluster of human H5N1 cases in Pakistan

> where it is possible there has been human to human transmission of the

> virus, usually passed rarely from birds to people. It has infected 340

> people and killed 209 globally since 2003... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN18512918




> new influenza virus discovered in Missouri pigs has a combination of

> genes from avian and swine flu viruses, supporting the theory that pigs

> can serve as a mixing vessel for flu viruses and a potential source for

> a human pandemic strain, according to a report published yesterday...

> " Our results provide further evidence for the potential of swine to

> promote reassortment between different influenza viruses, and the

> genetic and biologic properties of the H2N3 viruses described suggest

> that it would be prudent to establish vigilant surveillance in pigs and

> in workers who have occupational exposure, " states the PNAS report... "


> [Very edited from:







> of bird flu has been confirmed at a farm in the Rostov Region, south

> Russia, close to the site of previous outbreaks, the regional

> emergencies ministry said... The Rostov Region is particularly

> vulnerable to bird flu as part of the Krasnodar Territory, which is on a

> route taken by migrating birds in winter. In September, the region was

> hit by the H5N1 strain and 230,000 birds were culled... Although the

> virus has been restricted to birds, many scientists fear that it could

> mutate into a form transmissible between humans, unleashing a

> catastrophic global pandemic similar to the Spanish flu outbreak of 1918

> that killed millions around the world.


> [Edited from:

> ttp://en.rian.ru/russia/20071225/94041552.html



> BIRD FLU REAPPEARS IN GERMAN: (12/26/07): " A third outbreak of the

> H5N1 strain of avian flu, which is potentially lethal to humans, was

> confirmed this month in Germany's Brandenburg region outside Berlin, a

> veterinarian official said Wednesday. Fifteen chickens kept in a coop

> in Heiligengrabe-Blumenthal tested positive and were slaughtered,

> Matthias Rott said... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2007/12/26/afx4473887.html




> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/world/05/bird_flu_map/html/1.stm



> ************************************************

> *06: Too Much Salt, Americans Fatter, Kids/Additives & McMktg.

> ************************************************

> FOOD MAKERS ARE PRESSURED TO CUT SODIUM: (11/19/07): " Americans eat

> nearly two teaspoons of salt daily, more than double what they need for

> good health - and it's not because of the table salt-shaker... " This is

> truly urgent, " adds Dr. Stephen Havas of the American Medical

> Association. " We need to act. " The AMA says cutting in half the sodium

> in processed and restaurant foods within 10 years could wind up saving

> 150,000 lives annually... One in three U.S. adults has high blood

> pressure, and almost 1 billion people worldwide. Hypertension in turn is

> a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. And while

> being overweight and inactive raises blood pressure, too much salt is a

> big culprit as well... Finland places a " high-salt " label on foods that

> are, and has seen sodium intake decrease by 40 percent in three decades

> - along with a big drop in strokes. "


> [Very edited from:


http://talkingpointsmemo.com/mochila.php?articleId=10522666 & channelId=76 & buyerId\

=talkingpointsmemo_com400732 & buid=866


> [see also: " [Global] Blood pressure cases 'to top 1bn' " :

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/6949526.stm



> WHY AMERICANS KEEP GETTING FATTER: (06/22/07): " For the 30 years that

> the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been issuing dietary guidelines,

> there has been a stark inconsistency between the federal government's

> advice and its food funding... most funding supports just a few crops,

> and those lay the foundation of the standard American diet: high in

> sugars and empty-calorie, refined grains; high in fats; low in whole

> grains and fiber; and low in fruits and vegetables. Take corn, the most

> highly subsidized crop, which received $9.4 billion in 2005 -- nearly as

> much as all other crops combined. Corn production has more than doubled

> since the 1970s, and all this artificially cheapened corn is unloaded on

> the public, largely in the form of tasty but empty-calorie junk foods.

> Refined corn is the chief source of carbohydrates and calories in most

> processed foods, particularly snack foods. High-fructose corn syrup is

> the most widely used caloric sweetener in the United States. And corn

> meal is widely used as cheap animal feed to fatten factory-raised

> livestock.


> ... At its peak, the " Five-a-day " campaign budget was just $3 million

> annually -- compared with the $11 billion spent yearly in the United

> States for fast food and junk food advertising. McDonald's spent $500

> million just promoting its " We Love To See You Smile " campaign.... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.alternet.org/healthwellness/53792/


> [see also: " 75 percent of Americans overweight by 2015: "

> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19845784/


> [Also, note: over 168,000 people evaluated: " Obesity 'epidemic' turns

> global: "

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7057951.stm




> (12/07/07): " A new report released by Corporations and Health Watch,

> earlier this month, exposes the marketing tactics of McDonald's...

> entitled " McDonald's and Children's Health: The Production of New

> Customers... " Some highlights:


> - ... low income 3 to 5 year old children preferred the taste of

> hamburgers, chicken, French fries, carrots or low fat milk if they

> thought the products were from McDonald's, whether or not they actually

> were.


> - According to its 2006 Annual Report, McDonald's is the leading global

> food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52

> million people in more than 100 countries each day. Its 2006 revenues

> were $21.6 billion, up 16% from 2004. In 2006, McDonald's spent almost

> $2.5 million a day on traditional advertising in the United States.

> About 40% of McDonald's total advertising budget is directed at

> children.


> - In 2003, 20% of McDonald's meals sold were Happy Meals and they

> accounted for $3.5 billion in revenues. The fast food giant stands as

> one of the United State's largest distributors of toys.


> - McDonald's operates more than 8,000 playgrounds around the United

> States, more than any other private American corporation and far more

> than any municipality.


> [Very edited from the disturbing and comprehensive article/report at:

> http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_8876.cfm




> almost 300 children in England found that artificial food additives such

> as colorings and preservatives -- which are common in candies and soft

> drinks consumed by kids -- increase their energy levels, which increases

> their hyperactivity and diminishes their learning ability. The

> children,... were given purple drinks, however, some either contained or

> didn't contain one of two types of food coloring, along with sodium

> benzoate (which is a general food preservative).... The results found

> that of the children that completed the study the ones that drank the

> artificial-coloring-laced purple drink had elevated hyperactivity scores

> on only those weeks in which they drank the concoction. On the weeks

> they drink the purple drink without artificial coloring they had normal

> scores. Also, the children that drink the purple drink without the

> artificial coloring also had normal scores. "


> [Results of the study are in Lancet (Volume 370, Issue 9598, Pages

> 1560-1567). "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/15683/1075/



> ************************************************

> *07: Grains & Beans vs. Heart Disease, Dairy/Red Meat=Cancer

> ************************************************


> new study shows men who eat whole-grain breakfast cereal regularly are

> less likely to develop heart failure than those who eat it rarely or

> never... Other studies have suggested that a diet rich in whole grains,

> such as nonrefined breakfast cereals, can provide a variety of health

> benefits. But researchers say it's the first study to look at the

> relationship between breakfast cereal and the risk of heart failure in a

> large group... The study compared cereal intake and the risk of heart

> failure among more than 21,000 doctors... The results appear in the

> Archives of Internal Medicine... results showed that the risk of heart

> failure decreased as cereal consumption increased. For example, the risk

> of heart failure among those who ate breakfast cereal at least seven

> times a week was 29 percent lower than that the risk among those who

> never ate cereal, after adjusting for other heart disease risk factors.

> When researchers further analyzed the results they found this healthy

> effect was associated with whole-grain cereals only, not with refined

> breakfast cereals.... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/10/22/health/webmd/main3394212.shtml



> EATING BEANS HELPS LOWER CHOLESTEROL: (11/28/07): " Consuming as little

> as one-half cup of cooked dry beans every day helped volunteers lower

> their total cholesterol levels in an Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

> study in North Dakota. These results, published in the November issue of

> the Journal of Nutrition by the ARS scientists and their colleagues, add

> to a growing-and convincing-body of evidence that beans are a heart

> healthy food choice... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2007/071128.htm



> RED MEAT LINKED TO SPECIFIC CANCERS: (12/11/07): " ... a new warning

> that has been issued by the National Cancer Institute that states that

> those that consume a large mount of red meat have a high likelihood of

> receiving colon and lung cancer. This is stated to be of a huge

> breakthrough, as there are now medical doctors as well as scientists

> that have come to believe that they may be able to help save their

> patients curb the possibility of receiving these cancers by cutting back

> on their red meat intake. The study lasted from 12 years, from 1995 to

> this year. There were over 500,000 men and women that had their diets

> studied, and were also frequently checked for any cancers that may arise

> from the large consumption of the meat... It was found that those that

> ate large quantities of red meat had a 25 percent advantage of receiving

> cancer over those that do not eat nearly as much red meat. It is also

> known now that scientists are stating that those that eat such a large

> amount of red meat have a 1 in 10 chance of receiving the cancers

> through these means... "


> [Edited from:






> " Children who consume high levels of diary products may have a greater

> risk of developing colorectal cancer in adulthood, study findings

> suggest. Among nearly 5,000 individuals followed for an average of 65

> years, those who grew up in families reporting the highest levels of

> dairy consumption -- nearly 2 cups per day -- had close to three-times

> the risk of colorectal cancer compared with those from families

> reporting the lowest intake, Dr. Jolieke C. van der Pols and colleagues

> report... Links between colorectal cancer risk and childhood exposure to

> dairy products have not been previously evaluated, the researchers

> said.... "


> SOURCE: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, December 2007.


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.caring4cancer.com/go/cancer/news?NewsItemId=20071219elin004.xml



> ************************************************

> *08: Vegan Digital Theater Showcase

> ************************************************


> http://www.sustainabletable.org/holiday/



> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMhRkZha4LU &




> http://www.vegan.com/diner/2007/diner-2007-11-29.mp3



> http://www.happycow.net/humor_images/species.jpg



> http://www.factoryfarmmap.org/



> ************************************************

> *09: Under Feet, Bird Declines, Gulf Dead Zone, Toxicity Hypocrisy

> ************************************************

> THE CIRCLE OF LIFE, SQUARELY UNDERFOOT: (12/20/07): " [James B.] Nardi,

> a scientist at the University of Illinois, writes in his newly published

> book, " Life in the Soil, " that a square meter [actually, a cubic meter]

> of healthy garden soil is home to 10 trillion bacteria, 10 billion

> protozoa, 5 million nematodes, 100,000 mites, 50,000 springtails, 10,000

> creatures called rotifers and tardigrades, 5,000 insects and arachnids,

> 3,000 worms and 100 snails and slugs. .. "


> [Very edited from:






> COMMON BIRD SPECIES IN DRAMATIC DECLINE: (06/15/07): " New data show

> the populations of some of America's well-known birds in a tailspin,

> thanks to the one-two punch of habitat fragmentation and, increasingly,

> global warming. From the heartland's whippoorwills and meadowlarks to

> the Northern bobwhite and common terns of the nation's coasts, 20 common

> bird species tracked by the National Audubon Society have seen their

> numbers fall 54 percent overall since 1967, with some down about 80

> percent, the group reported Thursday... " Habitat loss is still the major

> concern, " says Greg Butcher, Audubon's bird conservation director in an

> interview. " But we're also seeing increasing impact from large-scale

> problems like global warming... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0615/p02s03-usgn.htm



> GULF DEAD ZONE TO BE BIGGEST EVER: (07/18/07): " This year could see

> the biggest " dead zone " since records began form in the waters of the

> Gulf of Mexico. Scientists say conditions are right for the zone to

> exceed last summer's 6,662 sq miles (17,255 sq km). The dead zone is an

> area of water virtually devoid of oxygen which cannot support marine

> life. It is caused by nutrients such as fertilisers flowing into the

> Gulf, stimulating the growth of algae which absorbs the available

> oxygen. The volume of nutrients flowing down rivers such as the

> Mississippi into the Gulf has tripled over the last 50 years... The

> nitrate load is so high that the dead zone may attain a size of 8,500 sq

> miles (22,015 sq km), almost double the average since 1990. "


> [Edited from:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6904249.stm




> journalist Mark Schapiro discusses why companies that manufacture

> hazard-free products for the European Union often produce toxin-filled

> versions of the same items for America and developing countries....

> American industry would have you believe that taking potentially

> hazardous and toxic chemicals out of everyday consumer products --

> removing phthalates from children's toys and cancer-causing coal tar

> from hair dye -- would damage our economy and result in a loss of

> American jobs. In his latest book, Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of

> Everyday Products, Mark Schapiro busts this myth and reveals the grim

> fact that some companies, whether American or international, often have

> two production lines: one that manufactures hazard-free products for the

> European Union and another that produces toxin-filled versions of the

> same items for America and developing countries... "


> [Very edited from the interesting interview at:

> http://www.alternet.org/healthwellness/59714/



> ************************************************

> *10: Censored Stories, Hummers/Nuggets, Activist Win, Chimp Wits

> ************************************************

> TOP 25 CENSORED STORIES OF 2008: [Here's two of note edited from the

> excellent and well-documented/written list]:


> (15) Toxic Exposure Can Be Transmitted to Future Generations on a

> " Second Genetic Code " :...Research suggests that, contrary to previous

> belief, our behavior and our environmental conditions may program

> sections of our children's DNA...


> (22) Terror Act Against Animal Activists:... The term " terrorism " has

> been dangerously expanded to include acts that interfere, or promote

> interference, with the operations of animal enterprises. The Animal

> Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), signed into law on November 27, 2006,

> broadens punishment present under the Animal Enterprises Protection Act

> (AEPA) of 1992... The broad definition of an " animal enterprise, " for

> example, may encompass most US businesses... "


> [Very edited from:

> http://www.projectcensored.org/censored_2008/index.htm



> NUGGETS AND HUMMERS AND FISH STICKS, OH MY!: (09/22/07): " ... Think

> about the extra stages of production that are required to get dead

> chickens, pigs, or other animals from the farm to the table:


> 1. Grow more than 10 times as much corn, grain, and soy (with all the

> required tilling, irrigation, crop dusters, and so on), as would be

> required if we ate the plants directly. 2. Transport - in gas-guzzling,

> pollution-spewing 18-wheelers - all that grain and soy to feed

> manufacturers. 3. Operate the feed mill (again, using massive amounts of

> resources). 4. Truck the feed to the factory farms. 5. Operate the

> factory farms. 6. Truck the animals many miles to slaughterhouses. 7.

> Operate the slaughterhouses. 8. Truck the meat to processing plants. 9.

> Operate the meat processing plants. 10. Truck the meat to grocery stores

> (in refrigerated trucks). 11. Keep the meat in refrigerators or freezers

> at the stores...


> [Very edited from the excellent and comprehensive essay by Bruce

> Friedrich at:

> http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/09/22/4022/




> " Morningstar Farms, a Kellogg subsidiary that has been making vegetarian

> products for more than 25 years, has stated it will use one million

> fewer eggs in 2008 while also offering more egg-free products.

> According to company spokeswoman Kathleen Eckler, in 2008 " Kellogg is

> reducing the amount of eggs we use in our Morningstar products by a

> minimum of one million eggs. We are committed to announcing even more

> new vegan products for our customers. "


> After months of discussion on the topic with the Michigan-based company,

> Compassion Over Killing (COK) and Vegan Outreach, two nonprofit animal

> protection organizations, wholeheartedly applaud Morningstar Farms for

> implementing this policy. By reducing Kellogg's egg usage by more than a

> million eggs per year, nearly 4,000 fewer laying hens will suffer in

> factory farms each year... "


> [Edited from:

> http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/news_press_release,241040.shtml



> ANIMALS DO THE CLEVEREST THINGS: (12/08/07): " The chimp who outwits

> humans; the dolphin who says it with seaweed; the existential dog -- the

> more we learn about other animals the harder it is to say we're the

> smartest species. An elephant that never forgets its extended family, a

> chimp that can outperform humans in a sophisticated test of visual

> memory and an amorous male dolphin that likes to say it with flowers --

> well, a clump of river weeds to be more precise. These are just some of

> the recent observations from the field of animal behaviour. They appear

> to show that there is no limit to the intelligence of animals, but what

> do we really know about the true cognitive powers of the non-human

> brain?... The latest studies into the unusual behaviour of a range of

> species suggest that we should no longer assume that animals are just

> the dumb creatures that we've been led to believe ... "


> [Very edited from the very long, well-documented, thought-proving, and

> comprehensive article at:

> http://www.alternet.org/environment/69933/



> ************************************************

> *11: Howard's Schedule

> ************************************************

> JAN 10 > Quincy, WA - noon


> MAR 20-21 > Toronto


> APR 12-13 > NYC

> APR 18-19-20 > Ohio

> APR 25-26-27 > Central, IL


> MAY 17-18 > Chicago, IL


> JUN 26-29 > Johnstown, PA


> AUG 14- 17th > Washington DC - AR 2008


> [More information/embedded links for contact information at:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/01_SchedCA.000.html



> ************************************************

> *12: Quick Bytes

> ************************************************



> [sUPERB CSA (community supported agriculture) interactive resource: "

> http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/csa/




> [Compassionate Cooking Podcast:

> http://feeds.feedburner.com/VegetarianFoodForThought


> [ " Organic Consumers: Read, Blog & Meet-up!: "

> http://organicconsumers.org/chat/index.php


> [The Mad Cowboy Newsletter Editor's Vegan Blog:

> http://www.soulveggie.com


> [Podcasts, radio:

> http://www.veganradio.com/


> [ " The FatFreeVegan Blog: "

> http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/


> [ " The Vegan Lunch Box Blog (PETA & Bloggy Award-winning: "

> http://veganlunchbox.blogspot.com


> [bryanna Clark Grogan's Blog:

> http://veganfeastkitchen.blogspot.com/


> [ " Raw Vegan Blog and Podcasts: "

> http://www.rawveganradio.blogspot.com/


> [ " Recommended Blogs & Websites for Food & Farming Information: "

> http://www.organicconsumers.org/2006/article_563.cfm




> [Farmed Animal Net:

> http://www.farmedanimal.net/


> [VegNews Monthly Newsletter:

> http://www.vegnews.com


> [FARMUSA's MeatOut Monday Newsletter:

> http://meatoutmondays.org


> [PCRM Membership News and Info:

> Send e-mail to: membership


> [Vegetarians In Paradise Newsletter:

> http://www.vegparadise.com


> [international Vegetarian Union Newsletter:

> http://www.ivu.org/news/index.html


> [ " In a Vegetarian Kitchen: (Nava Atlas): "

> http://www.vegkitchen.com


> [ " International Organization for Animal Protection: "

> http://www.oipa.org/


> [ " VeggieBoards: "

> http://www.veggieboards.com


> [ " South Florida Vegans: "

> SoFlaVegans/




> [Over 10,000 veg'n recipe links:

> http://www.madcowboy.com/02_VegRecipes.html


> [ " Over 1,000 International (regional) Vegetarian Recipes: "

> http://www.ivu.org/recipes/regions.html


> [PCRM Recipe Archives:

> http://www.pcrm.org/health/recipes/recipe_archive.html


> [Almost 2,000 searchable fat-free veg'n recipes:

> http://www.fatfree.com


> [Awardwinning searchable veg'n recipe database:

> http://vegweb.com/


> [Constantly wonderful site of vegan recipes:

> http://www.fatfreevegan.com/



> [Nana's Vegan Cookies online!:

> http://www.healthycrowd.com/



> ************************************************

> *13: Closing Thoughts

> ************************************************

> " Vegetarians and vegans are not morally superior to everyone else.

> We're simply healthier, and a h*** of a lot better for the environment

> around us.


> Of course, just because we're not morally superior doesn't mean we're

> not on the side of the angels. I believe we are. After all, we're

> practitioner's of a diet that's better for people, better for animals,

> and better for the environment. "


> --- Howard (in " No More Bull! " p. 78)



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