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UPDATE: Mars response re: animal testing

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January 21, 2008:Apparently, after all of the public pressure and concern, Mars istentatively "responding". As of today, they have retooled/updatedtheir policy statement about animal research on their website athttp://mars.com/global/Who+We+Are/Commitment/Research+involving+animals.htmIn this statement, even though it appears they are trying todisseminate more honest information to the public, they still try topush the distinction between Mars Inc. and Mars Symbioscience.Regardless, their company still conducts animal research, no matterunder which branch of the company it is conducted. Even worse, nowthey add the fact that their company Mars Fishcare also does animalresearch using "small fish and aquatic species".They can be applauded for at least trying to be more transparent

aboutthis issue, but their stance remains questionable until this issue isfurther written about in the media, etc. A company's policy statementis a public relations stance, and until they are even more transparentabout the "research" they conduct, whether it is done by the parentcompany Mars Inc. or by their two "lesser known businesses" as theycall them, Symbioscience and Mars Fishcare, this statement alone doesnot say very much.Please continue to sign the petition, http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/tell-mars-inccomment on it to share yourfeelings about animal testing, and forward it to your friends andloved ones, and feel free to mention the link on other sites, sopeople become more aware of this issue. If you live in the USA, youcan also call Mars Inc.'s Consumer Care hotline at 1-800-627-7852,push 0 to speak to a representative, and let them know your thoughtsabout animal testing. They will read you the same old statement thatMars does not conduct animal research involving euthanasia,vivisection, or suffering of any kind, but you can still register yourcomments with them, and the representative will pass your commentsalong. As they say in their policy statement on their site, MarsInc.'s 2 "lesser known businesses", Symbioscience and Mars Fishcare doindeed conduct animal research.We are still waiting to hear what the Federal Trade Commission has tosay regarding their possible investigation into Mars' dissemination oftheir animal research policies to consumers, and if they constitute"deceptive advertising".

The question is not,Can they reason? nor,Can they talk? but,Can they suffer? Jeremy Bentham

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