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My Email-Weizmann Institute of Science Tortures Animals in Name of Science

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Here is my letter to the State of Israel regarding the torture, mutilation and murder of countless primates and cats over three decades by Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in the name of "research" that has never produced any benefit to human or veterinary medicine. If you have not yet written an email to Israeli officials, I have included the background details of this horrific and specious research, together with email addresses below. Please email your civil protest today. MargaretMargaret Morin <dogs_good wrote:Dear Sir and Madam. As a long time supporter and contributor to human and animal rights causes, I have been a steadfast political supporter of Israel. But, as a result of news of clearly specious research on animals conducted by the Weizmann Institute of Science, I cease to be.As a clinician and an advocate of reliable scientific research, the "studies" that the Weizmann Institute of Science has conducted on animals are troubling from a number of points of view. From the information I have reviewed, decades of experiments upon monkeys and cats has produced no functional data nor results that benefit human or veterinary science. I am appalled that Israel allows such torturous and pointless practices to continue. I, and many others, do not see a distinction between the unethical nature of the Weizmann experiments and those conducted upon humans during WWII in Germany. In the minds of human and animal rights community, Israel has lost the

moral high ground. Science does not build data (or lack of data) on the back of the torture and murder of sentient beings.Thank you. Margaret MorinPlano, Texas USAKINSHIP CIRCLE PRIMARY - PERMISSION TO CROSS-POST AS WRITTEN12/31/07: Nightmare For Monkeys And Cats In Israeli Lab http://www.KinshipCircle.org PHOTOS: LEFT, Pikatchu is restrained in a primate chair after his exposed brain is fitted with a "cap." RIGHT, A cat

before surgery to excise part of her skull and expose brain surface. Full undercover report, photos, video: http://www.letlive.org.il/english/article.php?id=173EMAIL kinshipcircle FOR WORD DOC OF A FORMATTED LETTER.Easily modify letter and copy/paste it into an email or print out to fax or mail.===========================================================FULL CONTACT INFORMATION. Email blocks + sample letter follow===========================================================KNESSET COMMITTEESADDRESS FOR ALL KNESSET COMMITTEES: Knesset * Kiryat Ben-Gurion * Jerusalem 91950Science and Technology Committee sciencecom, belon, itzik,

mbensason, ycohen, meitan, aeldad, melchiorm, amichaeli, amiller, nudelman, yohananplesner, lshemtov, EfraimS, jzhalka SOURCE: http://www.knesset.gov.il/committees/eng/committee_eng.asp?c_id=13Education, Culture, and Sports Committee v2, melchiorm, eamsalem, Zelkin, shmuelh, yhasson, amiller, oritn, zorlev,

yshagal, sshalom, msolodkin, rtirosh, jzhalka, azkoor, mbarakeh, egabai SOURCE: http://www.knesset.gov.il/committees/eng/committee_eng.asp?c_id=8Labor, Welfare, and Health Committee vrevacha, ygalanti, eamsalem, dazulay, rancohen, aeldad, nchilo, ahirshson, slandver, aravitz, lshemtov, msolodkin,

wtaha SOURCE: http://www.knesset.gov.il/committees/eng/committee_eng.asp?c_id=28ISRAELI MINISTRIES Ministry of Science and Technology: sima, minister Ministry of Health: pniot, sar Ministry of Education: info, sar Ministry of the Environment: pniot, sar, mankal Animal Welfare Division, Ministry of the Environment: danag Ministry of Agriculture: sar, [web email] http://www.moag.gov.il/english/write_us/ Ministry of Agriculture/Veterinary & Animal Health: dganitb SOURCE: http://www.gov.il/FirstGov/BottomNavEng/Contact http://www.pmo.gov.il/PMOEng/Government/Offices/ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya * Jerusalem 91950 ph: 02-670-5555; fax: 02-670-5475; email: pm_eng SOURCE: http://www.pmo.gov.il/PMOEng/PM+Office/Contacts/COPY LETTER TO:

Weizmann Institute of Science P.O. Box 26, Rehovot 76100, Israel ph: +972-8-934-2111; fax: +972-8-934-4107 Prof. Amiram Grinvald, Neurobiology: Amiram.Grinvald Dr. David B. Omer: david.omer Dr. Shmuel Naaman: Shmuel.Naman Dept. Of Neurobiology Chair, Prof. Yadin Dudai: yadin.dudai Weizmann Institute President: daniel.zajfman, dina.lavi SOURCE: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/ph/dir_search.html http://www.weizmann.ac.il/perl/ph.mperl?name= & office_phone= & email= & dept_code=123 http://www.weizmann.ac.il/neurobiology/===========================================================EMAIL BLOCK: All emails found for this alert.===========================================================sciencecom, belon, itzik, mbensason, ycohen, meitan, aeldad, melchiorm, amichaeli, amiller, nudelman, yohananplesner, lshemtov, EfraimS, jzhalkav2, melchiorm,

eamsalem, Zelkin, shmuelh, yhasson, amiller, oritn, zorlev, yshagal, sshalom, msolodkin, rtirosh, jzhalka, azkoor, mbarakeh, egabaivrevacha, ygalanti, eamsalem, dazulay, rancohen, aeldad, nchilo, ahirshson, slandver, aravitz, lshemtov, msolodkin, wtahasima, minister, pniot, sar, info, sar, pniot, sar, mankal, danag, sar,

dganitbpm_eng, Amiram.Grinvald, david.omer, Shmuel.Naman, yadin.dudai, daniel.zajfman, dina.lavi*Some emails may be outdated or DISABLED due to this campaign===========================================================SAMPLE LETTER -- Prepared to give you background on Let The Animals Live undercover investigation. Try to shorten/personalize it before sending.===========================================================Honorable Officials Of Israel:As an advocate of viable medical research, I am concerned about studies conducted at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Three decades of experiments upon monkeys and cats have failed to produce data with any functional purpose for human or veterinary science.Nonetheless,

Professor Amiram Grinvald and his colleagues in the neurobiology department squander time and money on invasive experiments disclosed in a former technician's testimony, investigative video footage, and the researchers' own documentation.I ask officials to stop these irrelevant studies and probe allegations of animal mistreatment in Dr. David B. Omer's primate lab and Dr. Shmuel Na'aman's feline lab at Weizmann Institute of Science.Dr. Omer presently works with eight monkeys isolated in barren cages. The monkeys are denied water and fed dry pellets to provoke thirst. For several hours each day, they're restrained in "primate chairs" where they learn to react to a fluctuating spot on a computer monitor. A monkey who demonstrates visual memory skills earns water droplets dispensed through a mouth tube.After two years of daily seclusion in narrow, dark chambers, a monkey's scalp is partially amputated. Exposed

skull is affixed to a dental cement cast or "cap." Post-surgery monkeys resume visual acuity exercises for another year. During drills, monkeys are bolted into restraint chairs and cannot move their heads for up to three hours.At three years, two holes are carved into a monkey's skull. Over the next 12 months, monkeys are immobilized in chairs for eight-hour sessions to photograph their exposed brains as they respond to spots on a screen. No painkillers are administered during testing. For Dr. Shmuel Na'aman's feline experiments, a portion of skull is surgically excised to uncover the brain. The cat's eyes are artificially held open as she watches objects on a monitor. A camera logs her nerve cell activity. When the experimental drills are over, the cat is destroyed.I am shocked Israel's National Council for Animal Experimentation allows these experiments to continue -- especially when imaging technologies

better manage data at the level of nerve cell networks, clusters, and even single cells. Imaging systems allow real-time observation of human cells and let researchers communicate with human subjects. It is impossible to replicate similar cognitive function in monkeys.I urge authorities to phase out primate breeding farms like the facility at Mazor and legally require input from more animal welfare experts on the National Council. Since the Council is empowered to ban animal use whenever a "reasonable alternative" exists, it ought to promptly order the Weizmann Institute to replace old-fashioned animal experiments with human-focused imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional MRI (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and more.The brain can also be studied via post mortem exam, donated human brain tissue, psychophysics, in vitro

tests, cognitive studies, clinical evaluation of brain-damaged people, molecular genetic analysis, etc.Please inform me of any action to shut down Prof. Amiram Grinvald's animal laboratory and modernize research in Israel.Thank you,===========================================================SOURCE OF INFORMATION===========================================================Experiments On Monkeys And Cats In Dept. Of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute Of Science, Israel -- An Undercover Investigation By Let The Animals Live http://www.letlive.org.il/english/article.php?id=173Let The Animals Live http://www.letlive.org.il/english/donate.phpUndercover VIDEO http://animal-tv.org/monkey/5min_englishQT.mov Dr. Andre Menache andre.menacheFOR ANIMALS - BEAR WITNESS. SPEAK. DEMAND. ACT.Action Campaigns I Literature I Animal Disaster Aid Networkinginfo or kinshipcirclehttp://www.KinshipCircle.org * http://www.kinshipcircle.org/disasters/PLEASE MAKE A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION TO KINSHIP CIRCLE:http://www.kinshipcircle.org/donation/***************************************************************************************************UNSUBSCRIBE: * Select a Kinship Circle ALERT received in your mailbox * Hit “FORWARD” * Enter kinshipcircle * Type UNSUBSCRIBE in your subject line and hit send***************************************************************************************************SUBSCRIBE: Kinship Circle Primary: Action campaigns on animal cruelty issues worldwide TELL US: SUBSCRIBE TO KINSHIP CIRCLE PRIMARY Kinship Circle Animal Disaster Relief:

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