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Action to Stop Slaughter of Yellowstone's Wild Bison!

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Week of Action to Stop Slaughter of Yellowstone's Wild Bison! IDA Home | Action Center Home | Donate | Sign Up! | Tell a Friend Week of Action to Stop Slaughter of Yellowstone's Wild Bison! Urge wildlife agents and elected officials to protect,

not persecute native species & national icon Only 23 bison escaped the mass extermination that took place during the westward expansion of America in the 1870s, spared from massacre only by the protection of the U.S. cavalry. These few bison found refuge from extinction in Yellowstone, the world's first national park, and became the only continuously wild herd in the U.S. Today, their descendents have grown to nearly 4,500 in number, and continue to live in Yellowstone. Tragically, they remain under siege in the 21st century, because Yellowstone park rangers now capture the bison and send them to slaughter as they migrate to lower elevations outside of Yellowstone with milder weather each winter and spring. Using snowmobiles and helicopters, government agents haze terrified animals out of the park where it is legal to round them up, then send them to slaughterhouses or a quarantine research facility. Since 1985, more than 5,000 of these animals have been massacred under provisions of the Interagency Bison Management Plan, as well as state and treaty hunts, while some have also been captured for use in experiments. American taxpayers fund this unjustified violence to the tune of $2.8 million a year. Why is this happening? Because Montana ranchers grazing their livestock on public land surrounding Yellowstone (at a fraction of market value) say bison compete with cattle for

grazing resources. They also falsely claim that wild bison will infect their cattle with brucellosis (a bacterial cattle disease), even though there has not been a single documented instance of this ever occurring. Every day, Yellowstone National Park officials continue to send dozens of bison to slaughter, most of who are not even tested for brucellosis. Rather than killing wild bison, governmental agencies should be protecting these majestic animals and allowing them safe passage on their migratory journey. Bison are part of America's

rich national heritage, and must be preserved for their own sake and for future generations of Americans to experience. By engaging in this wholesale slaughter, the U.S. Government is repeating the misguided mistakes of the past, and basing its wildlife management policy on the self-serving whims of a small but powerful special interest group rather than what is best for our country. 1. The Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) is actively working to stop the killing of bison in Yellowstone, and has proposed real alternatives to the cruel scapegoating of this native species. Please take part in The Buffalo Field Campaign's National Week of

Action (February 14th - 21st) to help end the slaughter now! Visit BFC's Week of Action website for information on: - Which park administrators and elected officials to call on which days, and what to say specifically to each one. - BFC's rally at the west entrance of Yellowstone National Park on Saturday, February 16th, where they will hold signs and banners, hand out information, and engage in creative theatre performances. - Writing letters to the editor of your local, regional, and national news papers urging an end to the bison slaughter. From all of us at In Defense of Animals (IDA), thank you for standing up for the wild bison of Yellowstone National Park! Please support our important work for animals by making a donation to IDA today! Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. Tell-a-friend! If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for IDA's Action Center. T In Defense of Animals, located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 85,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse

and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi and Cameroon, Africa. In Defense of Animals is a registered 501©3 non-profit organization. We welcome your feedback and appreciate your donations. Please join today! All donations to IDA are tax-deductible. In Defense of Animals 3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901 Tel. (415) 388-9641 Fax (415) 388-0388 idainfo

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