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DISGUSTING CHINA: China's Dog Meat Trade - The shocking truth that shames the Olympic hosts

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Diana Hartig <dhartig wrote: FULL REPORT HERE: http://www.onevoice-ear.org/english/campaigns/china/dog_report.html http://www.evana.org/index.php?id=30960 & lang=en China's Dog Meat Trade

The shocking truth that shames the Olympic hosts A Disturbing One Voice Investigation China’s multi­billion dollar clean­up of Beijing ahead of its 2008 summer Olympic Games has been widely publicised. Eager to stage a “green” Games and present a new face to the watching world, the authorities have accomplished 20 environmental targets in Beijing including relocating 200 factories to reduce the city’s chronic air pollution and building a wind

farm on its outskirts. Far less well known is Beijing’s pre­Olympics closure of its many dog meat restaurants. But then, these are places the Chinese authorities are anxious that the wider world does not see. Common in cities across China, these roadside restaurants specialise in dishes made of almost every conceivable part of dogs including heads, legs, testicles and innards. The animals destined to be killed for the table are often kept on display outside restaurants in cramped cages. Until recently, many if not most of these animals have been supplied by a substantial dog bree­ding industry. But a major undercover investigation in China by One Voice suggests that dogs being killed for meat are increasingly

likely to be one­time pets or strays supplied piecemeal from various sources–indeed, some of these tragic animals are still wearing collars. Whatever their ori­gins they are brutally slaughtered, often on the pavements outside restaurants, in ways that are an affront to civilisation in this or any other century. Our undercover team spent three dangerous weeks infiltrating China’s dog meat industry, risking arrest by state police or worse at the hands of the sometimes shady people who lurk behind the trade. The team won the trust of three dog meat restaurants and a dog processing factory to gather information and film images of the horrifying cruelty caused by this vile industry. They found atrocities at every turn, atrocities One Voice hopes will persuade the world to join its call for China

to introduce animal protection laws. For here is a supposedly modern nation that can host an Olympics, yet has no animal welfare legislation whatsoever.(...) We were shown the outdoor killing compound, where two dozen bedraggled looking small to medium dogs were crowded into two cages. Nearby was a covered area with hanging racks, a blood­draining area, depelter, soaking bath and a boiling pot, with freezer rooms packed with dog meat and body parts, including skinned heads and testicles. The caged dogs were shaking pitifully: their terror was well founded. Using long neck pliers, a worker dragged one struggling dog from its cage and battered it unconscious with blows to the head and muzzle. He dragged it to the killing area, stood on its head, inserted a finger into its neck and bled the animal, which shuddered spasmodically as its blood gushed across the concrete. Despite this it remained alive. The butcher left it lying in unimaginable distress and

pain for seven agoni­sing minutes while he killed several other dogs. Then, finally, he battered it to death and put its body in the boiling pot to loosen the fur. “The fur won’t come off if a dog’s still alive when you boil it,” we were told..... Source/Quelle: http://www.onevoice-ear.org/english/campaigns/china/dog_report.html Link: French animal lovers launch Olympic petition/protest over China killing dogs for foodLink: PetitionLOOKIEEE -> www.meat.ORGLife is life - whether in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage. - Sri AurobindoA man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral. - Leo Tolstoyhttp://www.crueltyfree.com/Vegan1

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