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October 1, 2004 -- Vegparadise News Bureau



Restore Your Health

With a Diet to Really RAVE About


Filmmaker Mike Anderson was a witness as members of his immediate

family and close friends were dying from complications of diseases

that could have been avoided. His father died of cancer. His

stepfather succumbed to heart disease. His mother broke her hip and

was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. His sister-in-law has

diabetes. A close friend was diagnosed with cancer and then had a

heart attack. The question he kept asking himself was: " How can I

avoid going down the same road myself? "


After spending two years poring through thousands of articles in

newspapers, magazines, and journals to find an answer to his

question, Anderson concluded that all of these degenerative diseases

could be prevented if people would embark on diet and lifestyle



The information had such a profound effect on him that he adopted a

low-fat vegan diet and in six months shed 35 pounds. Seeing the

benefits in improving his own health, he decided he wanted to share

his information in a film simply called Eating that first appeared in



" The project was born out of anger, " says Anderson. " I was already

in my 50's when I came across the full range of arguments for a plant-

based diet. Quite frankly, I was stunned and angry because the

arguments were so powerful, yet virtually unknown in the mainstream.

I was also angry because of what I had been doing to my body, the

environment, and the animals I was eating. Like most Americans, I

never made the connection. "


RAVE stands for---

In Eating, Anderson devised the acronym RAVE that embodies the key

features of this diet that helps prevent and even reverse chronic

degenerative diseases. RAVE is broken down as follows:



No Refined foods

No Animal foods

No Vegetable oils

No Exceptions

& Exercise

The film features interviews with individuals who have benefited by

switching to a RAVE-type diet. Dr. Neal Pinckney was scheduled for

triple coronary bypass surgery recommended by four heart specialists,

but instead opted for a dietary solution to his medical problem.

After seven months on this diet, he was running in an 8.2 K race. One

year later only one of the four cardiologists was still alive.

Meanwhile, Pinckney was not only alive and well but had also lost 40

lbs. and reduced his waist size from 38 to 32.


Ironwoman Ruth Heidrich tells of her challenges with breast cancer.

She agreed to surgery but rejected chemotherapy and radiation.

Fortunately, one of her five " second opinions " was from Dr. John

McDougall who advised her to change her diet. After going completely

vegan, she has had no reoccurrence of the dreaded disease.


Dr. Joseph Crowe, a surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic, suffered a heart

attack at the age of 44. Surprising to him his cholesterol of 156 was

no protection from heart disease. Following the advice of Dr.

Caldwell Esselstyn also of the Cleveland Clinic, Crowe began a low-

fat, plant-based diet and reversed his heart disease in 32 months.

Crowe, who takes no medication, now usually has a cholesterol reading

under 100 and has no heart problems.


Film Gains Positive Feedback

The film has received numerous favorable reviews including one from

the American Library Association. In Booklist, July 2003, the

reviewer described the documentary film as a " compelling and often

shocking look at the standard American diet. "


In April 2004 Anderson released a revised second edition of Eating.

Meanwhile he was working on a companion book that could be packaged

with the DVD version of the film.


" The reason I decided to put this information into a film and a book

is to present an easy-to-digest summary that will motivate people to

change their diets and realize the dramatic health benefits that can

result from such a simple, although profound change in their lives, "

says Anderson. " All families in America are being torn apart by

diseases caused by the foods they eat. These diseases can not only be

prevented, but also be reversed by simply changing diet, " he



In The Rave Diet and Lifestyle, Anderson has combined the book and a

DVD of the film and is selling the package for $19.95, the same price

originally charged for just the video or DVD of Eating.


It Takes Just 21 Days

The book provides Anderson with the opportunity to share much of the

research that could not be included in the film. The cover

trumpets, " Just 21 days to a new you--naturally. " It also calls the

book " an antidote for the Atkins diet, heart disease, and our common

cancers. "


Those 21 days, Anderson points out, are the time span needed to

reeducate a person's taste buds away from refined foods high in fat,

sugar, sodium, and chemical additives and toward natural unprocessed

plant-based foods. By shunning animal foods, refined foods, and

vegetable oils and increasing the amount of exercise, one will be

able to prevent or reverse numerous degenerative diseases.


Anderson summarizes the diet by offering the following tips and



Always eat foods as close to their natural state as possible.


Always eat whole foods.


Eat a variety of colorful foods.


Try to eat at least half of your food uncooked, without any dips or



A salad is an ideal meal.


Never cook with salt.


Take a multivitamin.


Avoid packaged " snack " foods like the plague.


Water should always be your beverage of choice.


A tablespoon of ground flaxseed should be a part of your daily diet.


When eating out, order whatever is on the menu, but ask them to leave

out the bad stuff by following the RAVE diet rules.

To assist readers who are anxious to adopt the diet, the author

provides a variety of supplemental information. Most helpful are his

lists of ingredients to avoid, substitutions for oils, seasonings,

sauces, salad dressings, condiments, and sweeteners that are devoid

of oil, sugar, and salt. The last half of the book is devoted to

over175 recipes that fall within the parameters of the RAVE program.


Mike Anderson does not display an M.D. or R.D. or any other initials

following his name, but he reveals an extensive body of research to

demonstrate the efficacy of the RAVE program. The RAVE diet is not

entirely his original creation but an amalgam of lifestyle changes

advocated by Drs. Ornish, McDougall, Barnard, Esselstyn, Fuhrman, and

others. All of these doctors have shown that this type of lifestyle

program is effective in preventing and reversing heart disease as

well as other degenerative diseases. Unfortunately, many physicians

do not include this type of program in their repertoire for fighting

chronic disease, but instead opt for pharmaceuticals and surgery to

treat the results of their patients' poor lifestyle choices.


In his desire to help people avoid the path leading to degenerative

diseases, a path lined with expensive medications and surgery,

Anderson has created this remarkable book/DVD package. All of his

information is universally accessible; it just needs to be brought to

the attention of an unaware public.


" Change your life and seek long-term happiness from within by

adopting a lifestyle that I guarantee will pay countless dividends

throughout your life, " says Anderson.


For more information about the RAVE diet, the Eating DVD, and the

book The Rave Diet and Lifestyle visit






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