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UPDATE: Fox to televise rat being microwaved to death. Email & Phone Today!

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" Unhitched " is tentatively scheduled to run March 23 and it will show

the rat torture unless we stop it from being aired. March 23 is a

tentative date because of the writers strike. The promo is being aired

now. This is the information I have received from multiple sources.


In addition to emailing, please also call the Fox Viewer Comment line

at 310-369-3066 and leave a polite, but clear message that we want

this promo not to air again and program not to be televised.


Please cross post. Margaret



, Margaret Morin

<dogs_good wrote:


> Please email Fox TV and politely, but emphatically urge Fox not to

air this commercial promotion again and not to televise the episode of

" Unhitched. " Fox Email: askfox


> Apparently, a commercial promoting this upcoming program, in which

a rat in tortured to death by being microwaved by two boys, is being

aired. The commercial in itself will encourage copy cat crimes.


> The below email from the " rat lady " was published on the CVA

Group and CVA and other groups have published emails from several

others attesting to the fact that they contacted Fox and the network

confirmed this is a true story. It is not yet on snopes, but I

believe it is true. Cross post to everyone you know.


> Thank you. Margaret


> ***************************************************************

> First of all.......I apologize if this is a hoax but I checked

with snopes & couldn't find anything, so I'm writing & calling and

asking others to do the same.....in case it might actually be true.


> Hi All,

> Last night Barbara Henderson saw a promo for a new TV show on the

Fox Channel called " Unhitched. " They showed a scene where 2 boys put a

rat into a microwave oven and turn it on. Then it shows their faces as

they supposedly watch the rat being cooked. At they end, one of them

says, " That was the longest 9 minutes of my life, " and the other one

says something like, " It looked like he was enjoying it for the first

few minutes. "


> Obviously we want to prevent this show from airing. I'm going to be

contacting as many organizations as I can, such as HSUS, American

Humane, etc. for their help, as well as newspapers, and even the FCC.

I'm going to contact the Associated Press and tell them we are going

to raise a big stink over this.


> I need your help. First, log on to http://www.fox. com/links/ and

click to find your local Fox station, then call them on the phone and

complain about this promo. You can also email Fox at askfox .


> Please use polite language, but you can say things like " We're

afraid this will encourage children to put small pets in the micowave "

and " We are not going to sit by and let this air " and " A scene like

this is totally unacceptable. "


> Please email me personally to let me know if you have any other ideas.

> Thanks.

> Debbie " The Rat Lady "




> I just finished talking with the CEO of our local Fox station, and he

> gave me a phone number for the Fox Viewer Comment line which connects

> with an answering machine. He says they take calls to this number

> seriously. It is not listed on their website. I think people can only

> get it if they call their local station to complain about something.

> The number is 310-369-3066. I have already left a message there. I

> told them I have the support of hundreds of other rat owners, so I'm

> sure it would make a big impression if you all call and leave a

> message.


> Remember, please use polite language, no swearing. Tell them the

> scene

> is reprehensible, irresponsible, etc.

> Thanks.


> Debbie " The Rat Lady "




> I wanted to give you an update about what I have done and found out

> so far today. I just got a call back from Fox saying they got my

> phone call complaining about the promo and are passing my complaint

> on up the chain to the powers that be. So it is true that they do

> monitor their Viewer Comments phone line quite closely, as I only

> called about 2 hours ago.


> The new show, which is tentatively called " Unhitched " , not " Unhinged "

> as I reported earlier, isn't scheduled to run until March 23. The

> contact who called me said that because of the writers strike that is

> a tentative date. So it's good that the show is not scheduled to

> start right away, but we sure don't want even the promo to be aired

> any more.


> I have also talked with the woman at American Humane who is their

> contact with the TV industry, and she is working on it from her end,

> but she said that public response is very very important, so please

> be sure to call the Fox Viewer Comment line at 310-369-3066 and leave

> a polite message.


> Please also post these messages to as many other groups as you can,

> and let all your friends know. The more calls they get, the more

> seriously they will take us.


> Thanks all,

> Debbie " The Rat Lady "


> Jan

> RatAttackTeam - for small animal accessories:

> http://www.RatAttac kTeam.zoomshare. com


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