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AFA E-News 2-21-08 (Leaflet at Concerts/Schools/Malls, Action Alerts, News, & More)

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Action for Animals <mail wrote: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:57:06 -0800Action for Animals <mailundisclosed-recipients: ;AFA E-News 2-21-08 (Leaflet at Concerts/Schools/Malls, Action Alerts,News, & More)AFA E-News 2-21-08 AFA has been busy with national leafleting as well as local veg outreach. As you know we received some good media

coverage of our Veg Valentine’s Day event (see pics here: http://ryderpictures.blogspot.com/). We are also sending out more Vegan Starter Packs then ever, and we recently purchased another 12,000 disks for burning factory farming videos & vegan info CD-Roms. The past few weeks have been great both for media coverage of animal issues and for real action taken to help animals [see new articles]. We can and will make a difference for the animals. It’s up to all of us to step forward and keep these positive changes happening! Get Active! Pass out Leaflets at Concerts, School, the Mall, etc AFA has a new “Stop Animal Cruelty” leaflet which we put together for distribution at concerts and festivals. It’s also good to pass out at high schools, malls, etc. It’s very cheap and only a half sheet, so you can give them to anyone and everyone without worrying about it costing us much money, or wasting too much paper. Here is a digital PDF version of the flyer if you want to see what it looks like: http://afa-online.org/docs/stopanimalcruelty_punk.pdf You can also save this PDF to print out copies of the flyer if you run out, or if you just want a few [under 100] to give out. You can also leaflet at ANY shows or concerts you like. We especially want to get these flyers out at punk and hardcore shows. We are not offering free passes to any shows; please don’t reply asking to get in for free. We are just looking for volunteers already going to event who will pass out flyers – or anyone who will take some time to help the animals by going to leaflet the lines. If you would like some leaflets to pass out at any shows, schools, malls, etc., please reply with: - Your full name and address (in this format, please): First, Last Address City, State, Zip - Where do you

plan on leafleting? - How many leaflets would you like [100 minimum]? - Would you like a few copies of the “Meet Your Meat” video and our other fact sheets for people who are interested in additional info? Positive Feedback "I watched the videos on your page and was devastated. I’m not sure if I’m ready to be vegan yet, but I’m definitely vegetarian now. Thanks!" - Dom, Queensland, Australia "I never really thought about what I had on my dinner plate, until this morning when I seen Goldfinger’s "Free Me" video. Help Me become Vegan..." - Via MySpace "Yeah I’ll definitely

give it [veganism] another shot. I’m all for trying new things and thanks for your support, ill keep you updated and check back in. Thanks" - Krista, Sydney, NSW, Australia "I just saw a video of animal cruelty and it made me really sad, I think that I’m going to become a vegetarian now." - Via AFA’s Buzznet profile "You guys are the reason I went vegan!!" - Via AFA’s Buzznet profile “From sending out materials from AFA, three friends have so far converted to veganism. … Thanks AFA. We will continue to bring this information to people.” -Jacci, Port Orchard, WA "Your page shocked and horrified me to the point I was sick and felt an inch tall as the tears fell from my face. It was a very humbling experience. I have always said knowledge is power and with that power we can change anything. I'm already making changes." - Tina, Mississippi Action Alerts Farm Animal Stewardship for Federal Purchases https://community.hsus.org/campaign/FED_2007_stewardship_act/ [Editors Note: While AFA is an abolitionist

organization and does not support reform measures as a final step, we can't ignore the suffering that will be alleviated by passage of this bill in the interim - while we work for widespread veganism and total animal liberation.] Urge Donna Karan to Shed Fur! http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/donna_karan_fur?c=weekly_enews Urge Kosher Authorities to Prohibit Cruel 'Shackling and Hoisting' Slaughter Method http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/rabbinate_uruguay_petition Ask University of Colorado Experimenter to Stop Torturing Cats! http://getactive.peta.org/campaign/university_colorado_cats?c=weekly_enews Ask your legislators to co-sponsor the

Downed Animal and Food Safety Protection Act https://community.hsus.org/campaign/2007_downed_animals3/ Did You Know.. Many environmental groups, including the National Audubon Society and the Union of Concerned Scientists, have recognized that raising animals for food damages the environment more than just about anything else that we do. A recent United Nations report has concluded that raising and killing animals for food causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, and planes in the world combined. The report also concluded that factory farming is one of the biggest contributors to the most serious environmental problems at every level—local and global. By adopting a vegan diet, each person can save many acres of land, countless gallons of water, and thousands of animals’ lives in his or her lifetime. In the News “Three U.S. agencies aim to end animal testing” http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/2008-02-14-animal-tests_N.htm Excerpt: “An ambitious program announced Thursday by a coalition of government agencies could lead to the end of animal testing to evaluate the safety for humans of new chemicals and

drugs. Three agencies — the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Toxicology Program and the National Institutes of Health — have signed a "Memorandum of Understanding" to develop and implement the new methods. The collaboration is described in today's edition of the journal Science. … Although there are no actual figures, Stephens says his "best guess" would be that about 10 million animals a year are used in toxicity testing, mostly mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and then lesser numbers of dogs, monkeys and other species. Historically, toxicity has been identified by injecting chemicals into animals and seeing whether they were harmed. "It was expensive, time-consuming, used

animals in large numbers, and it didn't always work," says Francis Collins, director of the NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute.” "Video Reveals Violations of Laws, Abuse of Cows at Slaughterhouse" http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/29/AR2008012903054.html Excerpt: “Video footage… shows workers at a California slaughterhouse delivering repeated electric shocks to cows too sick or weak to stand on their own; drivers using forklifts to roll the 'downer' cows on the ground in efforts to get them to stand up for inspection; and even a veterinary version of waterboarding in which high-intensity water sprays are shot up animals' noses.” Watch the video: http://video.hsus.org/ Editors Note: 40% of beef sold in the USA is from slaughtered cows formerly used for dairy production. It is reported that 10% of cows used for dairy are downers. More info on what’s wrong with dairy and the dairy/veal connection: http://afa-online.org/docs/dairy_eggs.pdf “Monkey Boiled Alive At Research

Lab” [includes optional videos] http://www.kirotv.com/news/15189249/detail.html Excerpt: “A monkey, slotted to be used in a drug-product research experiment, was instead boiled alive inside an Everett laboratory, a KIRO Team 7 Investigation found. It's a deadly error, but not the first one KIRO Team 7 Investigators uncovered at SNBL USA. That

company is near the Boeing Plant off Merrill Creek Parkway in Everett. It houses around 2,000 primates and represents clients like Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Seattle Genetics. Using hidden camera footage, Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne shows you inside a facility that's no stranger to federal animal care violations. When it comes to scientific experiments, often the Cynomolgus Macaque monkey is the primate of choice. They weigh anywhere from about 3 to 25 pounds and make lots of barking noises. It's hard to image how anyone could miss one sitting inside a small cage. In early November, SNBL employees set out to

clean pens full of monkeys and, at times, their babies. Our hidden camera footage, taken inside SNBL headquarters, shows just how obvious it is to see and hear these animals jumping around in their enclosures. Despite that, KIRO Team 7 Investigators confirmed someone placed a wire kennel, with a healthy female macaque monkey still inside, into a giant rack-washer. The 180-degree water, caustic foam and detergent killed the primate at some point during the 20-minute cycle.” Take Action: Please write to APHIS/USDA at: acwest Ask them to close the SNBL lab in Everett, WA Also, please e-mail KIRO TV (http://www.kirotv.com/contact/index.html) and reporter Chris Halsne (http://www.kirotv.com/station/1868106/detail.html) to thank them for this exposé. "Furrier ordered to pay protesters' legal fees" http://tinyurl.com/2beljg (The Oregonian) Excerpt: “A federal judge this week described Portland furrier Gregg Schumacher's failed lawsuit against a rabble of animal-rights protesters an "extraordinary abuse" of the civil courts and directed him to pay $96,870 to cover his foes' legal fees. U.S. District Judge Michael W. Mosman ordered

Schumacher and his wife, Linda, to pay for the legal representation of the very people the couple sought to punish. His ruling, made public Friday, said the Schumachers had, without evidence, wrongly tried to restrict the protesters' free-speech rights.” "Animal rights groups pick up momentum" http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-01-27-animal-activists_N.htm Excerpt: “The growing influence of animal rights activists increasingly is affecting daily life, touching everything from the foods Americans eat to what they study in law school, where they buy their puppies and even whether they should enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride in New York's Central Park. ... Food producers say the activists aren't just concerned about animal welfare but are trying to win them the same rights as human beings." "Australia has 'shocking' evidence of Japan's whaling" http://news./s/afp/20080207/wl_asia_afp/australiajapanwhaling_080207060446 Excerpt: “Australia has "shocking" photographic evidence to back an international legal bid to stop Japanese whaling in Antarctic waters, the government said Thursday. One picture reportedly showing a mother whale

and her calf being dragged aboard a Japanese whaler after being harpooned was described as sickening by Environment Minister Peter Garrett. … Japan resumed its annual whale hunt last week after it was disrupted in mid-January by anti-whaling protests, including the boarding of one of its ships by two activists from the militant Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.” "7-Eleven's seitan-ic cult" http://www.philly.com/dailynews/features/20080131_7-Elevens_seitan-ic_cult.html Excerpt: "And if someone described a 7-Eleven that stocked faux-chicken, seitan steak, falafel and tofu egg-salad sandwiches among many other vegan items, you might logically imagine it in Berkeley, Calif.; or Austin, Texas; or Portland, Ore. Yet you'll find Moshe's brand sandwiches and healthy snacks at quite a few 7-Elevens right here in Philly, including: 16th Street and JFK Boulevard, 34th Street and Lancaster Avenue, Ridge Avenue and Walnut Lane, and Temple University." Support AFA! Make The Difference Network Action for Animals now has a profile on Make The Difference Network, a new social networking site. Co-founded by actress Jessica Biel, this site allows you to make donations that fund the wishes of non-profit organizations. When you visit the AFA profile, you will be able to read about projects –

the wishes – that we would like your support on. You then get to choose the wish that you want to help grant and know exactly how your money will be used to fulfill it. Donations go directly to AFA, with no fee taken by MTDN, and are tax-deductible. AFA Profile Page: http://www.mtdn.com/actionforanimals Miscellaneous One of the more compelling replies to our “Why Did You Go Vegan or Vegetarian?” survey: "I am a MD (internal medicine) in practice for 40 years. About 10 years ago it became evident that so many of my patients had the same or similar diseases - most everyone was overweight, had high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, arthritis, cancer, bowel disorders, diabetes, dementia, etc. I was hardly seeing anyone without some element of one of these disorders and it seemed people were getting sicker and sicker at younger and younger ages. Realizing that there are other cultures around the world where these diseases are rare, if even existent at all, made it obvious that

these diseases are not just age related. That was quite an eye opener and after reading umpteen books on diets and lifestyles I concluded that most if not all of my patients could have avoided most if not all of their various illnesses and complaints if they just simply changed their diets. I studied many different diets and concluded that the vegan diet was by far the best. Although I didn't yet have the diseases that I was seeing in my patients except for being fat and having arthritis, I thought there is no way in the world that I was going to end up with the miriad of illnesses I was treating and from that day on I never touched anything of any animal source again. Gradually I began losing weight without trying (after spending a lifetime on every diet ever written about) and started having more and more energy. I started smiling more, became more friendly, more alive,

mentally and physically more alert and active. It was an incredible change, my patients thought I was taking some sort of miracle drug to make me younger and when I told them it was just diet, they thought I was joking and putting them on. Of course after learning about the horrors done to animals, how they are abused and misused even if not slaughtered but only used for their production of milk or eggs was a huge turn off even if the health factor was not there. So for me both the ethical and the health factors are probably equally important and there is no way I could or would ever turn back." - Jacqueline Maier, M.D. ACTION FOR ANIMALS PO Box 45843 Seattle, WA 98145 http://www.afa-online.org http://www.myspace.com/actionforanimalshttp://www.AFAstore.com http://www.VeganStarterPack.com "Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Action for Animals is a 501©(3) non-profit corporation. Your donation is tax deductible! To be removed from this list please reply with the word “remove” in the subject line. Please note it might take 1-2 weeks to remove you from the list so you may receive 1-2 more emails after requesting removal. LOOKIEEE -> www.meat.ORGLife is life - whether

in a cat, or dog or man. There is no difference there between a cat or a man. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage. - Sri AurobindoA man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral. - Leo Tolstoy

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